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AbstractSignOnServlet - Class in com.caplin.signon
An abstract servlet that provides the underlying structure to handle signon processing.
AbstractSignOnServlet() - Constructor for class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
addAuthScheme(String) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Adds an authentication scheme to the list of those that are accepted.
addExtraParameter(String, Object) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Adds an extra parameter to the list of parameters sent to the client in response to the /parameters request.
ALLOWED_AUTH_LEVELS - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AuthenticationFilter
authenticate(String, String, String, String, SessionData, Map<String, Object>, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Abstract handler for the authenticate request.
authenticateJwt(String, DecodedJWT, Map<String, Object>, SessionData, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Handler for JWT authenticate request.
authenticateOauth(String, DecodedJWT, String, SessionData, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
AuthenticationFilter - Class in com.caplin.signon
Authentication filter that prevents access to protected resources when the user is not signed on to an allowed authentication level.
AuthenticationFilter() - Constructor for class com.caplin.signon.AuthenticationFilter


CAPLIN_KEYMASTER_HASHING_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.KeyMasterServlet
CAPLIN_KEYMASTER_PRIVATEKEY - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.KeyMasterServlet
CAPLIN_KEYMASTER_PRIVATEKEY_FILENAME - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.KeyMasterServlet
CAPLIN_KEYMASTER_SECURITY_PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.KeyMasterServlet
CAPLIN_KEYMASTER_SECURITY_PROVIDER_NAME - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.KeyMasterServlet
CAPLIN_KEYMASTER_USERNAME_FIELD - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.KeyMasterServlet
CAPLIN_SIGNON_JWT_USER_CLAIM - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
JWT user claim
CAPLIN_SIGNON_JWT_VALIDATION_ALGORITHMS - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Valid algorithms for JWT validation
CAPLIN_SIGNON_JWT_VALIDATION_ISSUER - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
JWT validation issuer
CAPLIN_SIGNON_JWT_VALIDATION_JTI_CACHE_SIZE - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
JTI cache size for validation of JWT ID uniqueness
CAPLIN_SIGNON_JWT_VALIDATION_JWK_EXPIRY_TIME - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Minutes after which JWK will expire.
CAPLIN_SIGNON_JWT_VALIDATION_JWKS_URI - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
URI of JWKS for JWT public key
CAPLIN_SIGNON_JWT_VALIDATION_PUBLICKEY_FILENAME - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Location of JWT validation public key
CAPLIN_SIGNON_SSO_AUTH_CODE_PATH - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Single sign-on path to login with an authorization code
CAPLIN_SIGNON_SSO_AUTH_REDIRECT_ADDITIONAL_PARAMS - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Additional params for auth redirect location.
CAPLIN_SIGNON_SSO_AUTH_REDIRECT_PATH - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Single sign-on path to redirect to authorization server
CAPLIN_SIGNON_SSO_FAILURE_REDIRECT - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Single sign-on redirection on failure
CAPLIN_SIGNON_SSO_JWT_TOKEN_LOGIN_PATH - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Single sign-on path to login with a JWT token
CAPLIN_SIGNON_SSO_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Username credential to be used when requesting a token
CAPLIN_SIGNON_SSO_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Password credential to be used when requesting a token
CAPLIN_SIGNON_SSO_OIDC_DISCOVERY_URI - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
OpenID Connect Discovery endpoint
CAPLIN_SIGNON_SSO_REQUEST_KEYSTORE_FILENAME - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Keystore filename
CAPLIN_SIGNON_SSO_REQUEST_KEYSTORE_FILETYPE - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Keystore file type
CAPLIN_SIGNON_SSO_REQUEST_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Keystore password
CAPLIN_SIGNON_SSO_SUCCESS_REDIRECT - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Single sign-on redirection on success
clear() - Method in class com.caplin.signon.SessionData
Clears all fields in this object
com.caplin.signon - package com.caplin.signon
createAuthenticationParameters(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.KeyMasterServlet
Creates the authentication parameters from the signon servlet session data.
createKeyMasterConfiguration() - Method in class com.caplin.signon.KeyMasterServlet
Create the KeyMaster configuration to be used by this servlet


destroy() - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
destroy() - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AuthenticationFilter
doAuthenticate(Map<String, Object>, SessionData, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
The immediate handler for the /authenticate request.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AuthenticationFilter
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.KeyMasterServlet
doLogout(Map<String, Object>, SessionData, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Handler for the /logout request.
doOtherRequest(Map<String, Object>, SessionData, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Handler for any request not handled elsewhere (that is, any request that isn't /parameters, /authenticate, /sendtoken or /logout).
doParameters(Map<String, Object>, SessionData, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Handler for the /parameters request.
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Parses the POST body as JSON text, retrieve the signon session data and then calls handlers for the standard signon requests:
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.KeyMasterServlet
doSendToken(Map<String, Object>, SessionData, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
The immediate handler for the /sendtoken request.


envContext - Variable in class com.caplin.signon.KeyMasterServlet
ERROR_INVALID_CREDENTIALS - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
String constant for json failure code of invalid credentials
ERROR_SERVER - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
String constant for json failure code of server error
extractJWTToken(Map<String, Object>, SessionData, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Extract the JWT token from the request


formatter - Variable in class com.caplin.signon.KeyMasterServlet


getAuthCodeRedirectUri(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
getField(String) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.SessionData
Gets the value of an additional field that was set by a call to setField(String, Object).
getKeyMasterExtraDataToSign() - Method in class com.caplin.signon.SessionData
Gets the value of the extra data that is to be added to the KeyMaster credentials token and digitally signed.
getKeyMasterMappingData() - Method in class com.caplin.signon.SessionData
Gets the map of extra name-value pairs that will be added to the KeyMaster credentials token generated by the KeyMaster servlet.
getLevel() - Method in class com.caplin.signon.SessionData
Gets the current authentication level.
getParameterAsInt(String, Integer) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
getParameterAsString(String, String) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
getParameterBoolean(String, Boolean) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
getParameterValue(String) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
getParameterValue(String, String) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.KeyMasterServlet
Gets the value of a servlet/JNDI parameter or uses a default if the value is not present
getPath(String) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
getScheme() - Method in class com.caplin.signon.SessionData
Gets the current authentication scheme.
getSentScheme() - Method in class com.caplin.signon.SessionData
Gets the value of the authentication scheme that was recorded by the last call to setSentScheme(String).
getSentSchemeToken() - Method in class com.caplin.signon.SessionData
Gets the value of the 2FA token recorded in the last call to setSentSchemeToken(String).
getUserName() - Method in class com.caplin.signon.SessionData
Gets the username of the user associated with the current servlet session.
getWebappBaseDirectory() - Method in class com.caplin.signon.KeyMasterServlet
Gets the base directory for this webapp.


hashingAlgorithm - Variable in class com.caplin.signon.KeyMasterServlet


init() - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
init() - Method in class com.caplin.signon.KeyMasterServlet
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AuthenticationFilter


JSON_REQUEST_PASSWORD - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
String constant for json request key 'password'
JSON_REQUEST_SCHEME - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
String constant for json request key 'scheme'
JSON_REQUEST_TOKEN - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
String constant for json request key 'token'
JSON_REQUEST_USERNAME - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
String constant for json request key 'username'
JSON_RESPONSE_AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
String constant for json response key 'level'
JSON_RESPONSE_FAILURE_CODE - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
String constant for json response key 'code'
JSON_RESPONSE_FAILURE_REASON - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
String constant for json response key 'reason'
JSON_RESPONSE_MESSAGE - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
String constant for json response key 'message'
JSON_RESPONSE_NEXT_STEP - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
String constant for json response key 'next_step'
JSON_RESPONSE_RESULT - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
String constant for json response key 'result'
JSON_RESPONSE_SCHEMES - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
String constant for json response key 'schemes'


keymaster - Variable in class com.caplin.signon.KeyMasterServlet
KeyMasterServlet - Class in com.caplin.signon
Generates a KeyMaster token using session data saved by the signon servlet.
KeyMasterServlet() - Constructor for class com.caplin.signon.KeyMasterServlet


LEVEL_1FA - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.SessionData
String constant for single factor authentication (1FA) level
LEVEL_2FA - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.SessionData
String constant for two factor authentication (2FA) level
LEVEL_SSO - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.SessionData
String constant for SSO level
loadPrivateKey() - Method in class com.caplin.signon.KeyMasterServlet
loadPrivateRSAKey() - Method in class com.caplin.signon.RSAKeyParser
loadPublicRSAKey() - Method in class com.caplin.signon.RSAKeyParser
loadServletParameters() - Method in class com.caplin.signon.KeyMasterServlet
Loads the servlet parameters
logPrefix(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Gets the session id prefix added to all log messages.
logPrefix(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AuthenticationFilter
Gets the session id prefix added to all log messages.
logPrefix(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.KeyMasterServlet
Gets the session id prefix added to all log messages.


NEXT_STEP_2FA - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
String constant for the authentication nextstep parameter indicating the next step is to authenticate at 2FA level


privateKey - Variable in class com.caplin.signon.KeyMasterServlet
privateKeyFilename - Variable in class com.caplin.signon.KeyMasterServlet


renewRequestSession(SessionData, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Resets a user's session on the servlet request.
RESULT_FAILURE - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
String constant for json result of failure
RESULT_SUCCESS - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
String constant for json result of success
RSAKeyParser - Class in com.caplin.signon
RSAKeyParser(Path) - Constructor for class com.caplin.signon.RSAKeyParser


SCHEME_SMS - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.SessionData
String constant specifying 2FA SMS authentication i.e.
SCHEME_TOKEN - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.SessionData
String constant specifying 2FA TOKEN authentication i.e.
SCHEME_USER - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.SessionData
String constant user authentication i.e.
securityProviderName - Variable in class com.caplin.signon.KeyMasterServlet
sendAuthenticateError(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Sends an error response (in JSON format) for the /authenticate request.
sendAuthenticateOK(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String, String) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Sends a success response (in JSON format) for the /authenticate request.
sendJwtAuthenticateError(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Sends an error response for the JWT authenticate request.
sendJwtAuthenticateOK(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Sends a success response for the JWT authenticate request.
sendResponse(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, int, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Sends a JSON formatted response with no cache headers.
sendSendTokenError(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Sends an error response (in JSON format) for the /sendtoken request.
sendSendTokenOK(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Sends a success response (in JSON format) for the /sendtoken request.
sendToken(String, String, SessionData, Map<String, Object>, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Abstract handler for the /sendtoken request.
service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet
Receives the sign-on related URL requests and dispatches them to the doXXX() methods defined in this class.
SESSION_DATA_KEY - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.SessionData
The key used to save this object in the servlet session data
SessionData - Class in com.caplin.signon
The SessionData object records the state of the sign-on process.
SessionData() - Constructor for class com.caplin.signon.SessionData
Constructor called by Signon servlet to create a signon session data object that will be stored in servlet session under the key SESSION_DATA_KEY ("caplin.signon").
setField(String, Object) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.SessionData
Sets the name and value of an additional field that needs to be saved between authentication requests or needs to be to be passed to a custom Authentication filter or custom KeyMaster servlet.
setKeyMasterExtraDataToSign(String) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.SessionData
Sets a value that can be used by the KeyMaster servlet to add extra data to the KeyMaster credentials token.
setKeyMasterMappingData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.SessionData
Sets a map of extra name-value pairs that will be added to the KeyMaster credentials token generated by the KeyMaster servlet.
setLevel(String) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.SessionData
Sets the current authentication level.
setScheme(String) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.SessionData
Sets the current authentication scheme.
setSentScheme(String) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.SessionData
Sets the value of the authentication scheme that was specified in a /sendtoken request received by the SignOn servlet.
setSentSchemeToken(String) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.SessionData
Sets the value of the 2FA token sent to the user for the authentication scheme that was recorded by the last call to setSentScheme(String).
setUserName(String) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.SessionData
Sets the username associated with the current servlet session.
SIGNON_USERNAME - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.SessionData
SSO_STATE_TOKEN - Static variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet


toString() - Method in class com.caplin.signon.SessionData


usernameField - Variable in class com.caplin.signon.KeyMasterServlet


validGetPaths - Variable in class com.caplin.signon.AbstractSignOnServlet


writeResponse(HttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class com.caplin.signon.KeyMasterServlet
Writes servlet response as plain text with no cache headers.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form