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Package com.caplin.credentials

Provides the classes used by StreamLink for Java and the Enterprise Management Console to get the credentials they need to login to a Liberator or other Caplin server-side component.

See: Description

Package com.caplin.credentials Description

Provides the classes used by StreamLink for Java and the Enterprise Management Console to get the credentials they need to login to a Liberator or other Caplin server-side component.

The interface CredentialsListener must be implemented by a class that wants to provide the credentials that will be used to login. This must be passed into the constructor of the RTJLProvider that is used (see BasicRTJLProvider(Properties, CredentialsListener), ReconnectingRTJLProvider(Properties, CredentialsListener) and MonitoringRTJLProvider(Properties, CredentialsListener)).

If a specific CredentialsListener isn't defined, StreamLink for Java will use com.caplin.credentials.DefaultCredentials. This gets the credentials to use from the and rttp.login.password values specified in the StreamLink properties file.

The class StandardKeyMasterCredentials provides an implementation of CredentialsListener which will get the credentials from a server. It expects the credentials to be returned in the standard KeyMaster format.

examples.credentials.auth.AuthenticatingKeyMasterCredentials is an example implementation of CredentialsListener which will get the credentials from a server which requires authentication. It also expects the credentials to be returned in the standard KeyMaster format. In this case, in order to acquire the Credentials from the server, one must authenticate oneself to the server. Further details of how to instantiate/configure instances of AuthenticatingKeyMasterCredentials can be found in the examples provided with this software.

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