Interface ExecutionClientFieldSet

    • Method Detail

      • getQuoteID

        default java.lang.String getQuoteID()
        The unique ID of the quote the client wants to trade on. This is generated by the OMS. Unlike ESP where you have a quote ID for the forward points and a quote ID for the related SPOT quote there is only one quote ID for an RFS quote, even if it's a forward or swap
      • getSpotBidRate

        default java.lang.String getSpotBidRate()
        This field is included on the rate update that the client wants to trade on, and should be sent back unchanged on the Submit message
      • getSpotAskRate

        default java.lang.String getSpotAskRate()
        This field is included on the rate update that the client wants to trade on, and should be sent back unchanged on the Submit message
      • getAssetClass

        default java.lang.String getAssetClass()
        The asset class for the trade; used by permissioning and licensing.
      • getTradingAssetClass

        default java.lang.String getTradingAssetClass()
        The trading asset class for the trade; used by permissioning and licensing.
      • getTradingProtocol

        default java.lang.String getTradingProtocol()
        The trade protocol, e.g, ESP or RFS. The Trading DataSource library needs this so that it knows which state model to use for the trade. Also used for permissioning.
      • getSpotBidMargin

        default java.lang.String getSpotBidMargin()
        This field represents the spot margin that the sales user has selected. It should be sent as a raw value, and unformatted.
      • getSpotAskMargin

        default java.lang.String getSpotAskMargin()
        This field represents the spot margin that the sales user has selected. It should be sent as a raw value, and unformatted.
      • getSwapBidPoints

        default java.lang.String getSwapBidPoints()
        This is the swap bid points that the client wants to trade on.
      • getSwapAskPoints

        default java.lang.String getSwapAskPoints()
        This is the swap ask points that the client wants to trade on.
      • getSwapBidMargin

        default java.lang.String getSwapBidMargin()
        This field represents the swap margin to be applied to the bid side: L*_FwdAskMargin + L2_FwdBidMargin.
      • getSwapAskMargin

        default java.lang.String getSwapAskMargin()
        This field represents the swap margin to be applied to the bid side: L*_FwdAskMargin + L2_FwdBidMargin.
      • getIsAdvised

        default java.lang.String getIsAdvised()
        true or false to indicate whether the trader gave the client advice
      • getRemarks

        default java.lang.String getRemarks()
        The clients or trader's comments on a trade - visible to both the Client and the Trader.
      • getTraderRemarks

        default java.lang.String getTraderRemarks()
        The trader's comments on an trade - visible to only the Trader
      • getStreamingMode

        default java.lang.String getStreamingMode()
        Indicates whether the rates/margins of this trade were manually provided, 'Manual Mode', 'Streaming Mode'
      • getTraderSpotBidRate

        default java.lang.String getTraderSpotBidRate()
        This field is included on the rate update that the client wants to trade on, and should be sent back unchanged on the Submit message
      • getTraderSpotAskRate

        default java.lang.String getTraderSpotAskRate()
        This field is included on the rate update that the client wants to trade on, and should be sent back unchanged on the Submit message
      • getBidPips

        default java.lang.String getBidPips()
        For swap trades this field is included on the rate update that the client wants to trade on, and should be sent back unchanged on the Submit message. For non-swap trades this field should be not sent.
      • getAskPips

        default java.lang.String getAskPips()
        For swap trades this field is included on the rate update that the client wants to trade on, and should be sent back unchanged on the Submit message. For non-swap trades this field should be not sent.
      • getPurpose

        default java.lang.String getPurpose()
        The purpose of the trade. Example: Commercial
      • getClientAgreementDateTime

        default java.lang.String getClientAgreementDateTime()
        Optional field that can be used to display the client agreement date time in a trade amend. This field can also be included in the Amend's EditableFields list to allow the user to edit it. This field can be used to allow the user to specify a client agreement time in scenarios where the execution time might have been different.
      • getNumLLegs

        default int getNumLLegs()
        Get the number of L legs for this trade
      • getNumULegs

        default int getNumULegs()
        Get the number of U legs for this trade