Interface SSOUserMapping

  • public interface SSOUserMapping
    Implementations of this class map between an SSO Username. Which is typically the username as logged into the front-end application. And the TOBOUsername, which is typically a secondary username given to an entity within the OMS that may be traded on behalf of. If TOBOUsers do not exist. A default implementation of this class should simply reflect the name of the SSOUsername.
    • Method Detail

      • getTOBOUsername

        java.lang.String getTOBOUsername​(java.lang.String ssoUsername)
        Returns the TOBO Username given an SSO Username. A TOBOUsername is a secondary username associated with an Entity that one may trade on behalf of. If No Such Username exists, you may return the SSO Username.
        ssoUsername -
        The TOBOUsername
      • getSSOUsername

        java.lang.String getSSOUsername​(java.lang.String toboUsername)
        toboUsername -
        THe SSOUsername