Class MMTradeAdapter

  • @Beta
    public class MMTradeAdapter
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • MMTradeAdapter

        public MMTradeAdapter​(TradeAdapter tradeAdapter)
    • Method Detail

      • registerRFSTradeListenerFactory

        public void registerRFSTradeListenerFactory​(MMRFSTradeListenerFactory factory)
        Registers a factory that will listen to Money Markets RFS Trade workflows initiated from the client.
        factory - the factory that will be asked to create the MMRFSTradeListener
      • registerSalesInterventionTradeListenerFactory

        public void registerSalesInterventionTradeListenerFactory​(MMSalesInterventionTradeListenerFactory factory)
        Registers a factory that will listen to MMSalesIntervention Trade workflows initiated from the client.
        factory - the factory that will be asked to create the MMInterventionTradeListener