All Classes and Interfaces

This is the standard implementation of the IAuthenticationParameters interface.
The HardwareKeyStoreKeyMasterConfiguration class creates a configuration for KeyMaster using a private key stored in a hardware keystore.
Represents additional parameters that may be used when generating or formatting KeyMaster tokens.
This interface defines the functionality of the KeyMaster class.
Represents the configuration interface used by KeyMaster.
Represents the interface used to format a KeyMaster tokens appropriately for the StreamLink application that is requesting it.
Represents the permissions of a set of subjects.
Interface that represents the mapping of a set of subjects from one namespace to another.
Interface that represents the permissions for a single user.
The main KeyMaster class.
Defines the hashing algorithms that can be used by KeyMaster when signing tokens.
The PEMPKCS8KeyMasterConfiguration class creates a configuration for KeyMaster using a private key stored in a pkcs#8 PEM format file.
An implementation of the IPermission interface.
Formats a token for use by StreamLink.
An implementation of the ISubjectMapping interface.
Implementation of the IUserPermissions interface.