Class SingleValuePublisher<T,S extends SubjectInfo>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of value to publish
S - the type of SubjectInfo to publish with

public class SingleValuePublisher<T,S extends SubjectInfo> extends SubjectMessagePublisher<S>
Publishes single value messages of a given type.
  • Constructor Details

    • SingleValuePublisher

      public SingleValuePublisher(com.caplin.datasource.publisher.CachingPublisher publisher)
  • Method Details

    • publish

      public void publish(S subjectInfo, T value)
      Publish the specified value to clients subscribed to the specified subject.
      subjectInfo - the subject to publish the value on
      value - the value to publish
    • publishError

      public void publishError(S subjectInfo, com.caplin.datasource.SubjectError subjectError)
      Publish the specified error to clients subscribed to the specified subject.
      subjectInfo - the subject to publish the value on
      subjectError - the SubjectError to publish
    • publishStatus

      public void publishStatus(S subjectInfo, com.caplin.datasource.SubjectStatus subjectStatus)
      Publish the specified SubjectStatus to clients subscribed to the specified subject.
      subjectInfo - the subject to publish the value on
      subjectStatus - the SubjectStatus to publish