StreamLink.NET  7.1.2-7.1.2-3871-d81f059
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Package Caplin.StreamLink

The interfaces, classes and enumerators within this package provide the functionality of StreamLink. More...




class  BaseConnectionListener
 Adapter class implementing the IConnectionListener methods More...
class  BaseSubscriptionListener
 Adapter class implementing the ISubscriptionListener methods More...
class  ConsoleLogListener
 Utility class to aid debugging. More...
class  ContainerFilterFactory
 A factory for creating FilterExpressions for use in the IContainerSubscriptionParameters select method. More...
interface  IAdvancedConfiguration
 This interface provides access to advanced features of the StreamLink library. More...
interface  IChannel
 Represents a channel to a subject on the Liberator. More...
interface  IChannelListener
 Interface for receiving updates on the channel from the Liberator. More...
interface  IChatEvent
 Provides information about updates to a chat subject. More...
interface  ICommandErrorEvent
 Provides error information for commands. More...
interface  ICommandListener
 Defines the interface that you should implement to receive information on the result of a command. More...
interface  ICommandParameters
 Interface that defines parameters for a ICommandSubscription. More...
interface  ICommandSubscription
 Stored information on the subscription and lets you unpersist the command. More...
interface  IConnectionListener
 Defines the interface for receiving information about changes in the state of the StreamLink connection, the data services available from the Liberator, and the DataSources that are normally connected to the Liberator. More...
interface  IConnectionStatusEvent
 Provides information about a change in status of the connection to the Liberator. More...
interface  IContainerElement
 Representation of a subject that is within a container. More...
interface  IContainerEvent
 Represents an update to a container subject. More...
interface  IContainerModel
 This interface defines a model that represents a container. You need to implement it to process the updateModel callback in IContainerEvents. More...
interface  IContainerSubscriptionParameters
 Defines the parameters used for Container subscriptions. To create an instance of ContainerSubscriptionParameters call the IStreamLink.CreateContainerSubscriptionParameters method. More...
interface  ICredentials
 Encapsulates authentication information used to log in to a Liberator server. More...
interface  ICredentialsProvider
 This interface defines how to provide the user credentials that StreamLink uses to log into a Liberator server. More...
interface  ICredentialsReceiver
 Interface that your custom implementation of ICredentialsProvider must call to provide credential information to StreamLink. More...
interface  IDataEvent
 Provides access to fundamental information about subscription events relating to changes in data, such as the subject and the type of event that has occurred. More...
interface  IDirectoryChangeElement
 Provides information about a change to a directory element. More...
interface  IDirectoryEvent
 Provides information about a change to a directory. More...
interface  IFilterExpression
 Interface that represents a filter expression. More...
interface  IFreeFormSubscriptionParameters
 A FreeFormSubscriptionParameters instance allows you to pass parameters to subscriptions for subject types that are not records or containers. More...
interface  IJsonEvent
 Provides information about a JSON message. More...
interface  IJsonHandler
interface  IKeymasterCookieProvider
interface  IKeymasterPollResponseListener
 Defines the interface that should be implemented by the application to receive KeyMaster keep alive Responses. More...
interface  ILiberatorUrlProvider
interface  ILogger
 Allows StreamLink log messages to be written to the destination of your choice. More...
interface  ILogInfo
 Stores log information including message and level of a log entry. More...
interface  ILogListener
 Interface for receiving log messages from the StreamLink application. More...
interface  INewsEvent
 Provides information about a news headline update. More...
interface  IPageElement
 Provides information about a single text change for the given row and column in a Page. More...
interface  IPageEvent
 Provides information about a change to data in a Page. More...
interface  IPermissionEvent
 Provides information about a change to permission data. More...
interface  IRawSocketFactory
 This interface allows a user application to specify a connection strategy to use when creating Type 1 (direct socket) connections. For example, to negotiate a SOCKS proxy or other custom tunneling requirements. More...
interface  IRecordSubscriptionParameters
 Defines the parameters used for Record subscriptions. More...
interface  IRecordType1Event
 Provides information about a change to type 1 data (fieldname and data pairs) in a record. More...
interface  IRecordType2Event
 Provides information about a change to type 2 data in a record. More...
interface  IRecordType3Event
 Provides information about a change to type 3 data in a record. More...
interface  IServiceStatusEvent
 Provides information about the change in status of a data service to which StreamLink is connected via the Liberator. More...
interface  ISourceStatusEvent
 Provides information about the change in status of an Integration Adapter to which StreamLink is connected via the Liberator. More...
interface  IStatisticsEvent
 Provides access to the statistics relating to an instance of StreamLink. More...
interface  IStoryEvent
 Provides information about a change to story data in a Story. More...
interface  IStreamLink
 Defines the StreamLink interface. More...
interface  IStreamLinkConfiguration
 Interface that allows the configuration of StreamLink to be defined programmatically. More...
interface  ISubscription
 Represents a subscription to a subject on the Liberator. More...
interface  ISubscriptionErrorEvent
 Provides information about a subscription error. More...
interface  ISubscriptionListener
 Interface for receiving updates to subscribed data from the Liberator. More...
interface  ISubscriptionParameters
 The base interface for defining parameters that apply to Subscriptions. More...
interface  ISubscriptionStatusEvent
 Provides information about a change in the state of a subscription. More...
interface  IWebRequestParameters
 Contains the parameters needed to call a specific Liberator web module. More...
class  LogLevel
 Enumeration that represents the available logging levels. More...
class  StreamLinkFactory
 Factory that creates StreamLink instances. More...
class  STuple


enum  ChatEventType { ChatEventType.MESSAGE, ChatEventType.USER_ADDED, ChatEventType.USER_REMOVED, ChatEventType.JOINED }
 Enumeration that defines the type of the IChatEvent. More...
enum  CommandErrorType {
  CommandErrorType.DELETED, CommandErrorType.DISCONNECT_OCCURRED, CommandErrorType.INVALID_PARAMETERS, CommandErrorType.NOT_FOUND,
  CommandErrorType.READ_DENIED, CommandErrorType.THROTTLE_FAILED, CommandErrorType.UNAVAILABLE, CommandErrorType.WRITE_DENIED,
 Enumeration defining the errors that can occur for a command. More...
enum  ConnectionState {
  ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED, ConnectionState.CONNECTING, ConnectionState.FAILED, ConnectionState.CONNECTED,
  ConnectionState.LOGINFAILED, ConnectionState.EJECTED, ConnectionState.LOST, ConnectionState.RECONNECTED,
  ConnectionState.UNREACHABLE, ConnectionState.PAUSED
 Enumeration that defines the state of a StreamLink connection to a Liberator. More...
enum  ErrorReason {
  ErrorReason.USER_CODE_1, ErrorReason.USER_CODE_2, ErrorReason.USER_CODE_3, ErrorReason.USER_CODE_4,
  ErrorReason.USER_CODE_5, ErrorReason.LICENSE, ErrorReason.NONE
 Enumeration that defines the reasons for an error being raised in a ISubscriptionErrorEvent or a ICommandErrorEvent. More...
enum  FilterExpressionLogicalOperator { FilterExpressionLogicalOperator.AND, FilterExpressionLogicalOperator.OR }
 Enumeration that represents a particular logical operation. More...
enum  FilterExpressionOperator {
  FilterExpressionOperator.EQUAL, FilterExpressionOperator.NOT_EQUAL, FilterExpressionOperator.GREATER_THAN, FilterExpressionOperator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL,
  FilterExpressionOperator.LESS_THAN, FilterExpressionOperator.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, FilterExpressionOperator.REGULAR_EXPRESSION, FilterExpressionOperator.CASE_INSENSITIVE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION,
  FilterExpressionOperator.NUMERIC_EQUAL, FilterExpressionOperator.NUMERIC_NOT_EQUAL, FilterExpressionOperator.VALUE_IS_NULL
 Enumeration that represents the operators that are available for a FieldFilterExpression. More...
enum  LoginFailedReason {
  LoginFailedReason.INVALID_USER, LoginFailedReason.INVALID_PASS, LoginFailedReason.INVALID_IP, LoginFailedReason.ACCT_EXPIRED,
  LoginFailedReason.ALREADY_LOGGED_IN, LoginFailedReason.LICENSE_SITE, LoginFailedReason.LICENSE_USER, LoginFailedReason.CREDENTIALSERROR,
 Enumeration that defines the reason for a failed login. More...
enum  ServiceStatus { ServiceStatus.DOWN, ServiceStatus.LIMITED, ServiceStatus.OK }
 Enumeration that defines the status of a Service. More...
enum  SourceStatus { SourceStatus.DOWN, SourceStatus.UP }
 Enumeration that defines the status of a source. More...
enum  SubjectType {
  SubjectType.CHAT, SubjectType.CONTAINER, SubjectType.DIRECTORY, SubjectType.NEWS_HEADLINE,
  SubjectType.NEWS_STORY, SubjectType.PAGE, SubjectType.PERMISSION, SubjectType.RECORD,
  SubjectType.USER, SubjectType.UNKNOWN
 Enumeration that represents the available subject types. More...
enum  SubscriptionErrorType {
  SubscriptionErrorType.NOT_FOUND, SubscriptionErrorType.UNAVAILABLE, SubscriptionErrorType.DELETED, SubscriptionErrorType.READ_DENIED,
  SubscriptionErrorType.WRITE_DENIED, SubscriptionErrorType.WRITE_DENIED_DUE_TO_LICENSE, SubscriptionErrorType.INVALID_PARAMETERS
 Enumeration which represents the errors that can occur for a subject. More...
enum  SubscriptionStatusType { SubscriptionStatusType.STATUS_OK, SubscriptionStatusType.STATUS_LIMITED, SubscriptionStatusType.STATUS_STALE, SubscriptionStatusType.STATUS_INFO }
 Enumeration that defines the status of a subject. More...
enum  ThrottleCommand {
  ThrottleCommand.UP, ThrottleCommand.DOWN, ThrottleCommand.MIN, ThrottleCommand.MAX,
  ThrottleCommand.STOP, ThrottleCommand.START, ThrottleCommand.DEF
 Enumeration that defines the available throttle levels and throttle commands. More...

Detailed Description

The interfaces, classes and enumerators within this package provide the functionality of StreamLink.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Enumeration that defines the type of the IChatEvent.

The ChatEventType can be obtained by calling getUpdateType() on a IChatEvent.


The event contains a chat message


The event represents the event raised when a user joins a chat channel.


The event represents the event raised when a user leaves a chat channel.


The event represents the event raised when this StreamLink client joins a chat channel.

Enumeration defining the errors that can occur for a command.

You can obtain the CommandErrorType by calling getError() on a ICommandErrorEvent.


The subject has been deleted.


The command may have been sent to server, but disconnect occurred. The command may not have been executed.


The supplied command parameters are invalid for the command.


The command subject could not be found.


The client does not have permission to read the subject.


The throttle command failed.


The subject is not available.


The client does not have permission to write to the subject.


The Liberator has detected a breach of license conditions and has rejected the attempted trade.


Disconnect occurred and a command set as cancellable has been cancelled.

Enumeration that defines the state of a StreamLink connection to a Liberator.

You can obtain the ConnectionState by calling getConnectionState on a IConnectionStatusEvent.

Although hints regarding possible transitions between ConnectionStates are given, you should not imply that this is a strict contract because network conditions may cause undocumented transitions.

The generalised sequence after calling streamlink.connect() is as follows: CONNECTING -> CONNECTED -> LOGGEDIN. At any point in time the connection could be lost which would raise the LOST, at this point StreamLink would attempt to connect again to a Liberator server, starting the sequence once more.

With this in mind, it is possible to map these onto a "traffic light" component indicating connection health using the following mappings:

  • AMBER All other ConnectionStates.

Disconnected from the Liberator. When this state is raised by the StreamLink library

** all subscriptions have removed. StreamLink will not perform any activity until you


A connection attempt is in progress. If the connection attempt is successful, a

** CONNECTED state will be raised, if the connection fails, the FAILED

  • event will be raised.

A connection attempt has failed. StreamLink will attempt to connect to a Liberator on

** the configured server list.


A network connection has been established to the Liberator. StreamLink will now attempt

** to log in to the Liberator session.


StreamLink is attempting to obtain a set of credentials to log in to the server.


StreamLink has successfully retrieved the credentials.


StreamLink has failed to retrieve the credentials.


The client is now logged into the Liberator. In this state it is possible for

** StreamLink applications to receive subscription updates and receive responses to

  • commands.

The client could not login to the Liberator. StreamLink will not perform any

** more connection attempts and will switch to the DISCONNECTED state.


The client has been ejected from the Liberator. StreamLink will not perform any

** more connection attempts and will switch to the DISCONNECTED state.


The connection to the Liberator has been lost. StreamLink will attempt to connect and

** establish a new session with a configured Liberator.


The Liberator session has been reconnected. This should be treated as an informational

** event, StreamLink will switch to the LOGGEDIN state to simplify implementation

  • of your application (see the traffic light example above).

A connection to the Liberator is not possible due to no network being available.


The connection has been paused by the application. This state is a direct result of

** the application causing IStreamLink.Pause. StreamLink is

Enumeration that defines the reasons for an error being raised in a ISubscriptionErrorEvent or a ICommandErrorEvent.


Liberator auth module user reason 1


Liberator auth module user reason 2


Liberator auth module user reason 3


Liberator auth module user reason 4


Liberator auth module user reason 5


Licence failure


No Reason

Enumeration that represents a particular logical operation.


Represents that a logical AND will be performed. A record will only be returned if it matches all of the FilterExpressions that have been added to the LogicalFilterExpression.


Represents that a logical OR will be performed. A record will be returned if it matches any of the FilterExpressions that have been added to the LogicialFilterExpression.

Enumeration that represents the operators that are available for a FieldFilterExpression.


Operator used to check for an exact match between a field and a value.


Operator used to check that a field does not match a particular value.


Operator used to check that a numeric field is greater than a particular value.


Operator used to check that a numeric field is greater than or equal to a particular value.


Operator used to check that a numeric field is less than a particular value.


Operator used to check that a numeric field is less than or equal to a particular value.


Operator used to check that a string field matches a particular regular expression.


Operator used to check that a string field matches a particular regular expression where an exact case match is not necessary.


Operator used to check for an exact match between a numeric field and value.


Operator used to check that a numeric field does not match a particular value.


Operator used to check that a field matches a null value.

Enumeration that defines the reason for a failed login.

The LoginFailedReason will be provided by calling getLoginFailReason on a IConnectionStatusEvent.


StreamLink can not log in to the Liberator because the user's username is incorrect.


StreamLink can not log in to the Liberator because the user's password is incorrect.


StreamLink can not log in to the Liberator because the connection attempts is made from an invalid IP address. *


StreamLink can not log in to the Liberator because the user's account has expired.


StreamLink can not log in to the Liberator because the user is already logged in


StreamLink can not log in to the Liberator due to licensing limitations.


StreamLink can not log in to the Liberator due to licensing limitations.


An error occurred whilst retrieving the credentials that are used to log in to the Liberator


This value is undefined

Enumeration that defines the status of a Service.

The ServiceStatus will be provided by calling getServiceStatus on a IServiceStatusEvent.

The three states that are possible for a Liberator data service are:

  • OK - All of the data sources that make up the service are up.
  • Down - One or more required data sources for the service are down.
  • Limited - One or more non-required data sources for the service are down.
See Also

Indicates that a service is down, which means that at least one of the required sources

** defined for the service are down.


Indicates that a service is limited, which means that at least one of the non required

** sources defined for the service are down (but all of the required sources are up).


Indicates that the service is OK, which means that all the required and non required

** sources defined for the service are up.

Enumeration that defines the status of a source.

The SourceStatus will be provided by calling getSourceStatus on a ISourceStatusEvent.


A source has gone up.


A source has gone down.

Enumeration that represents the available subject types.

The SubjectType can be obtained by calling getType() on a IContainerElement or IDirectoryChangeElement.

It is also a parameter to createSubject() in IStreamLink.


Chat subject type.


Container subject type.


Directory subject type.


News headline subject type.


News story subject type.


Page subject type.


Permission subject type.


Record subject type.


User subject type.


The subject type is unknown.

Enumeration which represents the errors that can occur for a subject.

The SubscriptionErrorType will be provided on a onSubscriptionError callback to a ISubscriptionListener.


The subject could not be found.


The subject was not available.


The subject has been deleted.


The client does not have permission to read the subject.


The client does not have permission to write to the subject.


The client cannot contribute due to the Liberator's licensing limits being exceeded.


Supplied parameters are invalid for this subject type.

Enumeration that defines the status of a subject.

The SubscriptionStatusType will be provided by calling getStatus() on a ISubscriptionStatusEvent.


The data associated with the subject is correct and up-to-date.


One of the sources of data for the subject is not available. This may affect the subject's data.


The subject's data may not be correct and up-to-date.


An informational message about the subject (usually sent by the DataSource).

Enumeration that defines the available throttle levels and throttle commands.

A ThrottleCommand is passed as a parameter to the throttleSubject() and throttleEverything() methods of IStreamLink.

For an explanation of throttling, refer the Throttling section of the document StreamLink Overview.


Increase the throttle level.


Decrease the throttle level.


Set the throttle level to the minimum amount of throttling.


Set the throttle level to the maximum amount of throttling.


Stop sending updates to the client.


Start sending updates to the client again.


Set the throttle level to the default level.

Generated on Thu Aug 22 2019 18:15:36 for StreamLink.NET