Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CCaplin.DataSource.Cache.ICachedObjectAn Caplin.DataSource.Cache.ICachedObject represents the base interface that all cached object types will implement in addition to any subject-type specific methods.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Cache.Record.ICachedRecordAn Caplin.DataSource.Cache.Record.ICachedRecord contains a cache of the latest field values of a given subject
 CCaplin.DataSource.Cache.ICacheManagerThe ICacheManager interface provides access to the caching facilities provided by DataSource.NET. Access to the ICacheManager is obtained via the Caplin.DataSource.DataSource.CacheManager property.
 CCaplin.DataSource.IConnectionListenerThis interface allows applications to receive events about the state of DataSource.NET's connection to other DataSource peers
 CCaplin.DataSource.Messaging.Container.IContainerModelThis interface defines a model that represents a container. Implement it to simplify the processing of incoming IContainerMessages.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Messaging.Container.IContainerOperationInterface that represents a container operation.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Publisher.IDataProviderInterface that must be implemented in order to provide data updates to DataSource peers.
 CCaplin.DataSource.IDataSourceThis interface defines the main interface of DataSoure.NET. In order to obtain an instance of this interface, you must create an instance of Caplin.DataSource.DataSource.
 CCaplin.DataSource.DataSourceThis is the main class in Datasource.NET. Your application must create an instance of this class to use the functionality provided by DataSource
 CCaplin.Exceptions.IExceptionHandlerDefinition of the interface that receives exceptions generated by the Caplin library on its own threads. You should implement this interface to ensure that your application can handle such exceptions.
 CCaplin.Logging.ConsoleLoggerThe ConsoleLogger implements the Caplin.Logging.ILogger interface and outputs all log messages to the console.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Messaging.IFieldRepresents a name/value field pair
 CCaplin.DataSource.Fields.IFieldInfoThe IFieldInfo interface represents a field defined for the DataSource. Fields are defined in the DataSource configuration file using the format add-field <FieldName> <FieldNumber>.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Fields.IFieldManagerThe IFieldManager interface provides access to the mapping between field names and their corresponding field numbers.
 CCaplin.Logging.ILoggerDefinition of the interface that will receive logging messages from a Caplin application.
 CCaplin.Logging.ConsoleLoggerThe ConsoleLogger implements the Caplin.Logging.ILogger interface and outputs all log messages to the console.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Messaging.IMessageAn IMessage represents a DataSource message containg an update to an existing subject or a complete image of it.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Messaging.Container.IContainerMessageAn instance of IContainerMessage represents an update to a container.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Messaging.Mapping.IMappingMessageMapping messages allow a DataSource to inform a remote peer (usually Liberator or Transformer) that it should request a different subject.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Messaging.News.INewsMessageAn instance of INewsMessage defines the headline text that provides a brief description of a news story (see Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Story).
 CCaplin.DataSource.Messaging.Page.IPageMessageAn instance of IPageElement represents an update to a region of a Page.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Messaging.Permission.IPermissionMessageInterface that represents an update for a Permission message.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Messaging.Record.IRecordMessageBase interface for all Record messages.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Messaging.Record.IGenericMessageInterface for sending Generic messages, adding fields by name and value.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Messaging.Record.IRecordType1MessageInterface for sending Type 1 Record messages, enabling one to add fields by field name.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Messaging.Record.IRecordType2MessageInterface for populating Type 2 Record messages, adding fields by field name.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Messaging.Record.IRecordType3MessageInterface for populating Type 3 Record messages, adding fields by field name.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Messaging.Story.IStoryMessageAn instance of IStoryMessage resresents a news story.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Messaging.Wrapper.IWrapperMessageInterface for wrapping multiple messages of the same type together into one message.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Messaging.IMessageFactoryA message factory is used to create DataSource messages that can be published to other DataSources.
 CCaplin.DataSource.IMonitoringServerInterface that can be used to add or delete MonitoringBeans from the monitoring subsystem.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Namespace.INamespaceAn INamespace is used to determine if a subject is of interest to an Caplin.DataSource.Publisher.IDataProvider.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Namespace.PrefixNamespaceThe prefix namespace matches the initial part of a subject name.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Messaging.Page.IPageElementInterface that represents an update to a region of a Page.
 CCaplin.DataSource.IPeerRepresents a DataSource peer.
 CCaplin.DataSource.IPeerStatusEventEvent raised when a peer changes status.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Publisher.IPublisherAn instance of IPublisher publishes messages to remote DataSource peers on behalf of an IDataProvider. It also provides access to an IMessageFactory that creates the messages to be published.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Publisher.IActivePublisherThis implementation of IPublisher sends its associated IDataProvider all requests and the final discard for the subjects defined by the associated INamespace.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Publisher.IBroadcastPublisherThis implementation of IPublisher sends (broadcasts) updates to all connected peers regardless of whether they have requested (subscribed to) the subject.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Publisher.ICachedPublisherThis implementation of IPublisher uses the DataSource.NET data cache so that the IDataProvider implementation does not have to directly manipulate the data in IMessages.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Publisher.ICompatibilityPublisherThis implementation of IPublisher sends its associated IDataProvider all requests and discards for the subjects defined by the associated INamespace.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Publisher.IRequestDiscardEventBase interface for IRequestEvent and IDiscardEvent.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Publisher.IDiscardEventEvent that is raised when a peer discards a subject.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Publisher.IRequestEventEvent that is raised when a peer requests a subject.
 CCaplin.DataSource.IServiceStatusEventEvent that is raised when a service changes state.
 CCaplin.DataSource.ISubjectErrorEventRepresents an event raised when there is an error in a subscription to a subject.
 CCaplin.DataSource.ISubjectStatusEventRepresents an event that is raised when there is a change in the status of a Subject.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Subscription.ISubscriptionRepresents a subscription to a DataSource subject (see Caplin.DataSource.Subscription.IActiveSubscription or to a namespace of DataSource subjects (see Caplin.DataSource.Subscription.IBroadcastSubscription.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Subscription.IActiveSubscriptionAn IActiveSubscription represents a subscription to a single subject.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Subscription.IBroadcastSubscriptionAn IBroadcastSubscription represents a subscription to many subjects. The scope of which is defined by an Caplin.DataSource.Namespace.INamespace.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Subscription.ISubscriptionListenerThe ISubscriptionListener interface allows applications to receive events raised for an Caplin.DataSource.Subscription.ISubscription.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Subscription.BaseSubscriptionListenerAn implementation of Caplin.DataSource.Subscription.ISubscriptionListener containing empty callback methods. you can derivce your implementation of Caplin.DataSource.Subscription.ISubscriptionListener from this class, and override selected callback methods with full implementations as required.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Monitoring.MonitorableValueAttribute that should be applied to methods and properties that are visible to the monitoring subsystem.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Monitoring.MonitoringBeanBase type for all monitoring beans. You should extend this class to add in your own monitoring attributes and/or methods.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Cache.Record.NamespaceDocThis namespace provides facilities for manipulating and querying Cached Records.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Publisher.NamespaceDocThe Caplin.DataSource.Publisher namespace contains class needed to service DataSource subscriptions; allowing custom systems to push data into a DataSource so it can be published to other, remote, DataSource applications.
 CCaplin.DataSource.NamespaceDocThe interfaces in this top-level namespace provide the main functions of DataSource.NET.
 CCaplin.Exceptions.NamespaceDocThe Caplin.Exceptions namespace provides definitions for exceptions raised by Caplin's .NET APIs.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Monitoring.NamespaceDocThe monitoring system within DataSource.NET allows your application to publish attributes and expose operations that can be invoked by any JMX application.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Subscription.NamespaceDocThe interfaces in this namespace provide functionality for receiving updates from DataSource peers (sink functionality)
 CCaplin.Logging.NamespaceDocThe Caplin.Logging namespace provides logging facilities for applications built using Caplin's .NET APIs
 CCaplin.Exceptions.RecoverableExceptionBase class for all exceptions that are propagated to the client implementation of Caplin.Exceptions.IExceptionHandler but do not indicate that the application has reached a terminal state and should be restarted.
 CCaplin.Exceptions.SecurityPolicyFileNotFoundExceptionException thrown when Silverlight cannot download a clientaccesspolicy.xml or crossdomain.xml file from the target server. This can happen either when the server is down or when the server does not host either of the files required.
 CCaplin.DataSource.Fields.UnknownFieldExceptionThrown when a field is added to a record and the name of the field is not present in the local fields configuration.

Generated on Sun Sep 17 2017 06:12:08 for DataSource.NET