▼NCaplin | |
▼NDataSource | |
▼NChannel | |
CIChannel | |
CIChannelListener | |
CIJsonChannel | |
CIJsonChannelListener | |
CNamespaceDoc | |
▼NFields | |
CIFieldInfo | The IFieldInfo interface represents a field defined for the DataSource. Fields are defined in the DataSource configuration file using the format add-field <FieldName> <FieldNumber> . |
CIFieldManager | The IFieldManager interface provides access to the mapping between field names and their corresponding field numbers. |
CNamespaceDoc | |
CUnknownFieldException | Thrown when a field is added to a record and the name of the field is not present in the local fields configuration. |
▼NMessaging | |
►NContainer | |
►NJSON | |
►NMapping | |
►NNews | |
►NPage | |
►NPermission | |
►NRecord | |
►NStory | |
►NWrapper | |
CICachedMessageFactory | A message factory is used to create DataSource messages that can be published to other DataSources. |
CIField | Represents a name/value field pair |
CIMessage | An IMessage represents a DataSource message containg an update to an existing subject or a complete image of it. |
CIMessageFactory | A message factory is used to create DataSource messages that can be published to other DataSources. |
CNamespaceDoc | |
▼NMonitoring | |
CMonitorableValue | Attribute that should be applied to methods and properties that are visible to the monitoring subsystem. |
CMonitoringBean | Base type for all monitoring beans. You should extend this class to add in your own monitoring attributes and/or methods. |
CNamespaceDoc | The monitoring system within DataSource.NET allows your application to publish attributes and expose operations that can be invoked by any JMX application. |
▼NNamespace | |
CINamespace | An INamespace is used to determine if a subject is of interest to an Caplin.DataSource.Publisher.IDataProvider. |
CNamespaceDoc | |
CPrefixNamespace | The prefix namespace matches the initial part of a subject name. |
CRegexNamespace | |
▼NPublisher | |
CIActivePublisher | This implementation of IPublisher sends its associated IDataProvider all requests and the final discard for the subjects defined by the associated INamespace. |
CIBroadcastPublisher | This implementation of IPublisher sends (broadcasts) updates to all connected peers regardless of whether they have requested (subscribed to) the subject. |
CICachingDataProvider | Interface that must be implemented in order to provide data updates to DataSource peers for cached objects. It contains callbacks that handle subscription and discard requests. |
CICachingPublisher | This publisher implementation uses the DataSource.NET data cache so that the ICachingDataProvider implementation does not have to directly manipulate the data in IMessages. |
CICompatibilityPublisher | This implementation of IPublisher sends its associated IDataProvider all requests and discards for the subjects defined by the associated INamespace. |
CIDataProvider | Interface that must be implemented in order to provide data updates to DataSource peers. |
CIDiscardEvent | Event that is raised when a peer discards a subject. |
CIPublisher | An instance of IPublisher publishes messages to remote DataSource peers on behalf of an IDataProvider. It also provides access to an IMessageFactory that creates the messages to be published. |
CIRequestDiscardEvent | Base interface for IRequestEvent and IDiscardEvent. |
CIRequestEvent | Event that is raised when a peer requests a subject. |
CNamespaceDoc | The Caplin.DataSource.Publisher namespace contains class needed to service DataSource subscriptions; allowing custom systems to push data into a DataSource so it can be published to other, remote, DataSource applications. |
▼NSubscription | |
CBaseSubscriptionListener | An implementation of Caplin.DataSource.Subscription.ISubscriptionListener containing empty callback methods. you can derivce your implementation of Caplin.DataSource.Subscription.ISubscriptionListener from this class, and override selected callback methods with full implementations as required. |
CIActiveSubscription | An IActiveSubscription represents a subscription to a single subject. |
CIBroadcastSubscription | An IBroadcastSubscription represents a subscription to many subjects. The scope of which is defined by an Caplin.DataSource.Namespace.INamespace. |
CISubjectConsumer | |
CISubscription | Represents a subscription to a DataSource subject (see Caplin.DataSource.Subscription.IActiveSubscription or to a namespace of DataSource subjects (see Caplin.DataSource.Subscription.IBroadcastSubscription. |
CISubscriptionListener | The ISubscriptionListener interface allows applications to receive events raised for an Caplin.DataSource.Subscription.ISubscription. |
CNamespaceDoc | The interfaces in this namespace provide functionality for receiving updates from DataSource peers (sink functionality) |
CDataSource | This is the main class in Datasource.NET. Your application must create an instance of this class to use the functionality provided by DataSource |
CIConnectionListener | This interface allows applications to receive events about the state of DataSource.NET's connection to other DataSource peers |
CIDataSource | This interface defines the main interface of DataSoure.NET. In order to obtain an instance of this interface, you must create an instance of Caplin.DataSource.DataSource. |
CIJsonHandler | |
CIMonitoringServer | Interface that can be used to add or delete MonitoringBeans from the monitoring subsystem. |
CIPeer | Represents a DataSource peer. |
CIPeerStatusEvent | Event raised when a peer changes status. |
CIServiceStatusEvent | Event that is raised when a service changes state. |
CIStatusEvent | Represents an event that is raised when there is a change in the status of the backend. |
CISubjectErrorEvent | Represents an event raised when there is an error in a subscription to a subject. |
CISubjectStatusEvent | Represents an event that is raised when there is a change in the status of a Subject. |
CNamespaceDoc | The interfaces in this top-level namespace provide the main functions of DataSource.NET. |
▼NExceptions | |
CIExceptionHandler | Definition of the interface that receives exceptions generated by the Caplin library on its own threads. You should implement this interface to ensure that your application can handle such exceptions. |
CNamespaceDoc | The Caplin.Exceptions namespace provides definitions for exceptions raised by Caplin's .NET APIs. |
CRecoverableException | Base class for all exceptions that are propagated to the client implementation of Caplin.Exceptions.IExceptionHandler but do not indicate that the application has reached a terminal state and should be restarted. |
CSecurityPolicyFileNotFoundException | Exception thrown when Silverlight cannot download a clientaccesspolicy.xml or crossdomain.xml file from the target server. This can happen either when the server is down or when the server does not host either of the files required. |
▼NLogging | |
CConsoleLogger | The ConsoleLogger implements the Caplin.Logging.ILogger interface and outputs all log messages to the console. |
CILogger | Definition of the interface that will receive logging messages from a Caplin application. |
CNamespaceDoc | The Caplin.Logging namespace provides logging facilities for applications built using Caplin's .NET APIs |