See: Description
Package | Description |
com.caplin.motif.blotter |
Non FX-specific classes that relate to sorting and filtering blotters.
com.caplin.motif.datasource |
Extensions to the DataSource for Java library.
com.caplin.motif.fx |
Parent package with enumerations that relate to the FX asset class in general.
com.caplin.motif.fx.blotter |
Parent package with classes that relate to blotters.
com.caplin.motif.fx.blotter.cache |
Contains classes relating to the cached blotter provider API.
com.caplin.motif.fx.blotter.message |
Messages that can be sent for structural blotter changes and blotter items.
com.caplin.motif.fx.blotter.subject |
Subjects for the default blotters in the FX Motif.
com.caplin.motif.fx.blotter.type |
Classes relating to the four default blotters in the FX Motif.
com.caplin.motif.fx.calendar |
Classes and interfaces relating to tenor dates and settlement dates.
com.caplin.motif.fx.container |
Classes for providing static containers of subjects, for example pricing grids.
com.caplin.motif.fx.exception |
Custom exceptions that can be thrown by classes in the FX Integration API.
com.caplin.motif.fx.rates |
Classes and interfaces that relate to streaming FX rates.
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Parent package with classes that relate to FX trading in general but no specific trading protocol.
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Classes and interfaces that relate to post-trade allocations.
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Classes representing the events that can happen during the post-trade allocation process.
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Classes used for sending post-trade allocation events.
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Classes and interfaces that relate to block trading.
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Classes representing the events that can happen during the block trade process.
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Classes used for sending block trade events.
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Classes and interfaces that relate to ESP (Executable Streaming Price) trading.
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Classes representing the events that can happen during an ESP trade.
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Classes used for sending ESP trade events.
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Parent package with classes and interfaces that relate to orders in general.
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Classes and interfaces that relate to activating or deactivating a previously submitted order or strategy.
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Events that can happen during activation or deactivation of a previously submitted order or strategy.
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Classes used for sending events that relate to activation or deactivation of an order or strategy.
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Classes and interfaces that relate to performing bulk order action e.g.
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Events that can happen during bulk order action.
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Classes used for sending events that relate to performing bulk order actions.
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Class and interfaces that relate to canceling a previously submitted order or strategy.
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Classes that represent the events that can happen during a request for cancelation of an order or strategy.
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Classes used for sending events relating to the cancelation of an order or strategy.
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Classes and interfaces that relate to supplying the details of a previously submitted order strategy.
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Classes and interfaces that relate to editing an existing order or order strategy.
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Classes that represent the events that can happen during an attempt to edit an existing order or order strategy.
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Classes used for sending events that relate to editing an existing order or order strategy.
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Classes and interfaces that relate to submitting an order or order strategy.
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Classes that represent the events that can happen during submission of an order strategy.
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Classes used for sending events that relate to an order strategy submission.
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Classes representing the various order strategies that are supported by the FX Motif.
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Classes that validate the correctness of a submitted order strategy.
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Classes and interfaces that relate to RFS (Request For Stream) trading.
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Classes representing the events that can happen during an RFS trade.
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Classes used for sending RFS trade events.
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Classes used for sales trading on behalf of a client.
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Classes that relate to trading in general but not specifically the FX asset class.
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Classes and interfaces that relate to validating trade events.
The FX Integration API is a backend Java library that you can use to quickly and easily integrate the Caplin FX Motif with your existing systems. The library consists of a set of domain-specific APIs designed to provide the data expected by the FX Motif, in the exact format required.
The FX Integration API fully supports the core features of the FX Motif, including (but not limited to):
When using the FX Motif backend system - Caplin Platform - to integrate with your existing backend systems and stream real-time data to your client applications via the internet, the server-side APIs that you interact with are generally based on receiving requests and sending messages made up of fields. These fields are simple key/value pairs. The FX Integration API enforces a standard protocol with the FX Motif that enables developers to implement DataSource Integration Adapters conforming to the pricing and trading workflow that the FX Motif expects, without being overly concerned with field and message specifications. Thus the FX Integration API enables you to fully utilise all of the FX Motifs features while greatly reducing the amount of time developing Integration Adapters by writing a small amount of high level domain-specific integration code rather than writing a lot of low-level boilerplate code to build up raw messages and manually set fields.
For detailed information on using the FX Integration API - see our online documentation at Here you will find further help and guides on developing DataSource Integration Adapters for the Caplin FX Motif using the FX Integration API.
Copyright © 2015 Caplin Systems.