Interface OrderLastLookListener

  • public interface OrderLastLookListener
    To provide an implementation of this class please see BarracudaOverridesModule If an implementation of this class is provided, then the FX API's default validation will be turned off. It is up to this class to validate and throw an OrderLastLookException Implementations of this class may validate the FX API objects passed to them, and modify the bcdfx API objects passed to them. Implementations of this class will be called whenever a srategy is first submitted. Implementations of this class will be called whenever a strategy has been edited.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default void onStrategyEditAccept​( strategyBuilder, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String type, java.util.List<com.bcdfx.model.event.lifecycle.fx.OrderData> orders)  
      void onStrategyEdited​( strategy, com.bcdfx.api.servicerequest.LinkedOrderModificationRequest linkedModificationRequest)
      Callback for when a strategy has been edited.
      void onStrategySubmitted​( motifOrderStrategy, com.bcdfx.api.servicerequest.FixingOrderRequest fixingOrderRequest)
      Callback for when a strategy has been submitted.
      void onStrategySubmitted​( motifOrderStrategy, com.bcdfx.api.servicerequest.LinkedOrderRequest linkedOrderRequest)
      Callback for when a strategy has been submitted.
    • Method Detail

      • onStrategySubmitted

        void onStrategySubmitted​( motifOrderStrategy,
                                 com.bcdfx.api.servicerequest.LinkedOrderRequest linkedOrderRequest)
                          throws OrderLastLookException
        Callback for when a strategy has been submitted. The LinkedOrderRequest is provided and may be modified.
        motifOrderStrategy - The FX API strategy object, representing the submitted strategy
        linkedOrderRequest - The bcdfx API object to be sent
        OrderLastLookException - Thrown if the motifOrderStrategy is invalid, must provide an error message and code
      • onStrategySubmitted

        void onStrategySubmitted​( motifOrderStrategy,
                                 com.bcdfx.api.servicerequest.FixingOrderRequest fixingOrderRequest)
                          throws OrderLastLookException
        Callback for when a strategy has been submitted. The FixingOrderRequest is provided and may be modified.
        motifOrderStrategy - The FX API strategy object, representing the submitted strategy
        fixingOrderRequest - The bcdfx API object to be sent
        OrderLastLookException - Thrown if the motifOrderStrategy is invalid, must provide an error message and code
      • onStrategyEdited

        void onStrategyEdited​( strategy,
                              com.bcdfx.api.servicerequest.LinkedOrderModificationRequest linkedModificationRequest)
                       throws OrderLastLookException
        Callback for when a strategy has been edited. The LinkedOrderModificationRequest is provided and may be modified.
        strategy - The FX API strategy object, representing the edited strategy
        linkedModificationRequest - The bcdfx API object to be sent
        OrderLastLookException - Thrown if the edited strategy is invalid, must provide an error message and code
      • onStrategyEditAccept

        default void onStrategyEditAccept​( strategyBuilder,
                                          java.lang.String username,
                                          java.lang.String type,
                                          java.util.List<com.bcdfx.model.event.lifecycle.fx.OrderData> orders)