Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Container.IContainerModel Interface Reference

This interface defines a model that represents a container. Implement it to simplify the processing of incoming IContainerMessages. More...

Public Member Functions

void AddElement (string subject)
 Called to indicate that you should add (append) an element with the given subject to the container. More...
void InsertElement (string subject, int position)
 Called to indicate that you should insert an element with the given subject at the given position within the container. More...
void RemoveElement (string subject)
 Called to indicate that you should remove the element with the given subject from the container. More...
void RemoveElementsWithPrefix (string prefix)
 Called to indicate that you should remove all elements from the container that have a subject that matches the specified prefix. More...

Detailed Description

This interface defines a model that represents a container. Implement it to simplify the processing of incoming IContainerMessages.


Note: You do not have to use this interface to process IContainerMessages. You can instead use the basic approach, as explained in IContainerMessage.Operations.

To use the IContainerModel interface:

Member Function Documentation

void Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Container.IContainerModel.AddElement ( string  subject)

Called to indicate that you should add (append) an element with the given subject to the container.

subjectThe subject of the element to add.

The element must be added to the end of the container. For example, if there are three elements already in the container at positions 0, 1, and 2 respectively, adding a fourth element places it at position 3.

void Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Container.IContainerModel.InsertElement ( string  subject,
int  position 

Called to indicate that you should insert an element with the given subject at the given position within the container.

subjectThe subject of the element to be inserted.
positionThe position at which to insert the element. The first element in a container is at position 0.
void Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Container.IContainerModel.RemoveElement ( string  subject)

Called to indicate that you should remove the element with the given subject from the container.

subjectThe subject of the element to be removed.
void Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Container.IContainerModel.RemoveElementsWithPrefix ( string  prefix)

Called to indicate that you should remove all elements from the container that have a subject that matches the specified prefix.

prefixThe prefix to match subjects for which elements are to be removed from the container.

Generated on Sun Mar 14 2021 06:31:28 for DataSource.NET