All Classes and Interfaces

An event raised when one or more of the fields sent in a client event are invalid.
An event raised when a client event would trigger an invalid state transition on the trade model.
Trades are comprised of one or more trade legs, each representing the exchange of a financial instrument and the resultant cashflow.
The LegAction interface represents a change to the legs that make up a trade.
An enumeration of possible actions that can be performed on a leg.
A single Trade active in the system.
An open trade messaging communications channel with an end user.
Provides notifications relating to the Trade lifecycle.
A single event acting on a Trade.
Used for all errors raised by the Trading DataSource, or raised by user code that needs to notify the Trading DataSource of an exception during a callback.
Used to receive TradeEvents from the system.
Use the TradingApplicationListener interface to be notified of TradeChannel lifecycle events.
All Trading DataSource applications must create an instance of this class.