Class DefaultTableFields

  • public final class DefaultTableFields
    extends java.lang.Object
    Static builder methods to build standard Tables
    • Method Detail

      • createTextCell

        public static TableCell createTextCell​(java.lang.String value)
        Creates a text cell to add to your commodities invoice breakdown table row
      • createAmountCell

        public static TableCell createAmountCell​(FormattedAmount amount)
        Creates an amount cell to add to your commodities invoice breakdown table row
      • createDateCell

        public static TableCell createDateCell​(java.time.LocalDate date)
        Creates a date cell to add to your commodities invoice breakdown table row
      • createDatePeriodCell

        public static TableCell createDatePeriodCell​(java.time.LocalDate firstDate,
                                                     java.time.LocalDate secondDate)
        Creates a date period cell to add to your commodities invoice breakdown table row
      • createCommoditiesInvoiceBreakdownTable

        public static Table createCommoditiesInvoiceBreakdownTable()
        Creates a commodities invoice breakdown table with no rows
      • addCommoditiesInvoiceBreakdownHeaders

        public static void addCommoditiesInvoiceBreakdownHeaders​(Table table)
        Adds default commodities invoice breakdown headers to your table configuration
        table - The Table to add the headers to
      • addCommoditiesInvoiceBreakdownRow

        public static Table addCommoditiesInvoiceBreakdownRow​(Table table,
                                                              java.lang.String tradeId,
                                                              java.time.LocalDate tradeDate,
                                                              java.lang.String tradingType,
                                                              FormattedAmount commodityReferencePrice,
                                                              FormattedAmount fixedPrice,
                                                              FormattedAmount floatingPrice,
                                                              FormattedAmount quantity,
                                                              java.lang.String units,
                                                              FormattedAmount callStrike,
                                                              FormattedAmount putStrike,
                                                              java.time.LocalDate effectiveDate,
                                                              java.time.LocalDate terminationDate,
                                                              java.time.LocalDate firstFixingDate,
                                                              java.time.LocalDate finalFixingDate,
                                                              java.time.LocalDate paymentDate,
                                                              FormattedAmount paymentAmount)
        Adds a commodities invoice breakdown row to your table configuration
        table - The Table to add the row to