Class DefaultDisplayFields

  • public final class DefaultDisplayFields
    extends java.lang.Object
    Static builder methods to build standard DisplayField items
    • Method Detail

      • addValueDate

        public static DisplayFields addValueDate​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                 java.time.LocalDate valueDate)
        Adds a Value Date field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        valueDate - The Value Date
      • addAccount

        public static DisplayFields addAccount​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                               java.lang.String account)
        Adds the Account field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        account - The account description
      • addCallAccount

        public static DisplayFields addCallAccount​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                   java.lang.String callAccount)
        Adds the Call Account field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        callAccount - The call account description
      • addTradeID

        public static DisplayFields addTradeID​(DisplayFields DisplayFields,
                                               java.lang.String tradeID)
        Adds the Trade ID field to your display-fields configuration
        DisplayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        tradeID - The Trade ID, e.g. "75e4073d040f"
      • addSubmittedBy

        public static DisplayFields addSubmittedBy​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                   java.lang.String user)
        Adds the Submitted by field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        user - The user that submitted the trade, e.g. "Autotrader"
      • addClient

        public static DisplayFields addClient​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                              java.lang.String client)
        Adds the Client field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        client - The client that submitted the trade for intervention e.g. "Caplin"
      • addUser

        public static DisplayFields addUser​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                            java.lang.String user)
        Adds the User field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        user - The user that submitted the trade for intervention e.g. ""
      • addRequester

        public static DisplayFields addRequester​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                 java.lang.String requester)
        Adds the Requester field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        requester - The trader intervening the trade, e.g. "Autotrader"
      • addSource

        public static DisplayFields addSource​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                              java.lang.String source)
        Adds the Source field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        source - The source of the intervention e.g. SDP
      • addCompetition

        public static DisplayFields addCompetition​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                   boolean competition)
        Adds the Competition field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        competition - Determines whether a quote request is in competition.
      • addState

        public static DisplayFields addState​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                             java.lang.String tradeState)
        Adds the State field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        tradeState - The current state of the trade being intervened e.g. "Picked Up"
      • addStartDate

        public static DisplayFields addStartDate​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                 java.time.LocalDate startDate)
        Adds the Start date field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        startDate - The Start date.
      • addEndDate

        public static DisplayFields addEndDate​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                               java.time.LocalDate endDate)
        Adds the End date field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        endDate - The End date.
      • addExecutionDateTime

        public static DisplayFields addExecutionDateTime​(DisplayFields DisplayFields,
                                                         java.time.Instant executionDateTime)
        Adds the Execution time field to your display-fields configuration
        DisplayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        executionDateTime - The date and time of the trade, e.g. "12/07/2022 10:21:46"
      • addDepositType

        public static DisplayFields addDepositType​(DisplayFields DisplayFields,
                                                   java.lang.String depositType)
        Adds the Trade ID field to your display-fields configuration
        DisplayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        depositType - The Deposit type, e.g. TERM-DEPOSIT
      • addRate

        public static DisplayFields addRate​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                            FormattedRate rate)
        Adds the Rate field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        rate - The rate value
      • addRate

        public static DisplayFields addRate​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                            FormattedRate rate,
                                            boolean shariaTrade)
        Adds the Rate field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        rate - The rate value
        shariaTrade - The flag stating if the trade is a Sharia trade
      • addCurrency

        public static DisplayFields addCurrency​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                java.lang.String currency)
        Adds the Currency field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        currency - The base and term currency e.g. GBPUSD
      • addPaymentFrequency

        public static DisplayFields addPaymentFrequency​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                        java.lang.String paymentFrequency)
        Adds the PaymentFrequency field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        paymentFrequency - The frequency e.g. ZERO-COUPON
      • addPaymentFrequency

        public static DisplayFields addPaymentFrequency​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                        java.lang.String paymentFrequency,
                                                        boolean shariaTrade)
        Adds the PaymentFrequency field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        paymentFrequency - The frequency e.g. ZERO-COUPON
        shariaTrade - The flag stating if the trade is a Sharia trade
      • addShariaTrade

        public static DisplayFields addShariaTrade​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                   boolean shariaTrade)
        Adds the Sharia field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        shariaTrade - The flag stating if the trade is a Sharia trade
      • addAction

        public static DisplayFields addAction​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                              java.lang.String action)
        Adds the Action field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        action - The action e.g. Deposit
      • addNoticePeriod

        public static DisplayFields addNoticePeriod​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                    TextOrToken noticePeriod)
        Adds the Notice period field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        noticePeriod - The notice period e.g. 30 Days
      • addDefaultMMTermSummaryDisplayFields

        public static DisplayFields addDefaultMMTermSummaryDisplayFields​(@Nullable
                                                                         java.lang.String tradeId,
                                                                         java.lang.String account,
                                                                         @NotNull java.time.Instant executionDateTime,
                                                                         java.lang.String depositType,
                                                                         java.lang.String submittedBy,
                                                                         FormattedRate rate,
                                                                         java.time.LocalDate startDate,
                                                                         java.time.LocalDate endDate,
                                                                         FormattedAmount principalAmount,
                                                                         FormattedAmount interestAmount,
                                                                         FormattedAmount principalPlusInterestAmount,
                                                                         java.lang.String currency,
                                                                         java.lang.String paymentFrequency,
                                                                         java.lang.Boolean shariaTrade)
        Adds the Action field to your display-fields configuration. Any Nullable parameters that are null, will not be displayed
        tradeId - The Trade ID, e.g. "75e4073d040f"
        account - The account description
        executionDateTime - The date and time of the trade, e.g. "12/07/2022 10:21:46"
        depositType - The Deposit type, e.g. TERM-DEPOSIT
        submittedBy - The user that submitted the trade, e.g. "Autotrader"
        rate - The rate value
        startDate - The Start date.
        endDate - The End date.
        principalAmount - The amount of the trade
        interestAmount - The interest amount
        principalPlusInterestAmount - The total of principal amount plus the interest amount
        currency - The base and term currency e.g. GBPUSD
        paymentFrequency - The frequency e.g. Zero-Coupon
        shariaTrade - The flag stating if the trade is a Sharia trade
      • addDefaultMMInterventionSummaryDisplayFields

        public static DisplayFields addDefaultMMInterventionSummaryDisplayFields​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                                                 java.lang.String client,
                                                                                 java.lang.String user,
                                                                                 java.lang.String requester,
                                                                                 java.lang.String source,
                                                                                 java.lang.Boolean competition,
                                                                                 java.lang.String state)
        Adds the Action field to your display-fields configuration. Any Nullable parameters that are null, will not be displayed
        client - The account description
        user - The user that submitted the trade, e.g. ""
        requester - The user that submitted the intervention trade, e.g. "Autotrader"
        source - The origin of the trade
        competition - The flag stating whether the trade has competition
        state - The state of the intervention trade e.g. "Picked Up"
      • addDefaultMMCallSummaryDisplayFields

        public static DisplayFields addDefaultMMCallSummaryDisplayFields​(@Nullable
                                                                         java.lang.String tradeId,
                                                                         java.lang.String account,
                                                                         @NotNull java.time.Instant executionDateTime,
                                                                         java.lang.String depositType,
                                                                         java.lang.String submittedBy,
                                                                         FormattedAmount principalAmount,
                                                                         java.lang.String currency,
                                                                         java.time.LocalDate valueDate,
                                                                         java.lang.String action,
                                                                         java.lang.String callAccount,
                                                                         java.lang.Boolean shariaTrade)
        Adds the Action field to your display-fields configuration. Any Nullable parameters that are null, will not be displayed
        tradeId - The Trade ID, e.g. "75e4073d040f"
        account - The account description
        executionDateTime - The date and time of the trade, e.g. "12/07/2022 10:21:46"
        depositType - The Deposit type, e.g. TERM-DEPOSIT
        submittedBy - The user that submitted the trade, e.g. "Autotrader"
        principalAmount - The amount of the trade
        currency - The base and term currency e.g. GBPUSD
        valueDate - The Value Date
        action - The action e.g. Deposit
        callAccount - The call account description
        shariaTrade - The flag stating if the trade is a Sharia trade
      • addDefaultMMFlexiDepositSummaryDisplayFields

        public static DisplayFields addDefaultMMFlexiDepositSummaryDisplayFields​(@Nullable
                                                                                 java.lang.String tradeId,
                                                                                 java.lang.String account,
                                                                                 @NotNull java.time.Instant executionDateTime,
                                                                                 java.lang.String submittedBy,
                                                                                 java.lang.String currency,
                                                                                 FormattedAmount principalAmount,
                                                                                 FormattedRate rate,
                                                                                 java.time.LocalDate startDate,
                                                                                 TextOrToken noticePeriod)
        Adds the Action field to your display-fields configuration. Any Nullable parameters that are null, will not be displayed
        tradeId - The Trade ID, e.g. "75e4073d040f"
        account - The account description
        executionDateTime - The date and time of the trade, e.g. "12/07/2022 10:21:46"
        submittedBy - The user that submitted the trade, e.g. "Autotrader"
        currency - The base and term currency e.g. GBPUSD
        principalAmount - The amount of the trade
        rate - The Rate value
        startDate - The Start date.
        noticePeriod - The notice period e.g. 30 Days
      • addReasonHeader

        public static DisplayFields addReasonHeader​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                    java.lang.String tenor,
                                                    java.lang.String startDate)
      • addDefaultReasonsHeaderDisplayFields

        public static DisplayFields addDefaultReasonsHeaderDisplayFields​(@Nullable
                                                                         java.lang.String tenor,
                                                                         java.lang.String startDate)