Transformer Pipeline Module API Reference
Deprecated List
Global autopub_disable_group (var id)
Use autopub.disable_group() instead.
Global autopub_disable_symbol (var symbolname, var id)
Use autopub.disable_symbol() instead.
Global autopub_enable_group (var id)
Use autopub.enable_group() instead.
Global autopub_enable_symbol (var symbolname, var id)
Use autopub.enable_symbol() instead.
Global autopub_handle_update (var dsdata, var id)
Use autopub.handle_update() instead.
Global cache_cancelsub ()
Use cache_remove_current_pipeline_subscription()
Global cache_uncancelsub (var symbol)
Use cache_subscribe_pipelines()
Module fields
See Pipeline Concepts: Data Dictionary
Global format (var format_string, var text_to_format)
Use formatter.format() instead.
Global format_validate (var format_string)
Use formatter.validate() instead.
Module pipe_autopub
Use the autopub package instead
Module pipe_format
Use the formatter package instead

Generated on Sun May 7 2023 21:52:27 for Transformer Pipeline Module API Reference