Interface BlotterCriteria

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultBlotterCriteria, TakerNameBlotterCriteria

public interface BlotterCriteria
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    filter(com.m_systems.lbn.spi.record.CDealRecord dealRecord)
    This should return true if the deal record should be processed and shown in the blotter and false otherwise.<? extends com.caplin.ret.trapi.lbn.Criteria>
    You should use this method to return an ordered list of Criteria which will be used to create the initial query to LBN for the records to display in the blotter.
  • Method Details

    • getQueryCriteria<? extends com.caplin.ret.trapi.lbn.Criteria> getQueryCriteria()
      You should use this method to return an ordered list of Criteria which will be used to create the initial query to LBN for the records to display in the blotter.

      All returned records will be passed through the filter(CDealRecord) method and displayed on the blotter only if they pass.

      The main intention of the returned criteria is to reduce the amount of records that need returning by LBN and processing by the Adapter.

    • filter

      boolean filter(com.m_systems.lbn.spi.record.CDealRecord dealRecord)
      This should return true if the deal record should be processed and shown in the blotter and false otherwise. All deals, from the initial query submitted and updates from LBN, will be passed through this filter.