Interface DateConfigProvider

  • public interface DateConfigProvider
    • Method Detail

      • getStatesBoundByEntryDate

        StateConfig getStatesBoundByEntryDate()
        Returns A StateConfig object containing a list of states bound by submit date. And a DateComparitor describing that submit date.
        A StateConfig object containing a list of states bound by submit date
      • getStatesBoundByExpiryDate

        StateConfig getStatesBoundByExpiryDate()
        Returns A StateConfig object containing a list of states bound by expiry date. And a DateComparitor describing that expiry date.
        A StateConfig object containing a list of states bound by expiry date
      • getStatesBoundByFillDate

        StateConfig getStatesBoundByFillDate()
        Returns A StateConfig object containing a list of states bound by fill date. And a DateComparitor describing that fill date.
        A StateConfig object containing a list of states bound by fill date
      • getStatesNotBoundByDate

        java.util.List<com.bcdfx.model.OrderStateFilter> getStatesNotBoundByDate()
        Returns a list of states that are not bound by date. Typically these will be the states representing an order in an active state.
        List of states, not bound by date