All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractBlotterDataProvider<T extends com.caplin.motif.UserTrade> |
AbstractRFSLifetimeEventHandler |
AbstractRFSLifetimeEventHandler.TradeState |
AbstractStrategyHandler<T extends> |
ActionNotificationDetails |
Notification details for successful action.
ActivityBlotterModule |
ActivityBlotterService |
Handles requests, discards, and deal updates for the activity blotter.
AdapterConfiguration |
AdapterConfigurationListener |
AdapterConfigurationManager |
AdapterStatusPublisher |
AdminConnectionManager |
Mediates a connection to the TrAPI Admin API.
AlertOrdersListener |
AllowedAction |
AndStatusComparator |
AnyExecutionQuoteValidator |
Facade which combines RFS and Sales RFS sub-protocol quote validators
AssetClass |
Supported asset classes.
AuditDetails |
AuditLoggerManager |
AuditLoggerManager.AuditLogger |
AuditObjectFactory |
AuthenticationManager |
An interface for querying user attributes from the single sign on authentication system.
AuthenticationManager.Context |
AuthenticationManagerException |
BaseAdapterConfiguration |
Represents the file
BaseConfiguration |
BigDecimalHelper |
BlockBlotterProfitHandler |
BlockHandler |
BlockLifetimeEventHandler |
BlockPriceUpdateFieldHelper |
BlockQuoteFactory |
Invoked when the toolkit receives a Block Quote from RET and requires an FX API
Block Quote.
BlockQuoteValidator |
Validates a given (mapped) block quote.
BlockStateEvent |
Represents the state of an RFSTrade
BlockStateEventFactory |
BlockStateEventFactory.Context |
BlockSubmitWrapper |
A wrapper for a SubmitTradeEvent for use in Block Quotes.
BlockSubmitWrapper.NettedLeg |
BlockTradeBlotterDataProvider |
BlockTradeFieldValuesFactory |
BlockTradeProperties |
Used to encapsulate additional properties of a Block trade that can then be stored in the Taker Order
Custom field in RET.
BlockTradeProperties.Builder |
Helper class used to construct a BlockTradeProperties object.
BlockTradePropertiesFactory |
BlockV1ExecuteEvent |
BlockV1SubmitEvent |
Blotter |
BlotterChannelListener |
Handles requests and discards from the client, forwards them to the back end system,
and creates listeners to handle back end response.
BlotterContainerListener |
BlotterCriteria |
BlotterCriteriaFactory |
An BlotterCriteriaFactory is used to create the criteria used to request deals from LBN, which are in turn used
to populate the blotter.
BlotterCriteriaFactory.Context |
BlotterCriteriaFactoryException |
BlotterDataExtractor |
Provides two channels for blotter data producers to publish deals to clients.
BlotterFactory |
BlotterIdCache |
BlotterItemFactory |
BlotterItemFactory.Default |
BlotterModule |
BlotterProfitHandler |
BlotterRecordFieldsUpdater |
BlotterRecordIdFactory |
BlotterRecordListener |
BlotterService |
Entry point to the Blotter system.
BlotterSubjectParser |
BlotterType |
Represents the properties of a blotter.
BulkActionOrdersValidator |
BulkActionOrderTransactionHandler |
BulkActionOrderValidationResponse |
BulkActionRequestListener |
BulkOrder |
BulkOrderActivationHandler |
BulkOrderCancelDeleteHandlerManager |
BulkOrderCancellationHandler |
BulkOrderDeactivationHandler |
BulkOrderDeletionHandler |
CalendarAdapter |
Used to create and customise a CalendarAdapter to provide calendar data like tenor's or settlement dates.
CalendarAdapterInitialiser |
CalendarAdapterStatusListener |
CalendarConfiguration |
CalendarConfigurationBuilder |
This class produces a CalendarConfiguration which can be used to instantiate a CalendarAdapter .
CalendarDataTransformer |
An extension point for transforming settlement date and tenor date data.
CalendarProvider |
CalendarServiceRequestListener |
CancelationListener |
CancellableBlockStateEventFactory |
CancellableRFSStateEventFactory |
ChangeStateListener |
ClientAccountManager |
ClientSearchAdapter |
ClientSearchAdapterInitialiser |
ClientSearchConfiguration |
ClientSearchConfiguration.Builder |
ClientSearchDataProvider |
ClientSearchDataProvider.Context |
CommonQuoteFieldsFactory |
CompositeStatusListener |
CompositeStatusManager |
ConfigConversionRateCurrencyPairProvider |
ConfigCrossCurrencyPairProvider |
Provides the cross currencies required to retrieve the conversion rate for the instrument currency pair
ConfigurationLoader |
The ConfigurationLoader interface is used to locate various configuration files.
ConfigurationLoaderException |
ConfigurationLoaderImpl |
ConfirmationFieldUtil |
ConfirmationQuote |
ConfirmationQuoteExtractor |
ConnectionStatusListener<T extends com.caplin.ret.trapi.connection.Connection> |
ContainerSubject |
ContainerSubjectFactory |
ContainerSubjectFactoryException |
Context |
Contains the requisite objects for the Quote Factory.
ConversionException |
ConversionRateCurrencyPair |
ConversionRateCurrencyPairProvider |
ConversionRateCurrencyPairProvider.Context |
ConversionRateListener |
CriteriaFactory |
CriterionFactory |
Deprecated. |
CrossCurrencyPairProvider |
CrossCurrencyPairProvider.Context |
CustomFieldValues |
This class is used to store additional fields in a TRAPI order.
CustomFieldValues.Builder |
CustomFieldValuesFactory<T,P> |
CustomFieldValuesFactory.Context |
CustomFieldValuesSerialiser |
DataSourceConfigurationException |
DataSourceEnum |
DealRecordMatcher |
DefaultBlockQuoteFactory |
DefaultBlotterCriteria |
DefaultBlotterCriteriaFactory |
A BlotterQuery which matches records based on the taker-name, deal date, and depending on the
executed/historic_blotter_display_only_completed_deals configuration options, whether the deal is in the "Completed"
DefaultBlotterProfitHandler |
DefaultBlotterRecordFactory |
Creates a single blotter record for regular SPOT, FWD and SWAP trades.
DefaultCriteria |
Utility for creating some of the default supported criteria
DefaultCriteria.BuySell |
DefaultCriteria.CurrencyPair |
DefaultCriteria.DealDate |
DefaultCriteria.DealStatus |
DefaultCriteria.TakerName |
DefaultLBNCustomFieldsFactory |
DefaultOrderCustomFieldsFactory |
DefaultQuoteFactory |
DefaultSalesQuoteFactory |
DefaultSalesSwapQuoteFactory |
DefaultSwapQuoteFactory |
DeleteNotificationDetails |
Notification details for successful delete action.
DerivedData |
Contains a collection of data for processing orders.
DetailsDateUtility |
DetailsRequestListener |
Handles requests for strategy 'details' which is data used to populate the 'Edit Order'
DirectorUserManager |
EditOrderListener |
In normal usage this class' callbacks are executed in the following order:
ErrorCategory |
ErrorCode |
ErrorMessage |
ErrorMessageTranslator |
ESPConfirmationFactory |
ESPFieldValuesFactory |
ESPLifetimeEventHandler |
Responds to events for a single trade.
ESPTradeProperties |
Used to encapsulate additional properties of an ESP trade that can then be stored in the Taker Order
Custom field in RET.
ESPTradeProperties.Builder |
ESPTradePropertiesFactory |
ESPTradeTimer |
Contains rules that ensure a trade conforms to gap-time rules.
ESPTradeTimer.GapTimeMode |
ESPTradeTimerFactory |
ESPValidator |
Ensures a one click (ESP) trade contains valid data.
ExecutionFactory |
ExecutionQuoteValidator |
ExecutionStyle |
Defines values that are valid for the ExecutionStyle field.
ExecutionSubmissionDetail |
Represents the data of an execution; an execution is a deal which fills on the market in a single transaction.
ExtensionContext |
FailNotificationDetails |
Notification details for any failed action.
Fields |
FieldsUpdater |
FieldUtility |
FileBasedAuthenticationManager |
FileBasedUserManager |
FillNotificationDetails |
Notification details for successful fill action.
Filter |
A Filter contains information for filtering a blotter by a column or
field name on a particular value, for example L1_Status==Open.
Filter.Operator |
Represents all of the possible Operators that can be used to perform a filter.
FixedOrderConnectionRequestRouter |
An OrderConnectionRequestRouter that routes orders to the default connection.
ForwardHandler |
FxCrossInstrumentProvider |
FXExecutionBlotterDataProvider<T extends com.caplin.motif.UserTrade> |
FxMotifNotificationActionMapper |
FxMotifOrderCustomFieldValuesFactory |
A CustomFieldValuesFactory that creates the default CustomFieldValues used
by the FxMotif.
FxMotifOrderDetailsGenerator |
FxMotifOrderFieldsGenerator |
An OrderFieldsGenerator implementation that generates default fields for the FxMotif.
FxMotifOrderTranslator |
An OrderFactory which configures TrAPI FX Orders according to the FX Professional Motif
Order Submission Message specification.
FxMotifStatusGenerator |
An OrderStatusGenerator that supplies default statuses for the FxMotif.
FxMotifStrategyDetailsGenerator |
A StrategyDetailsGenerator that supports the default FxMotif.
FXPricingDataProvider |
FXTradeLifetimeEventHandler<T extends com.caplin.motif.UserTrade> |
FxTradingAccountManager |
An interface for querying the account for a RET client.
FxTradingAdapter |
Used to create and customise a FxTradingAdapter.
FxTradingAdapterInitialiser |
FxTradingConfiguration |
FxTradingConfigurationBuilder |
This class produces a FxTradingConfiguration which can be used to instantiate an FxTradingAdapter.
GoodForAmountUtility |
GroupPermissionLoader |
GroupPermissionLoader.Schema |
IfDoneOCOStrategyHandler |
IfDoneStrategyHandler |
IfTimeoutStrategyHandler |
ImmutableUserMappingCache |
Stores user manager data.
ImmutableUserMappingCache.Builder |
InjectableConfigFactory |
InjectableCustomFieldValues |
InjectableFieldUtility |
InjectableOrderProperties |
InjectableStdSchedulerFactory |
InjectableXMLUtils |
InstrumentNotFoundException |
InstrumentProvider |
An interface for querying the instrument for a RET user and currency pair.
InstrumentProvider.Context |
JsonFieldValuesSerialiser |
LatencyCalculator |
LBNAdapter |
Used to create and customise a LBNAdapter for historic data.
LBNAdapterInitialiser |
LBNConfiguration |
This is the interface used to configure a LBNAdapter .
LBNConfigurationBuilder |
This class produces a LBNConfiguration which can be used to instantiate an LBNAdapter.
LBNCustomFieldsFactory |
Creates record fields to be published to the blotter.
LimitOrderAdapter |
Used to create and customise an OrderAdapter.
LoginsFileParser |
Parses a logins XML file and stores all users in a cache.
MappedBlockQuote |
Value object containing both an FXQuote and a TrAPIQuote
MappingChangeListener |
A Receiver performs an action in response to a notification from a Provider.
MarketOrderConnectionManager |
MarketOrderConnectionStatusListener |
MessageTranslation |
MetalPricingDataProvider |
NameValuePairFieldValueSerialiser |
De/encodes CustomFieldValues from/into a string that is suitable for use as
an application/x-www-form-urlencoded list of parameters in an HTTP response.
NotificationAction |
Actions shown by notifications
NotificationActionMapper |
Maps a given value to a NotificationAction string.
NotificationBuilder |
NotificationManager |
Initialise components which enables the system to subscribe to and send notifications.
NotificationManager.Context |
Context to initialise the NotificationManager
NotificationPublisher |
NotificationType |
Notification types representing action failures.
OCOStrategyHandler |
OpenOrdersListener |
Order update receiver which forwards data from LOMS to a client's blotters.
OpenOrdersListenerManager |
One OpenOrderListenerManager per Blotter Type
OrderAdapterInitialiser |
Ensures that all of the objects used by the OrderAdapterInitialiser have been initialised before the adapter starts
OrderAuditTrailAction |
Deprecated. |
OrderAuditTrailListener |
Deprecated. |
OrderAuditTrailListenerWrapper |
Deprecated. |
OrderConfiguration |
This class produces a OrderConfiguration which can be used to instantiate an OrderAdapter.
OrderConfigurationBuilder |
This class produces a OrderConfiguration which can be used to instantiate an OrderAdapter.
OrderConnectionPoolPreprocessor |
OrderConnectionPoolPreprocessor.Context |
OrderConnectionRequestRouter |
Routes connection requests to the appropriate connection.
OrderConnectionRequestRouter.Context |
OrderCustomFieldsFactory |
Creates record fields to be published to the blotter or notifications.
OrderDetailsGenerator |
An interface for working with OrderBuilder s.
OrderDetailsGenerator.Context |
OrderEditor |
An OrderEditor maps data from a given Strategy and corresponding
order to a TrAPI order.
OrderEditor.Context |
OrderExtensionContext |
OrderFactory |
Sets data on a TrAPI order FXOrder from a given
MotifOrderStrategy strategy and Order order.
OrderFactory.Context |
OrderFieldsGenerator |
OrderFieldsGenerator.Context |
OrderListenerFactory |
OrderPermission |
This interface to determine if a user is has permission for an action on an FXOrder .
OrderPermissionFactory |
OrderProperties |
Used to encapsulate additional properties of an Order that can then be stored in the Taker Order
Custom field in RET.
OrderProperties.Builder |
OrderRejectEventMessageUtility |
OrderStatusGenerator |
OrderStrategyUtil |
OrderSubmissionDelegate |
OrderSubmissionException |
OrderSubmissionManager |
OrderTypeInStrategy |
OrderUtility |
OrStatusComparator |
Pair<T,E> |
PerLegOrderEditor |
PermissionedSubscriptionRequestFactory |
PermissioningAdapter |
* Used to create and customise an PermissioningAdapter.
PermissioningAdapterConfiguration |
PermissioningAdapterConfigurationBuilder |
This class produces a PermissioningAdapterConfiguration which can be used to instantiate a PermissioningAdapter.
PermissioningAdapterInitialiser |
PermissionLoader |
An interface for loading permissions.
PermissionLoader.Context |
PermissionService |
PermissionsLoaderException |
PerStrategyOrderEditor |
PreciousMetalConversion |
PrecisionFactory |
PricingAdapter |
Used to create and customise an PricingAdapter.
PricingAdapterConfiguration |
PricingAdapterConfigurationBuilder |
This class produces a PricingAdapterConfiguration which can be used to instantiate an PricingAdapter.
PricingAdapterInitialiser |
PricingAdapterStatusListener |
PricingDataProvider<T extends com.caplin.motif.fx.rates.RateSubjectInfo> |
ProfitConversionRate |
QuoteCreationException |
QuoteFactory |
Invoked when the toolkit receives a quote from RET and requires an FX API
QuoteFactoryConfiguration |
QuoteValidatorFactory |
RatesServiceProvider |
An interface that is used to create RatesService objects.
RatesSubscription<T extends com.caplin.motif.fx.rates.RateSubjectInfo> |
RefreshPermissionsManager |
RefreshScheduler |
RefreshTrigger |
RETConversionRateProvider |
RETESPTradeListenerFactory |
RETRFSTradeListenerFactory |
RETSubscriptionListener<T extends com.caplin.motif.fx.rates.RateSubjectInfo> |
RFSConfirmationFactory |
RFSFieldValuesFactory |
RFSHandler |
RFSLifetimeEventHandler<H extends TradeTypeHandler> |
Receives events throughout the lifetime of an RFS trade.
RFSQuote<T extends com.caplin.motif.datasource.Message> |
Value object containing both an FXQuote and a TrAPIQuote
RFSQuoteValidator |
RFSStateEvent |
Represents the state of an RFSTrade
RFSStateEventFactory |
RFSStateEventFactory.Context |
RFSTradeProperties |
Used to encapsulate additional properties of an RFS trade that can then be stored
in the Taker Order Custom field in RET.
RFSTradeProperties.Builder |
RFSTradePropertiesFactory |
Roller |
RollScheduler |
SalesBlotterService |
Entry point to the Blotter system.
SalesExecutionQuoteValidator |
SalesFieldsGenerator |
SalesQuoteFactory |
Invoked when the toolkit receives a Sales Quote from RET and requires an FX API
SalesQuoteUtility |
Utility methods for calculating rates for Sales quotes.
SalesSwapQuoteFactory |
Invoked when the toolkit receives a Sales Swap Quote from RET and requires an FX API
SettlementAccount |
Represents the Settlement Account as known to TrAPI
SharedAccountOrderPermission |
SharedAccountOrderPermissionFactory |
SingleStrategyHandler |
SpotHandler |
Status |
Status |
StatusComparator |
Strategy |
StrategyDetailsGenerator |
An interface for working with StrategyBuilder s.
StrategyDetailsListener |
StrategyDetailsSubscription |
StrategyDetailsSubscriptionManager |
StrategyFactory |
Creates the individual order components which make up a strategy.
StrategyHandler |
StrategyLockManager |
The StrategyLockManager maintains a record of the locks held for strategies.
StrategyUtility |
SubjectMapper |
An interface for mapping subjects.
SubjectMapper.Context |
Added to a mapped subject prefix
SubjectMappingProvider |
SubscriptionRequestException |
SubscriptionRequestFactory |
An interface that is used to create SubscriptionRequest objects.
SubscriptionRequestFactory.Context |
SwapHandler |
SwapQuoteFactory |
Invoked when the toolkit receives a Swap Quote from RET and requires an FX API
Swap Quote.
TakerNameBlotterCriteria |
TakerNameBlotterCriteriaFactory |
TakerNameOrderPermission |
TakerNameOrderPermissionFactory |
An OrderPermissionFactory that creates TakerNameOrderPermission .
Temperature |
TenorComparator |
TimeOptionHandler |
Tobo |
TradeBlotterItemFieldsUpdater |
An interface for updating order/trade fields for publication to a blotter.
TraderFields |
TraderFieldsFactory |
TradeStatusFieldsUpdater |
TradeTypeHandler<T extends com.caplin.motif.UserTrade> |
TradingConnectionRouter |
Retrieved the connection pool key for a given trade.
TradingConnectionRouter.Context |
TradingProtocol |
An enumeration of the supported trade types in the API.
TransformerNotificationManager |
Initialises notification components.
TrAPIConfigurationLoader |
UnitConverter |
UserBlotter |
UserBlotterFactory |
UserBlotterManager |
UserLoader |
UserManager |
An interface for querying user attributes.
UserManager.Context |
UserManagerException |
UserPermissionsLoader |
UserPermissionsPublisher |
Publishes permissions which permit or deny user actions on products.
UserStrategyDetailsListener |
Validates that the Strategy is in the list of valid clients.
UserTradeInfo |
UserTradeInfoManager |
UserTradeListenerManager |
Utility |
XMLUtils |