The DataSource XML configuration schema (Deprecated)

DataSource for Java SDK uses XML files validated against XML schemas. This enforces order, so elements within other elements must appear in the correct order as declared in the schema. The hierarchy and order of tags is shown below.

N.B. Tags without children must be self-closing (end with />) or the parser will throw an error.

        <pattern />
        <pattern />
    <latencyChainManager />
        <heartbeat />
        <local />
        <remote />
        <destination />
    <jmxManager />
    <sendDirect />

A description of each tag and its attributes follows.

<dataSource> tag

The root tag for configuring a DataSource.

Configures how peers will identify and connect to this DataSource application. This application will identify its peers using the information set in the <peer> tags. Note: if SSL is enabled keystores must be correctly configured. See for further details.


Name Type Default Required Description
appName string [class name] No The name of this DataSource, and how DataSource peers will identify it. This name can be overridden by putting a value in the name attribute of a <peer> element.
id int 0 No ID number of this DataSource. This ID can be overridden by putting a value in the id attribute of a <peer> element. It must match the id attribute given in the <remote> element of the remote DataSource's configuration
address string localhost1 No Network interface to listen for connections from DataSource peers
port int 0 No Network port to listen for connections from DataSource peers. The default of 0 means that no connections can be made to this DataSource
SSLAddress string localhost No Network interface to listen for SSL connections from DataSource peers
SSLPort int 0 No Network port to listen for SSL connections from DataSource peers. The default of 0 means that no SSL connections can be made to this DataSource
peerConnectionTimeout int 10 No The amount of time to wait for a valid peer info packet (protocol negotiation) when making or receiving a peer connection.

<dataSource> tags can contain the following elements:


(either 0 or 1 occurrence)


(either 0 or 1 occurrence)


(either 0 or 1 occurrence)


(either 0 or up to 1023 occurrences)


(either 0 or 1 occurrence)


<dataSource xmlns:xsi="" port="25099" appName="TEST">
   <logging count="7" level="CONFIG"/>
   <packetLog cycleTime="60" cyclePeriod="60" count="168" />
      <local id="112" type="ACTIVE CONTRIB"/>
      <destination address="merlin" port="25007" />

Back to DataSource XML schema

< logging> tag

Configures how your DataSource application logs internal status messages and error messages.

This tag will result in a {@link java.util.logging.Logger} instance being created with the specified configuration. This logger instance is available from {@link com.caplin.datasource.DataSource#getLogger()}.

Please note that from version 6.0 configuring your logger in XML is not recommended. The preferred approach is to pass your {@link java.util.logging.Logger} into the factory method {@link com.caplin.datasource.DataSourceFactory#createDataSource(String, String, Logger)}. If you use this factory method then you must remove any logging configuration from your XML configuration file, otherwise an IllegalStateException will be thrown.

The logging element is deprecated from version 6.0.


Name Type Default Required Description
cyclePeriod integer 1440 No The time in minutes between log file rotations. The default and maximum value is one day (1440 minutes).
cycleTime integer 240 No

If cyclePeriod is one day then cycleTime is the time in minutes from midnight for the first log file rotation.

If cyclePeriod is less than one day then cycleTime is a time period in minutes, used to split up the day starting from midnight, the first log file rotation will occur at the start of the next period. Example 1: if cycleTime is 15 the first log file rotation will occur the next time it is 0, 15, 30 or 45 minutes past an hour. Example 2: if cycleTime is 120 the first log file rotation will occur at the start of the next even hour.

The default value is 240 which, with the default cyclePeriod of 1440, means the logs are cycled at 4:00am every day.

maxSize long 0 No The maximum size in bytes of the log before rotating, or 0 for no limit. If maxSize is not zero cyclePeriod and cycleTime will be ignored.
count integer 10 No Specifies how many wrapped logs to keep, including the currently used log. If this attribute is left out then 10 logs files will be maintained.
rotateLogOnStartup boolean false No Whether the datasource rotates the existing log file on startup rather than appending to it.
subsystem string "com.caplin.datasrc.DataSource" No The name for the Logger (see java.util.logging.Logger). If DataSources have the same logger name, in the same process, they will use the same logger. If DataSource have diffrent logger names they use different loggers and will log to diffrent files.
default boolean true No Specifies whether the default DataSource implementation of java.util.logging.Handler is used publishing log messages. The default handler writes to a text file. Each line writes out the date in ISO8601 format, the level of the message and the message itself.
level string "INFO" No Sets the java.util.logging.Level for DataSource logging. This will pick up any custom levels that have been added as well as the standard levels. The standard Java levels for logging messages are:
  • OFF
  • INFO
  • FINE
  • ALL

The logger will inherit the system default of any logging properties.

useParentHandlers boolean false No Specifies whether or not this logger should send its output to its parent Logger.


<logging level="CONFIG" cycleTime="120" cyclePeriod="120" count="84" />

Back to DataSource XML schema

<packetLog> tag

Configures how your DataSource records binary messages sent between this DataSource and its peers.

This tag will result in a packet-level log file being created with the specified configuration, unless the noPacketLog attribute is set.


Name Type Default Required Description
cyclePeriod integer 1440 No The time in minutes between log file rotations. The default and maximum value is one day (1440 minutes).
cycleTime integer 240 No

If cyclePeriod is one day then cycleTime is the time in minutes from midnight for the first log file rotation.

If cyclePeriod is less than one day then cycleTime is a time period in minutes, used to split up the day starting from midnight, the first log file rotation will occur at the start of the next period. Example 1: if cycleTime is 15 the first log file rotation will occur the next time it is 0, 15, 30 or 45 minutes past an hour. Example 2: if cycleTime is 120 the first log file rotation will occur at the start of the next even hour.

The default value is 240 which, with the default cyclePeriod of 1440, means the logs are cycled at 4:00am every day.

maxSize long 0 No The maximum size in bytes of the log before rotating, or 0 for no limit. If maxSize is not zero cyclePeriod and cycleTime will be ignored.
count integer 10 No Specifies how many wrapped logs to keep, including the currently used log. If this attribute is left out then 10 logs files will be maintained.
rotateLogOnStartup boolean false No Whether the datasource rotates the existing log file on startup rather than appending to it.
noPacketLog boolean false No If true, suppresses writing out a packet log.


<packetLog cycleTime="30" cyclePeriod="30" count="336" />

<pattern> tag attributes:

Pattern tag is optional and there can be only one in a <packetLog> or <logging> tag. It allows to specify the name of the initial log to be created by the DataSource (rotated log files will have a .number appended to this). The pattern may be constructed with an expression for java.text.SimpleDateFormat class to parse, so the file names would contain the actual date and/or time. There are several special character allowed:

Name Type Default Required Description
patternType string "text" No Possible values: "text" - patternString parameter contains a string to name the log file with, "date" - patternString parameter contains date pattern for the java.text.SimpleDateFormat class.
patternString string "packet.log" No Contains the pattern to name the log file. With patternType="date" it should be in java.text.SimpleDateFormat acceptable format.


<packetLog cycleTime="30" cyclePeriod="30" count="336" />
   <pattern patternType="date" patternString="'%u/packet-%n-'yyyy-MM-dd'.log'" />

Back to DataSource XML schema

<latencyChainManager> tag

Tag for enabling latency chaining.


Name Type Default Required Description
InitialTimeStampField string LTY_INIT_TS No Field name for the InitialTimeStamp. This fields contains the start time of the chain in milliseconds.
TimeStampListField string LTY_LIST_TS No Field name for the TimeStampList. This fields contains a comma separated list of time deltas.
EventListField string LTY_LIST_EVENT No Field name for the EventLis. This fields contains a comma separated list of events corresponding to the time deltas.
Base64 string ignore No Sets the configuration for Base64 encoding of the fields.
  • ignore - no Base64 encoding
  • detect - inspect received fields to see if they are using Base64 encoding and decode if it is encoded
  • decode - decode all received latency chain fields
  • encode - encode all transmitted fields with Base64


<latencyChainManager InitialTimeStampField="LTY_INIT_TS" TimeStampListField="LTY_LIST_TS" EventListField="LTY_LIST_EVENT"/>

Back to DataSource XML schema

<peer> tag

Parent tag containing the elements which configure how this application communicates with its peers. Multiple destinations should be used to enable failover. If multiple destinations are present then connections to the destinations will be attempted in the order the tags appear in the XML.


Name Type Default Required Description
ssl boolean false No If true, uses the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol when connecting to another peer. Note: if SSL is enabled keystores must be correctly configured. See for further details.
msgQueueSize int 200 No Sets the size of the message queue that will buffer outgoing messages in the event of the peer disconnect and then send them when the peer connection is re-established.
ejectExistingConnection boolean true No Whether this peer (if listening for inbound connections) should eject any existing connection when a new peer connection is received.
enableTCPNoDelay boolean false No Set whether the peer socket should use TCP_NODELAY. This setting should be true if the lowest possible message latency is required. When set to true, there is a trade-off of maximum throughput (messages / second) that will be possible.

<peer> tags can contain the following elements:


(either 0 or 1 occurrence)


(either 0 or 1 occurrence)


(either 0 or 1 occurrence)


(unlimited occurrences)


    <local id="112" name="CaplinTest" type="ACTIVE CONTRIB"/>
    <destination address="merlin" port="25007" />
    <destination address="merlin2" port="25005" />

Back to DataSource XML schema

<heartbeat> tag

Configures the rate of heartbeats sent between peers which indicate the health of connections. This heartbeat rate is just a suggestion: on connection to a peer, the DataSources will negotiate a suitable heartbeat rate. If the peer doesn't support heartbeats then they will not be sent.


Name Type Default Required Description
time long -1 No The time, in milliseconds, between heartbeats. The default (-1) means
heartbeats are turned off. A suggested time is 15000 as this will send a heartbeat every 15 seconds if no other traffic is being sent, which is suitable for most firewall configurations.
slackTime long 5000 No The delay, in milliseconds, after the time attribute before the peer connection is terminated and your application attempts to reconnect due to no heartbeat being received.


<heartbeat time="5000" slackTime="2000" />

Back to DataSource XML schema

<local> tag

Configures the type information that the DataSource sends to this peer to identify its capabilities.


Name Type Default Required Description
name string appName (<dataSource> attribute) No Name of this DataSource. Overrides the appName attribute of the <dataSource> tag's attribute.
id int id (<dataSource> attribute) No ID number of this DataSource. Overrides the id attribute of the <dataSource> tag's attribute.
type string "" No

Type of this DataSource.

Possible values are shown below and can be either one or both, space separated. This type information is used by the peer so that it knows what operations this DataSource provides. Without either values the peer assumes this DataSource to be a Broadcast source that doesn't support Contributions.

  • "ACTIVE"
    This application only sends updates to those peers which requested them)
    This application will receive contributions made by clients to objects which it supplies updates for).


<local id="112" name="CaplinTest" type="ACTIVE CONTRIB"/>

Back to DataSource XML schema

<remote> tag

Configures the expected capabilites of this peer. Note: once connected, this peer may send different capabilities, which will override those set here.


Name Type Default Required Description
name string src_[index of peer] No Name of DataSource peer. Will be overridden by the peer once the connection is established.
id int 0 No ID number of the DataSource peer that will connect.
type string "" No

Type of this DataSource.

Possible values are shown below and can be either one or both, space separated. This type information is used by the DataSource so that it knows what operations this peer is expected to provide. This may differ from the actual operations that the peer provides, these will be set at connection time. Without either values this DataSource assumes the peer to be a Broadcast source that doesn't support Contributions.

  • "ACTIVE"
    This peer operates in active mode. Can be overridden by the peer once the connection is established.
    This peer can receive contributions made by clients to objects which it supplies updates for.


<remote id="115" name="CaplinOther" type="ACTIVE"/>

Back to DataSource XML schema

<destination> tag

Configures the location of this peer.


Name Type Default Required Description
address string "localhost" No The address to connect to.
port int 25000 No The port to connect to.


<destination address="merlin" port="25007" />

Back to DataSource XML schema

<jmxManager> tag

Tag containing the elements which configure jmx monitoring for this application.


Name Type Default Required Description
enable boolean false No Specifies whether JMX monitoring is enabled or not.
root string javadatasrc No Specifies the prefix which will be applied to all MBeans created by this datasource, except the ServerType MBean which has no prefix.
serverType string javadatasrc No Specifies the type of application this is, which clients can use to determine what MBeans this datasource will provide. For a Java dataSource this should nearly always be javadatasrc, however if you have provided custom Views for you Enterprise Management Console that can distinguish between specialist types of Java DataSource then you should use the dataSource's distinguishing serverType string here instead.
rmiRegistryPort integer 1099 No Specifies the port on which the RMI registry into which the MBeanServer is bound will listen; this is the port that tools (such as the Enterprise Management Console) will generally connect to.
rmiClientPort integer -1 No Specifies the port on which the RMI registry will provide a connection to the MBeanServer. Note: the default value of -1 will cause java to allocate an arbitrary available port when required. This may cause problems if you need to connect via JMX through a firewall, so it is recommended that this attribute is specified explicitly.
hostInterface string See description No Specifies the network interface on which to export RMI servers and also causes RMI stubs to be embedded with that network interface's IP address. If not set the default Java RMI behaviour of listening on all network interfaces and embedding the primary interface's IP address into the stub occurs.


<jmxManager enable="true" rmiRegistryPort="4567" hostInterface="" root="production-source-1"/>

<sendDirect> tag

Tag containing the attribute which configures the default {@link com.caplin.datasrc.DSSendManager} (a {@link com.caplin.datasrc.SendDirect} instance for this DataSource. If a SendDirect instance is not used, this tag has no effect.


Name Type Default Required Description
sendMessagesToDisconnectedPeers boolean true No Specifies whether or not the SendDirect instance should attempt to send messages to Peers that are currently disconnected. If true all messages are sent to all Peers otherwise, if false, messages are only sent to Peers that are currently connected. If a message is sent to a disconnected peer it may be buffered in the Peer's outgoing message queue and subsequently may still be delivered to the message consumer. Not sending messages to disconnected peers improves performance, particularly if there are high numbers of disconnected peers.


<sendDirect sendMessagesToDisconnectedPeers="true" />


The FieldManager XML configuration schema

The FieldManager is configured with its own XML file. This defines the fields available and their name / number mappings. The path to the configuration file must be passed in to either of the {@link com.caplin.datasource.DataSourceFactory} factory methods to create a {@link com.caplin.datasource.DataSource} instance.

Any fields that you wish to use when sending or receiving records must be defined in the fields XML configuration file.

As with the DataSource XML schema, elements within other elements must appear in the correct order declared in the schema. The hierarchy and order of tags is shown below.


<fieldManager> tag

The root element for the FieldManager configuration.



The <fieldManager> tag can contain the following elements:


(either 0 or more occurrences)


<fieldManager xmlns:xsi="" >
  <field name="Bid" number="-25"/>
  <field name="Ask" number="23"/>
  <field name="Last" number="106"/>
  <field name="Close" number="-65536"/>

Back to Field XML schema

<field> tag

Configures a field to be added to the FieldManager.


Name Type Default Required Description
name string [no default] Yes The name of this field.
number int [no default] Yes The DataSource field number of this field


<field name="Bid" number="-25"/>

Back to Field XML schema