The currency pair for the trade. This is sent in preference to BaseCurrency and TermCurrency because CurrencyPair is what we permission on. It would be a security hole for the back end to read BaseCurrency and TermCurrency fields, because a malicious client could send a valid currency pair in the CurrencyPair field in order to pass the permission check, but send two different currencies in the BaseCurrency and TermCurrency fields in order to execute a trade on a non-permissioned currency pair. Example value: EURUSD
The trade protocol, e.g, ESP or RFS. The Trading DataSource library needs this so that it knows which state model to use for the trade. Also used for permissioning.
The user the trade is on behalf of. For example, if does a trade on behalf of then the value of this field will be If this is not a TOBO trade then this field is not sent. Example value: