Liberator Auth API
rttpd.h File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  _authfuncs
 Describes the callback functions that should be implemented by an auth module. More...
struct  _logininfo
 Structure passed between invalidation routines. More...
struct  _mapinfo
 The map information object. More...
struct  _nodeinfo
 The RTTP node object. More...
struct  _object
 Callback that is called when an object changes initial state. More...
struct  _session
 The RTTP Session Object. More...
struct  _user
 The user object. More...


#define MAX_OBNAME   4096
#define MAX_USERNAME   255
#define SESSION_ID_LEN_MAX   256
#define SESSION_ID_LEN_MIN   6


typedef void(* eventcallback_t) (void *data, short event, short code)
 Definition of the callback function for delayed events. More...
typedef struct _session_request_retry session_request_retry_t
 Structure used to hold request retry information when things are overloaded. More...



AUTH_EXPORT int auth_create_object (char *name, object_type_t type)
 Create an object within the Liberator. More...
AUTH_EXPORT void auth_delete_object (char *name)
 Delete an object within the Liberator. More...
AUTH_EXPORT int auth_eject_all_sessions_by_app_id (const char *app_id)
 Eject all logged in sessions that are using the specified application id. More...
AUTH_EXPORT int auth_eject_sessions (user_t *user, int num)
 Eject sessions. More...
AUTH_EXPORT int auth_eject_sessions_by_app_id (user_t *user, int num, char *app_id)
 Eject sessions with matching application id. More...
AUTH_EXPORT int auth_eject_sessions_by_machine_id (user_t *user, int num, char *machine_id)
 Eject sessions based on the username by machine id. More...
AUTH_EXPORT int auth_eject_username_by_app_id (char *name, int num, char *app_id)
 Wrapper for auth_eject_username_by_app_id that takes the user name instead of a _user pointer. More...
AUTH_EXPORT int auth_eject_username_by_machine_id (char *name, int num, char *machine_id)
 Wrapper for auth_eject_sessions_by_machine_id that takes the user name instead of a _user pointer. More...
AUTH_EXPORT int auth_eject_username_sessions (char *name, int num)
 Wrapper for auth_eject_sessions that takes the user name instead of a _user pointer. More...
char * auth_filename_expand (char *format, char *buf, size_t buflen)
 Expand a filename pattern into a fully qualified filename. More...
AUTH_EXPORT size_t auth_get_extra_data (char *token, char *buffer, size_t max_len)
 Gets the extra data from the token. The extra data is expected to be the 4th part of the ~ separated token and it is expected NOT to be the last part. If the 4th part is the end of the token then it must be the user name and there is no extra data. More...
AUTH_EXPORT int auth_get_login_count (char *username)
 Get the number of current logins for a username. More...
AUTH_EXPORT char * auth_get_tobouser (const char *username)
 Get the TOBO user setting. More...
AUTH_EXPORT char * auth_get_token_parameter (const char *keymaster_token, const char *parameter_to_query)
 Return a value for the given field within a keymaster token. More...
AUTH_EXPORT int auth_get_user_session_count_by_name (char *object_name)
 Return the number of active sessions. More...
AUTH_EXPORT void auth_invalidate_all_sessions (int flags)
 Invalidate all sessions for all users in the system. More...
AUTH_EXPORT void auth_invalidate_object (char *name, int flags)
 Invalidate an object. More...
AUTH_EXPORT void auth_invalidate_sessions (user_t *user, int num, int flags)
 Invalidate all sessions for a user. More...
AUTH_EXPORT void auth_invalidate_sessions_by_name (char *name, int num, int flags)
 Invalidate all sessions for a username. More...
AUTH_EXPORT void auth_listener_throttle (char *session_id, char *object_name, char *command)
 Throttle an individual subscription on a user's session. More...
AUTH_EXPORT int auth_new_subscription (char *prefix, char *subject, void *user_context, void(*loaded)(void *, int, char *), void(*failed)(void *, int, char *), void(*status)(void *, int, char *, int))
 Creates a subscription for use with auth_subscribe and auth_unsubscribe. More...
AUTH_EXPORT void auth_reset_tobouser (const char *username)
 Remove the tobouser for the user specified by the session. More...
AUTH_EXPORT void auth_session_throttle (char *session_id, char *command)
 Throttle a users' session. More...
AUTH_EXPORT void auth_set_tobouser (const char *username, const char *tobouser)
 Set the tobo user for the specified user. More...
AUTH_EXPORT void auth_subscribe (int subscriptionId)
 Subscribes to subject. More...
AUTH_EXPORT void auth_unsubscribe (int subscriptionId)
 Unsubscribes to subject. More...
AUTH_EXPORT void auth_unsubscribe_free_data (int subscriptionId, void *free_context, void(*free_data_cb)(void *, void *))
 Unsubscribes to subject and frees the user context on the thread handling auth updates. More...
AUTH_EXPORT int auth_verify_signature_username (char *expected_username, char *token)
 Verify that the supplied token is for the expected username. More...
AUTH_EXPORT void infoob_add_data (object_t *obj, const int *fields, const char **values, int count)
 Adds an array of values to a system object. More...
AUTH_EXPORT void infoob_add_data_generic (object_t *obj, const char **fieldnames, const char **values, int count)
 Adds an array of values to a system object. More...
AUTH_EXPORT int infoob_add_field (const char *name, int flags)
 Creates a new field for updating system objects. More...
AUTH_EXPORT void infoob_add_int (object_t *obj, int field, int value)
 Adds a numerical value to a system object. More...
AUTH_EXPORT void infoob_add_int_generic (object_t *obj, const char *fieldname, int value)
 Adds a numerical value to a system object. More...
AUTH_EXPORT void infoob_add_str (object_t *obj, int field, const char *value)
 Adds a value to a system object. More...
AUTH_EXPORT void infoob_add_str_generic (object_t *obj, const char *fieldname, const char *value)
 Adds a value to a system object. More...
AUTH_EXPORT object_tinfoob_new_object (const char *name)
 Creates a new system object. More...
AUTH_EXPORT char * object_get_value (object_t *obj, int32_t fieldnum, char *buf, int len)
 The function returns the value of a specified field in an object. More...
AUTH_EXPORT int signature_check (char *key_id, char *token)
 Provides a mechanism for validating a KeyMaster-generated encrypted single-use token. More...

Detailed Description

The main Liberator include file

Macro Definition Documentation

#define MAX_OBNAME   4096

Maximum size of an RTTP object name in bytes

#define MAX_USERNAME   255

Maximum size of an RTTP username in bytes


default session id length

#define SESSION_ID_LEN_MAX   256

maximum session id length

#define SESSION_ID_LEN_MIN   6

minimum session id length

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct _session_request_retry session_request_retry_t

Structure used to hold request retry information when things are overloaded.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Operations for the __authfuncs::auth_global_permission_update() function.


The key has been added


The key has been deleted


Updated values are availabe for the key

Return codes for the authentication functions.

Some of these return codes are only valid for certain functions

Definition of RTTP object types.


Unknown object type, objects are created in this state


User-object object type


Directory object type


Page object type


Record object type


News object type


News story object type


Type 2 record object type


Type 3 object type


Chat object type


Container object type


System-object object type


Generic object type


JSON object type

Function Documentation

AUTH_EXPORT int auth_create_object ( char *  name,
object_type_t  type 

Create an object within the Liberator.

name- The name of the object
type- The type of the object that should be created
Return values
AUTH_OK- Object created ok
AUTH_DENY- Object not created - already exists
AUTH_ERROR- Object not created, cannot create
AUTH_EXPORT void auth_delete_object ( char *  name)

Delete an object within the Liberator.

name- The name of the object to delete
char* auth_filename_expand ( char *  format,
char *  buf,
size_t  buflen 

Expand a filename pattern into a fully qualified filename.

format- Format of filename to expand
buf- Buffer to expand into
buflen- Length of the expansion buffer
The input variable buf containing an expanded filename

This function will expand the following tokens in the supplied argument:

  • %h The hostname
  • %a The application name (as set by the configuration option application-name)
  • %n The application name (as set by the configuration option application-name)
  • %r The application root (as set by the configuration option application-root)
  • %u The home directory of the process owner.
AUTH_EXPORT size_t auth_get_extra_data ( char *  token,
char *  buffer,
size_t  max_len 

Gets the extra data from the token. The extra data is expected to be the 4th part of the ~ separated token and it is expected NOT to be the last part. If the 4th part is the end of the token then it must be the user name and there is no extra data.

token- The KeyMaster password / token to get the extra data from.
buffer- Buffer where the resulting (null-terminated) extra data string will be written.
max_len- The maximum available space in the destination buffer.
The length of the extra data written to the buffer (not including '\0').
AUTH_EXPORT int auth_get_login_count ( char *  username)

Get the number of current logins for a username.

username- The username to get the login count for
Return values
-The current login count

The value returned takes into account the number of logins from other members of the Liberator cluster

AUTH_EXPORT char* auth_get_tobouser ( const char *  username)

Get the TOBO user setting.

username= The user to query for its tobo user setting
This method returns a duplicate. If using the C API on the callback thread, it may be easier to query the user_t structure directly.
AUTH_EXPORT char* auth_get_token_parameter ( const char *  keymaster_token,
const char *  parameter_to_query 

Return a value for the given field within a keymaster token.

keymaster_token- The keymaster token
parameter_to_query- The name of the field
The value of the field given in parameter_to_query or NULL if the field does not exist

Will return a copy of the value of a given field within the keymaster token or NULL

AUTH_EXPORT int auth_get_user_session_count_by_name ( char *  username)

Return the number of active sessions.

username- Username
The number of active sessions
This routine should use a read lock to access the hash table but it can't. This is because it can be called with the write lock on and a read lock access nested within a write lock access causes problems with the subsequent write locks.
AUTH_EXPORT int auth_new_subscription ( char *  prefix,
char *  subject,
void *  user_context,
void(*)(void *, int, char *)  loaded,
void(*)(void *, int, char *)  failed,
void(*)(void *, int, char *, int)  status 

Creates a subscription for use with auth_subscribe and auth_unsubscribe.

prefixSubject prefix to be prepended to all subjects subscribed to, must not be null.
subjectSubject without prefix, must not be null.
user_contextOnly passed into loaded and failed callbacks.
loadedCalled once all data has been successfully received by the Liberator, must not be null.
failedCalled if there is an error before the subcription has been loaded, must not be null.
statusCalled when a status is received, must not be null.
Id to be used with auth_subscribe and auth_unsubscribe.
AUTH_EXPORT void auth_reset_tobouser ( const char *  username)

Remove the tobouser for the user specified by the session.

username- The user to clear the tobouser setting
AUTH_EXPORT void auth_set_tobouser ( const char *  username,
const char *  tobouser 

Set the tobo user for the specified user.

username- The user that should be assigned the tobouser
tobouser- The tobo username for this user
AUTH_EXPORT void auth_subscribe ( int  subscriptionId)

Subscribes to subject.

subscriptionIdfrom auth_new_subscription.

This function enables the Liberator Auth Module subscribe to a subject. If the subject is a container its constituents will also be subscribed to (with prefix prepended). Data from all permission objects subscribed to will be passes to auth_global_permission_update. As there is no other way to access the data you should only subscribe to permissions or containers of permissions. The subject passed into loaded or failed includes the prefix. Either loaded or failed will be called once. If there is no response the request will fail after the configured request-timeout. If the subscription fails it is automatically unsubscribed.

AUTH_EXPORT void auth_unsubscribe ( int  subscriptionId)

Unsubscribes to subject.

subscriptionIdthe id returned from auth_subscribe.

This function unsubscribes. If the subscription fails it is automatically unsubscribed.

AUTH_EXPORT void auth_unsubscribe_free_data ( int  subscriptionId,
void *  free_context,
void(*)(void *, void *)  free_data_cb 

Unsubscribes to subject and frees the user context on the thread handling auth updates.

subscriptionIdthe id returned from auth_subscribe.
free_contextThe context to be passed into the free_data_cb function as the second argument
free_data_cbcallback taking two void pointers as arguments, the first one representing the user context associated with the subscription, the second one representing the argument free_context

This function unsubscribes and calls the function free_data_cb after doing so such that resources can be cleaned up safely. If the subscription fails it is automatically unsubscribed.

Generated on Fri May 24 2024 16:30:46 for Liberator Auth API