Increase sales productivity: serve more clients faster.
Review your clients' trade histories to provide the best service to your clients.
Trade on behalf of clients on the phone, and monitor pricing in digital channels.
Fully auditable: adheres to transparency and best-execution rules.
The client dashboard displays information about the client, including streaming rates that can be clicked to launch the trading workflow.
Different components can be placed on the right-hand side to suit the sales user.
The overview screen provides the sales user with useful information including system messages, daily news and reports.
Streaming FX rates are displayed in a space efficient design, giving the sales user an instant view of the market for the client's most commonly traded currency pairs.
Quickly identify clients with deals close to maturity, orders close to the market or large orders that have recently filled.
The client and user search panel is accessible from all parts of the application. It provides an intuitive search facility and quick access to the profiles of recently accessed clients and users.
View streaming rates for the client's recently and most frequently traded currency pairs, inclusive of the default margin for the client.
Filterable trade history and activity logs for the client, either in full screen or smaller component form.
When quoting a fixed-rate to a client, the trade button and the all-in-margin gauge illustrate how price movements affect the quote's margin.
If the margin drops below zero, then the trade button highlights as red. The Default and Locked buttons restore the margin to its default or original value, and help you get back to the client with a new quote fast.
The sales user has full control over margins on spot rates and forward points.
Client rates adjust accordingly as margins change and as the trader rate ticks.
Once the margins have been set, the client rate can be locked. This allows client rates (spot, points or all-in) to be adjusted without them being affected by the live ticking trader rate.
Once the client rate is locked, the trade button is enabled and the all-in-margin gauge tracks the margin as the trader rate ticks.
Easy integration with customer relationship management systems.
Metrics and trends around client usage, including hit rates and other client behaviour.
Enable sales users to provide manual prices for quote requests that fail credit checks.