

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Constructs an instance of

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void setAccountList(Array pAccounts)

This method is called by a mock permission service to set the list of the selected TOBO user's accounts that the user of the system-user-test is allowed to trade upon.

void setTOBOLocked(boolean bLocked)

This method is called to lock the TOBO User Service; i.e.

void setTOBOUserList(Array pTOBOUsers)

This method is called by a mock permission service to set the list of TOBO users that the user of the system-user-test is allowed to trade on behalf of.

void setUserCanTradeOnBehalfOf(Boolean bCanTradeOnBehalfOf)

This method is called by a mock permission service to adjust whether or not the current user of the system-under-test can trade on behalf of other users, or not.

void setUserType(String sUserType)

This method is called by a mock permission service to set the user type of the user of the system-under-test.

Methods inherited from class caplin.core.Observable:
addObserver, addUniqueObserver, getCount, notify, notifyObservers, notifyObserversWithTryCatch, removeAllObservers, removeObserver
Methods implemented from class
addListener, canPerformTrade, canTradeOnBehalfOf, getAccount, getTradeOnBehalfOfUser, getUserType, removeListener, setAccount, setTradeOnBehalfOfUser, tradeFinished, tradeStarted

Constructor Detail

Constructs an instance of

Method Detail

void setAccountList(Array pAccounts)

This method is called by a mock permission service to set the list of the selected TOBO user's accounts that the user of the system-user-test is allowed to trade upon.

Array pAccounts List of account names.

void setTOBOLocked(boolean bLocked)

This method is called to lock the TOBO User Service; i.e. to trigger a signal to all listeners that the TOBO user/account cannot be changed.

boolean bLocked if TRUE the user/account cannot be changed.

void setTOBOUserList(Array pTOBOUsers)

This method is called by a mock permission service to set the list of TOBO users that the user of the system-user-test is allowed to trade on behalf of.

Array pTOBOUsers List of TOBO users' names.

void setUserCanTradeOnBehalfOf(Boolean bCanTradeOnBehalfOf)

This method is called by a mock permission service to adjust whether or not the current user of the system-under-test can trade on behalf of other users, or not.

Boolean bCanTradeOnBehalfOf True if the user is allowed to trade on behalf of other users; false otherwise.

void setUserType(String sUserType)

This method is called by a mock permission service to set the user type of the user of the system-under-test.

String sUserType User type.