DataSource for C SDK
Configuration: Discovery


Type: String Array
Default: None

Services provided by this DataSource


Type: Boolean
Default: FALSE

Discovery enable


Type: Function
Default: None

Address of Discovery service


Type: String
Default: %r/etc/discovery-log.conf

The discovery-logging-config-file specifies the location of a file whose contents specify

  • The location of a log file for the logs emitted by the Hazelcast library
  • The format of those logs

The formats are described fully here.

An example configuration file that produces logs in a format consistent with Caplin event logs is shown below:

* ALL: 
    FORMAT                      =  %date %time : (%thread): %level: %log  
    FILENAME                    =  var/cluster-cloud.log
    ENABLED                     =  true
    TO_FILE                     =  true
    TO_STANDARD_OUTPUT          =  false
    MILLISECONDS_WIDTH          =  6
    PERFORMANCE_TRACKING        =  false
    ROLL_OUT_SIZE               =  2097152 

   ENABLED                      = false

Generated on Fri Feb 19 2021 20:46:55 for DataSource for C SDK