Caplin.DataSource.Channel.IChannel Interface Reference


Inherited by Caplin.DataSource.Channel.Channel.

Public Member Functions

IGenericMessage CreateGenericMessage (string subject)
 Creates a generic message. More...
IRecordType1Message CreateRecordMessage (string subject)
 Creates a record message. More...
void SendMessage (IRecordMessage message)
 Sends a record message to the peer that opened the channel. More...
void SendRecordMessage (IRecordMessage message)
 Sends a record message to the peer that opened the channel. More...


IPeer Peer [get]
 Gets the peer. More...
string Subject [get]
 Gets the subject of this channel. More...

Detailed Description

Channels provide a bi-directional communication mechanism between StreamLink clients and DataSource applications. Messages on a channel take the form of Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Record.IRecordMessages that can be sent by either the DataSource or the StreamLink client. An example use of Channel would be to implement a trade messaging channel.

A channel is identified by its subject and the DataSource Caplin.DataSource.IPeer (for example, a Liberator) that opened the channel. In deployment, this means that it is possible for two channels to exist with identical subjects but they are differentiated by the Caplin.DataSource.IPeers that opened them.

Member Function Documentation

IGenericMessage Caplin.DataSource.Channel.IChannel.CreateGenericMessage ( string  subject)

Creates a generic message.

subjectThe subject of the Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Record.IGenericMessage.
A new IGenericMessage.
IRecordType1Message Caplin.DataSource.Channel.IChannel.CreateRecordMessage ( string  subject)

Creates a record message.

subjectThe subject of the Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Record.IRecordType1Message.
A new IRecordType1Message.
void Caplin.DataSource.Channel.IChannel.SendMessage ( IRecordMessage  message)

Sends a record message to the peer that opened the channel.

messageThe message to be sent.
void Caplin.DataSource.Channel.IChannel.SendRecordMessage ( IRecordMessage  message)

Sends a record message to the peer that opened the channel.

messageThe message to be sent.

Property Documentation

IPeer Caplin.DataSource.Channel.IChannel.Peer

Gets the peer.

The peer.

string Caplin.DataSource.Channel.IChannel.Subject

Gets the subject of this channel.

The subject.

Generated on Thu Apr 13 2017 18:02:38 for DataSource.NET