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ThrottleCommand - Enum in com.caplin.server
Defines the available Throttle Commands.
TieringAuthenticator - Class in examples
A simple Authenticator implementation that demonstrates: - mapping of requested symbols onto different underlying symbols (at request time) - dynamic mapping of subscribed symbols (at any time) - a naive example of underlying symbols being altered at run-time
TieringAuthenticator() - Constructor for class examples.TieringAuthenticator
toString() - Method in class com.caplin.server.auth.AuthenticationResult
Provides a string representing the authentication result
toString() - Method in class com.caplin.server.auth.AuthenticationUser
toString() - Method in class com.caplin.server.auth.AuthenticatorVersion
toString() - Method in class com.caplin.server.auth.InvalidationType
toString() - Method in class com.caplin.server.auth.MapObject
toString() - Method in class com.caplin.server.auth.RTTPObject
toString() - Method in class com.caplin.server.auth.UserSession
toString() - Method in enum com.caplin.server.ThrottleCommand
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