Class MMDefaultTableFields

  • public final class MMDefaultTableFields
    extends java.lang.Object
    Static builder methods to build standard Tables
    • Method Detail

      • addRemainingAmount

        public static DisplayFields addRemainingAmount​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                       FormattedAmount remainingAmount)
        Adds the Remaining Amount field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        remainingAmount - The remaining amount
      • addPrincipalAmount

        public static DisplayFields addPrincipalAmount​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                       FormattedAmount principalAmount)
        Adds the Principal Amount field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        principalAmount - The principal amount
      • addCapitalIncreaseAmount

        public static DisplayFields addCapitalIncreaseAmount​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                             FormattedAmount capitalIncreaseAmount)
        Adds the Capital Increase Amount field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        capitalIncreaseAmount - The remaining amount
      • createValueCell

        public static TableCell createValueCell​(java.lang.String value)
        Creates a value cell to add to your post trade history table row
        value - The value to the post trade summary.
      • createAmountCell

        public static TableCell createAmountCell​(FormattedAmount amount)
        Creates an amount cell to add to your post trade history table row
        amount - The amount of the new trade
      • createDateCell

        public static TableCell createDateCell​(java.time.LocalDate date)
        Creates a date cell to add to your post trade history table row
        date - The date the post trade history event occurred
      • createMMActionCell

        public static TableCell createMMActionCell​(MMPostTradeHistoryAction postTradeHistoryAction)
        Creates an action cell to add to your MM post trade history table row
        postTradeHistoryAction - The action to perform on click of the button
      • addMoneyMarketPostTradeHistoryHeaders

        public static void addMoneyMarketPostTradeHistoryHeaders​(Table table)
        Adds default money market post trade history headers to your table configuration
        table - The Table to add the headers to
      • addDefaultMoneyMarketPostTradeHistoryFields

        public static DisplayFields addDefaultMoneyMarketPostTradeHistoryFields​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                                                FormattedAmount remainingAmount,
                                                                                FormattedAmount principalAmount,
                                                                                FormattedAmount capitalIncreaseAmount)
        Adds the post trade history fields to your display fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to.
        remainingAmount - The remaining amount of the money market trade
        principalAmount - The principal amount of the money market trade
        capitalIncreaseAmount - The capital increase amount of the money market trade
      • createMoneyMarketPostTradeHistoryTable

        public static Table createMoneyMarketPostTradeHistoryTable()
        Creates a money market post trade history table with no rows
      • addMMPostTradeHistoryRow

        public static Table addMMPostTradeHistoryRow​(Table table,
                                                     java.time.LocalDate date,
                                                     java.lang.String value,
                                                     FormattedAmount newBalance,
                                                     MMPostTradeHistoryAction postTradeHistoryAction)
        Adds a post trade history row to your table configuration
        table - The Table to add the row to
        date - The date the post trade history event occurred
        value - The value depends on different Money markets trade type
        newBalance - The new amount of the trade after post trade actions
        postTradeHistoryAction - The action to perform on click of the button