All Classes and Interfaces

Thrown at runtime if one attempts to create a Rule that specifies an action which has already been specified by another, earlier created Rule.
Defines the allowed types of authorization that can be applied to an action.
Constants used when interacting with the the Permissioning API
This class implements the GlobalContext interface and is already deployed at the Permissioning Auth Module.
Thrown when adding a Permissionable to a group, when that Permissionable already exists as a member.
A custom SubjectMapper can call one of the get() methods of this interface to access data that is common all subject mappers.
A grouping of users and/or other groups.
Thrown if the hierarchy to be created is unacceptable.
An adapter for PermissioningLogger, so that the Permissioning system can log to the java Logger.
A logging interface that the LoggerProvider uses to log with.
Thrown when an attempted operation requires a transaction to be in progress; however one is not.
Classes that extend this class can be assigned permissions.
When a PermissioningDataSource is constructed it must be supplied with a DataSource object.
Provides way of injecting a different logging strategy for the Permissioning domain objects.
This implementation of the SubjectMapper interface maps subjects in the same manner as the default SubjectMapper (see the section on Mapping Logic, below), but unlike the default SubjectMapper it permits multiple mappings to be added to it.
Defines the possible roles for a PermissioningDataSource
The SubjectMapper interface must be implemented by any custom SubjectMapper class that you write.
A convenience class that can be used by implementations of SubjectMapper to store the keys and subject mappings passed to its updateMappings method.
This interface exists purely to support a mode of TOBO that is inferior in many ways to the other supported TOBO modes.
See the deprecation warning in SwitchableSubjectMapper.
Thrown when an attempt is made to start a new transaction if another transaction is still in progress.
Represents a permissioned user that is able to log on to Caplin Trader.