Package com.caplin.datasource
package com.caplin.datasource
ClassDescriptionInterface to extra configuration values that can be specified programmatically.This interface allows applications to receive events about the state of DataSource for Java's connection to other DataSource peers.This is the main interface of DataSource for Java.This interface allows public access to values inside a DataSource configuration file.Represents a DataSource peer.Enumeration that defines the states of a DataSource Peer.Event raised when a peer changes status.This describes a service that this DataSource provides.The minimum state peers for this service must be in for Liberator to begin accepting client connections.Dictates the style of data publication supported by this service and how subscriptions should be re-balanced on peer connection and disconnection.Represents an event that is raised when there is a change in the status of the backend.Enumeration that defines the possible types of subject error.Represents an event raised when there is an error in a subscription to a subject.Enumeration that defines the status values that a subject can have.Represents an event that is raised when there is a change in the status of a subject.