Caplin.DataSource.ISubjectStatusEvent Interface Reference

Represents an event that is raised when there is a change in the status of a Subject. More...

Inherited by Caplin.DataSource.Implementation.SubjectStatusEvent.


int Code [get]
 Gets the subject status code. More...
string Message [get]
 Gets the subject status message. More...
SubjectStatus Status [get]
 Gets the status of the subject. More...
string Subject [get]
 Gets the subject that this Status Event relates to. More...

Detailed Description

Represents an event that is raised when there is a change in the status of a Subject.

Usage in DataSource source applications

An Caplin.DataSource.ISubjectStatusEvent can be raised by an Caplin.DataSource.Publisher.IDataProvider to indicate to peers the status of their subscription to a subject. For example, if the back end system that feeds data to an Caplin.DataSource.Publisher.IDataProvider goes down, the IDataProvider should raise a ISubjectStatusEvent with a Caplin.DataSource.ISubjectStatusEvent.Status of Caplin.DataSource.SubjectStatus.Stale to indicate to the peer that the data it has is not completely up-to-date. When an update is subsequently received from the backend data feed, then the IDataProvider should raise a ISubjectStatusEvent with a Caplin.DataSource.ISubjectStatusEvent.Status of Caplin.DataSource.SubjectStatus.Ok to indicate to the peer that the data it has is now up to date.

Property Documentation

int Caplin.DataSource.ISubjectStatusEvent.Code

Gets the subject status code.

The status subject status code.

string Caplin.DataSource.ISubjectStatusEvent.Message

Gets the subject status message.

A string representing the subject status.

SubjectStatus Caplin.DataSource.ISubjectStatusEvent.Status

Gets the status of the subject.

The status of the subject.

string Caplin.DataSource.ISubjectStatusEvent.Subject

Gets the subject that this Status Event relates to.

The subject.

Generated on Thu Apr 13 2017 18:02:38 for DataSource.NET