Class BarracudaOverridesModule

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class BarracudaOverridesModule
    An abstract class that extends the guice AbstractModule The Barracuda Order Adapter is able to load an external guice module. Only modules with the annotation BarracudaOverridesModule will be loaded. Such a class only needs to be on the classpath, and will be picked up by scanning annotations via reflection. example:
            public class ExampleBarracudaOverridesModule extends BarracudaOverridesModule
    Only certain classes may be overwritten. The interface methods on this class define which classes are overridable. If you plan on provide an override, then the implementation method should have the annotation @Provides. Please also consider the annotation @Singleton. example:
            public DataSource getDataSource()
                    return DataSourceFactory.createDataSource(args);
    If you do not plan on providing an implementation as defined by the interface method. Then simply return null, and make sure to not add the @Provides annotation. example:
            public PrecisionManager getPrecisionManager()
                    return null;
    You may provide instances of the following: - com.caplin.datasource.DataSource - com.caplin.orders.barracuda.extension.blotter.BlotterFieldsExtender - com.caplin.orders.barracuda.extension.config.AccountMapping - com.caplin.orders.barracuda.extension.config.SSOUserMapping - com.caplin.orders.barracuda.extension.config.SalesUserMapping - com.caplin.orders.barracuda.extension.config.ClientCodeMapping - com.caplin.orders.barracuda.extension.config.ClientTraderMapping You may inject the following classes: - @Named("CaplinProgramArgs") String[] - com.typesafe.config.Config -
    • Method Summary

      • Methods inherited from class

        addError, addError, addError, bind, bind, bind, bindConstant, binder, bindInterceptor, bindListener, bindListener, bindScope, configure, configure, convertToTypes, currentStage, getMembersInjector, getMembersInjector, getProvider, getProvider, install, requestInjection, requestStaticInjection, requireBinding, requireBinding
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • BarracudaOverridesModule

        public BarracudaOverridesModule()