StreamLink 6

StreamLink is the API and code library that allows your trading client apps to communicate with the Liberator streaming server. It comes in a variety of flavours, to support a wide range of technologies and platforms.

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Streaming messaging

From HTTP Streaming to HTML5 WebSockets, StreamLink uses the best connection technique available to provide fast, scalable communication between trading clients and servers.

Mobile friendly

StreamLinkJS works well on mobile browsers, and there are also native implementations of the library for when you want to create an application that makes full use of your device.

Robust connections

StreamLink will try to restore dropped connections, even falling back to other connection types if necessary.If the streaming server itself goes down, StreamLink can failover to other streaming servers to maintain its connection.

Intelligent connections

If a connection to a DataSource does fail, StreamLink will mark any prices that rely on it as "stale" until the link is restored, so that you know the on-screen value might not be up to date!