Interface SessionCredentialsProvider

  • public interface SessionCredentialsProvider
    • Method Detail

      • getUserSessionCredentials

        SessionCredentials getUserSessionCredentials​(java.lang.String ssoUsername)
        These credentials are used to create a user session The user session exists for the life of a request. It is then discarded immediately. A User session must be permissioned to allow the related user to perform the actions relevant to the users access level. This session is not used to retrieve the Order Details. The technical session is used for this.
        ssoUsername -
        The session credentials, which contains the user and password for the given username
      • getTechnicalSessionCredentials

        SessionCredentials getTechnicalSessionCredentials()
        The technical Session is a read only super user that is permissioned to be able to recieve all events, and request all order details regarding orders.
        The session credentials, which contains the users and password for the technical session
      • isMultiSession

        boolean isMultiSession()
        If not multi-session then the technical user will be used for all actions, eg. Submitted, Modifying and Cancelling orders.
        true or false, if using multi-sessions or not