An event-driven, high-speed data transformation engine, which allows you to filter and modify incoming market data in real time.
Transforms large datasets in real-time
Transformer rapidly processes vast quantities of market data as it comes in, providing the latest prices to your trading app, in the form that you need them.
Modular functionality
Transformer’s native modules provide the tools for you to set up your system as you see fit. You can also purchase additional 'blades', which provide fully featured business functionality, out-of-the-box.
Define rules in multiple scripting languages
Easy to set-up, customise and maintain; Transformer can process data using business rules written in Java, Lua, JavaScript or C.
Keystone technology for online trading apps
Transformer’s high-speed data processing is the key to all Caplin’s client-side facilities, such as grids and charts, providing real-time online trading tools, tailored to your requirements.