DataSource for C SDK
Configuration: Datasource Peers


Type: String Array
Default: None

Network interface to listen for connections from DataSource peers.

The default is to listen on all available interfaces.


Type: Floating Point Value
Default: 0.010000
Minimum: 0.000000
Maximum: 10.000000

Time period in seconds to batch together messages sent to another peer.

This can improve performance when sending high update rates. Note that messages will only be batched together if the rate is faster than the batch time.


Type: String
Default: %a-%h

The name of this DataSource, and how DataSource peers will identify it.

This name can be overridden by putting a value in the local-name option of the add-peer add-peer entry.

%a is replaced by application_name and %h is replaced by the host name of the machine.


datasrc-name myapp-myhost


Type: Integer
Default: 0

Network port to listen for connections from DataSource peers. The default of 0 means that no connections can be made to this DataSource.


Type: Integer
Default: 0

ID number of this DataSource. This ID can be overridden by putting a value in the local-id option of the add-peer entry, in which case it must match the remote-id given in the add-peer entry in the remote DataSource's configuration.


Type: String
Default: None

Local label of this DataSource. This label can be overridden by putting a value in the local-label option of the add-peer entry, in which case it must match the remote-label given in the add-peer entry in the remote DataSource's configuration.


Type: String
Default: packet-%a.log

Name of this DataSource's packet log file. The location of the file must either be relative to log-dir or absolute.

%a is replaced by application_name.


Type: Integer
Default: -1

Number of threads for peers.

If this option is configured then a pool of threads is created which is used to handle the non-named ( see below ) configured peers. The option configures the maximum number of threads in the pool.

If the option is configured then all add-peer configurations that do not have the thread-name option configured i.e. ( non-named ) will be handled on one of the pool threads.

If this option is not configured then a thread is created per configured peer.

If more than 30 peers are being configured then it is recommended that this option is configured.


Configuration group add-peer

Adds a DataSource peer. You can have a maximum of 1023 add-peer entries in your configuration.


  remote-id              [value]
  remote-name            [value]
  remote-flags           [value]
  remote-type            [value]
  local-id               [value]
  local-name             [value]
  local-flags            [value]
  local-type             [value]
  addr                   [value]
  port                   [value]
  queue-size             [value]
  obj-hash-size          [value]
  heartbeat-time         [value]
  heartbeat-slack-time   [value]
  connect-timeout        [value]
  label                  [value]
  remote-label           [value]
  local-label            [value]


Type: String Array
Default: None

list of certificates we expect the client to send


Type: Integer Array
Default: None

Peer Port


Type: String Array
Default: None

Peer Address


Type: String Array
Default: None

Extra data for the handshake


Type: String
Default: None

Label used for advanced source mapping. Deprecated, please use remote-label.


Type: String
Default: None

Label used for advanced source mapping.


Type: String
Default: None

Local label for this peer


Type: Integer
Default: -1

Remote Peer ID


Type: String
Default: None

Remote Peer Name


Type: Integer
Default: 0
Acceptable Values:

none0No special restart or reconnection
recvautoreplay4When restarting, this peer should accept replay updates.
noconnect8Prevents the automatic connection to peers on startup.

Remote Peer flags


Type: Integer
Default: 0
Acceptable Values:

none0This source is broadcast and can't accept contributions
broadcast0This source is broadcast and can't accept contributions
active1This source is active
contrib2This source can accept contributions

Remote Peer Type


Type: Integer
Default: -1

Local Peer ID


Type: String
Default: None

Local Peer Name


Type: Integer
Default: 0
Acceptable Values:

none0No special restart or reconnection
recvautoreplay4When restarting, this peer should accept replay updates.
noconnect8Prevents the automatic connection to peers on startup.

Local Peer Flags


Type: Integer
Default: 0
Acceptable Values:

none0This source is broadcast and can't accept contributions
broadcast0This source is broadcast and can't accept contributions
active1This source is active
contrib2This source can accept contributions

Local Peer Type


Type: Integer
Default: 50

Message Queue Size


Type: Floating Point Value
Default: -1.000000

Source request timeout


Type: Integer
Default: -559038737

Time in seconds between heartbeats. The default of -1 indicates that heartbeats will be disabled unless enabled by the remote peer.


Type: Floating Point Value
Default: 3735928559.000000
Minimum: 0.100000

Time in seconds after a heartbeat should have been received that the connection to the remote peer is closed and reconnection attempts are made.


Type: Integer
Default: 10

When a connection has been made to a host that either doesn't exist or is not currently routable the OS will attempt to connect for upto approximately 4 minutes (this time is dependent on various OS tunable parameters).

For the purposes of obtaining real-time data this period is too long. Setting the connect-timeout option within an add-peer section allows the timeout to be altered. If the timeout expires then any backup peers within the add-peer section will be contacted and connections made.


Type: Floating Point Value
Default: 0.000000

Interval between updating monitoring statistics


Type: String
Default: None

Name of the thread for running this peer.

If this option is configured then a thread is guaranteed to be created for the configured peer even if the peer-thread-pool-size option is configured.

If multiple peers have this option configured to the same name then those peers are handled by the same thread. In this way a number of peers with a low update rate can be grouped together.

If a peer is expected to have more than 10000 updates per second it is recommended that the peer is handled by its own thread. This can be achieved by setting the thread name to a unique name.


Type: Boolean
Default: FALSE

Incoming/Outgoing SSL connections only


Type: Integer
Default: -1
Acceptable Values:


optional list of verify modes


Type: String
Default: None

optional list of ciphers to use, overrides global settings


Type: String
Default: None

SSL certificate to be sent/presented to the server


Type: String
Default: None

private key file for the certificate


Type: String
Default: None

file containing the password for the private key


Type: Boolean
Default: FALSE

If your DataSource application tries to connect to a DataSource peer but there is already one connected with the same id, the current one will be disconnected and the new one allowed to connect.

datasrc-reject-new-peers turns off this default behaviour so the new DataSource peer is not allowed to connect.


Type: Boolean
Default: FALSE

Turn off TCP_NODELAY. By default all DataSource peer connections have TCP_NODELAY enabled. This option allows the feature to be disabled.


Type: Floating Point Value
Default: 30.000000

Interval between collation of statistics


Type: Floating Point Value
Default: 10.000000

Time to wait for an info packet when accepting a connection


Type: Floating Point Value
Default: 300.000000

Interval to log peer information


Type: Integer
Default: 15

Time between heartbeats for peers


Type: Floating Point Value
Default: 5.000000
Minimum: 0.100000

Time when added to heartbeat triggers disconnect for peers

Generated on Fri Feb 19 2021 20:46:55 for DataSource for C SDK