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addMapping(ISubjectMapping) - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.IUserPermissions
Adds a new subject mapping to the user's permissioning information.
addMapping(ISubjectMapping) - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.UserPermissions
addPermission(IPermission) - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.IUserPermissions
Adds a new subject permission to the user's permissioning information.
addPermission(IPermission) - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.UserPermissions
AuthenticationParameters - Class in com.caplin.keymaster
This is the standard implementation of the IAuthenticationParameters interface.
AuthenticationParameters(String) - Constructor for class com.caplin.keymaster.AuthenticationParameters
Initializes a new instance of the AuthenticationParameters class, containing just the username, and no extra data.
AuthenticationParameters(String, IUserPermissions) - Constructor for class com.caplin.keymaster.AuthenticationParameters
Initializes a new instance of the AuthenticationParameters class, containing the username, and the permissions for that username.
AuthenticationParameters(String, String) - Constructor for class com.caplin.keymaster.AuthenticationParameters
Initializes a new instance of the AuthenticationParameters class, containing the username and extra data.
AuthenticationParameters(String, String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.caplin.keymaster.AuthenticationParameters
Initializes a new instance of the AuthenticationParameters class, containing the username, extra data and mapping data.
AuthenticationParameters(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.caplin.keymaster.AuthenticationParameters
Initializes a new instance of the AuthenticationParameters class, containing the username and mapping data.


com.caplin.keymaster - package com.caplin.keymaster
The interfaces and classes that provide the main features of KeyMaster for Java
com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning - package com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning
The Permissioning namespace contains interfaces and classes that are used to supply permissioning information to the tokenauth Liberator authentication module.


format(IAuthenticationParameters, String) - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.IKeyMasterFormatter
Formats the supplied token, including any additional information supplied by IAuthenticationParameters
format(IAuthenticationParameters, String) - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.StandardFormatter
formatError(String) - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.StandardFormatter


generateToken(IAuthenticationParameters, IKeyMasterFormatter) - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.IKeyMaster
Generates a KeyMaster token for the given IAuthenticationParameters.
generateToken(IAuthenticationParameters, IKeyMasterFormatter) - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.KeyMaster
Generates a KeyMaster token for the given IAuthenticationParameters
getAlgorithmName() - Method in enum class com.caplin.keymaster.KeyMasterHashingAlgorithm
getExtraDataToSign() - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.AuthenticationParameters
getExtraDataToSign() - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.IAuthenticationParameters
Gets any extra data within the token that KeyMaster will sign.
getHashingAlgorithm() - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.HardwareKeyStoreKeyMasterConfiguration
getHashingAlgorithm() - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.IKeyMasterConfiguration
Gets the hashing algorithm that is used to generate the KeyMaster token.
getHashingAlgorithm() - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.PEMPKCS8KeyMasterConfiguration
getInstrumentField() - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.IPermission
Gets the instrument field.
getInstrumentField() - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.Permission
getLiberatorUsername() - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.AuthenticationParameters
getLiberatorUsername() - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.IAuthenticationParameters
Gets the username that should be used to log in to Liberator.
getMapFromPattern() - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.ISubjectMapping
Gets the pattern that will match a request for a subject.
getMapFromPattern() - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.SubjectMapping
getMappingData() - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.AuthenticationParameters
getMappingData() - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.IAuthenticationParameters
Gets the mapping data.
getMapToPattern() - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.ISubjectMapping
Gets the pattern that client requests matching ISubjectMapping.getMapFromPattern() will be mapped to.
getMapToPattern() - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.SubjectMapping
getPrivateKey() - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.HardwareKeyStoreKeyMasterConfiguration
getPrivateKey() - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.IKeyMasterConfiguration
Gets a private key object.
getPrivateKey() - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.PEMPKCS8KeyMasterConfiguration
getReadAllowed() - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.IPermission
Gets a value indicating whether the user can read subjects matching IPermission.getSubjectPattern()
getReadAllowed() - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.Permission
getSecurityProviderName() - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.HardwareKeyStoreKeyMasterConfiguration
The name of the Java Security provider to be used to generate the token.
getSecurityProviderName() - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.IKeyMasterConfiguration
The name of the Java Security provider to be used to generate the token.
getSecurityProviderName() - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.PEMPKCS8KeyMasterConfiguration
getSubjectPattern() - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.IPermission
Gets the regular expression representing the subjects that should have the permissions defined by this IPermission.
getSubjectPattern() - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.Permission
getTradeAllowed() - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.IPermission
Gets a value indicating whether the user can trade on subjects matching IPermission.getSubjectPattern().
getTradeAllowed() - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.Permission
getWriteAllowed() - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.IPermission
Gets a value indicating whether the user can contribute to (publish to) subjects matching IPermission.getSubjectPattern().
getWriteAllowed() - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.Permission


HardwareKeyStoreKeyMasterConfiguration - Class in com.caplin.keymaster
The HardwareKeyStoreKeyMasterConfiguration class creates a configuration for KeyMaster using a private key stored in a hardware keystore.
HardwareKeyStoreKeyMasterConfiguration(InputStream, String, String, String, String, KeyMasterHashingAlgorithm, String) - Constructor for class com.caplin.keymaster.HardwareKeyStoreKeyMasterConfiguration
Initializes a new instance of the HardwareKeyStoreKeyMasterConfiguration class that uses the private key in the supplied hardware keystore.
HardwareKeyStoreKeyMasterConfiguration(String, String, String, String, String, KeyMasterHashingAlgorithm, String) - Constructor for class com.caplin.keymaster.HardwareKeyStoreKeyMasterConfiguration
Initializes a new instance of the HardwareKeyStoreKeyMasterConfiguration class that uses the private key in the supplied hardware keystore.


IAuthenticationParameters - Interface in com.caplin.keymaster
Represents additional parameters that may be used when generating or formatting KeyMaster tokens.
IKeyMaster - Interface in com.caplin.keymaster
This interface defines the functionality of the KeyMaster class.
IKeyMasterConfiguration - Interface in com.caplin.keymaster
Represents the configuration interface used by KeyMaster.
IKeyMasterFormatter - Interface in com.caplin.keymaster
Represents the interface used to format a KeyMaster tokens appropriately for the StreamLink application that is requesting it.
IPermission - Interface in com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning
Represents the permissions of a set of subjects.
ISubjectMapping - Interface in com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning
Interface that represents the mapping of a set of subjects from one namespace to another.
IUserPermissions - Interface in com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning
Interface that represents the permissions for a single user.


KeyMaster - Class in com.caplin.keymaster
The main KeyMaster class.
KeyMaster(IKeyMasterConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.caplin.keymaster.KeyMaster
Initializes a new instance of the KeyMaster class.
KeyMasterHashingAlgorithm - Enum Class in com.caplin.keymaster
Defines the hashing algorithms that can be used by KeyMaster when signing tokens.


MD5 - Enum constant in enum class com.caplin.keymaster.KeyMasterHashingAlgorithm
Defines the MD5 hash algorithm.


PEMPKCS8KeyMasterConfiguration - Class in com.caplin.keymaster
The PEMPKCS8KeyMasterConfiguration class creates a configuration for KeyMaster using a private key stored in a pkcs#8 PEM format file.
PEMPKCS8KeyMasterConfiguration(InputStream, KeyMasterHashingAlgorithm, String) - Constructor for class com.caplin.keymaster.PEMPKCS8KeyMasterConfiguration
Initializes a new instance of the PEMPKCS8KeyMasterConfiguration class that uses the private key in the supplied PKCS#8 PEM format file.
PEMPKCS8KeyMasterConfiguration(String, KeyMasterHashingAlgorithm, String) - Constructor for class com.caplin.keymaster.PEMPKCS8KeyMasterConfiguration
Initializes a new instance of the PEMPKCS8KeyMasterConfiguration class that uses the private key in the supplied PKCS#8 PEM format file.
Permission - Class in com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning
An implementation of the IPermission interface.
Permission(String) - Constructor for class com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.Permission
Initializes a new instance of the Permission class with a subject pattern.
Permission(String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.Permission
Initializes a new instance of the Permission class with permissions for a subject pattern.
Permission(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.Permission
Initializes a new instance of the Permission class with permissions for a subject pattern, and the name of a field specifying an instrument that can be traded.


RIPEMD160 - Enum constant in enum class com.caplin.keymaster.KeyMasterHashingAlgorithm
Defines the RipeMD160 hash algorithm.


setExtraDataToSign(String) - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.AuthenticationParameters
setExtraDataToSign(String) - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.IAuthenticationParameters
Sets any extra data within the token that KeyMaster will sign.
setInstrumentField(String) - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.IPermission
Sets the instrument field.
setInstrumentField(String) - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.Permission
setLiberatorUsername(String) - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.AuthenticationParameters
setLiberatorUsername(String) - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.IAuthenticationParameters
Sets the username that should be used to log in to Liberator.
setMapFromPattern(String) - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.ISubjectMapping
Sets the pattern that will match a request for a subject.
setMapFromPattern(String) - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.SubjectMapping
setMappingData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.AuthenticationParameters
setMappingData(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.IAuthenticationParameters
Sets the mapping data.
setMapToPattern(String) - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.ISubjectMapping
Sets the pattern that client requests matching ISubjectMapping.getMapFromPattern() will be mapped to.
setMapToPattern(String) - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.SubjectMapping
setReadAllowed(boolean) - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.IPermission
Sets a value indicating whether the user can read subjects matching IPermission.getSubjectPattern()
setReadAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.Permission
setSubjectPattern(String) - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.IPermission
Sets the regular expression representing the subjects that should have the permissions defined by this IPermission.
setSubjectPattern(String) - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.Permission
setTradeAllowed(boolean) - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.IPermission
Sets a value indicating whether the user can trade on subjects matching IPermission.getSubjectPattern().
setTradeAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.Permission
setWriteAllowed(boolean) - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.IPermission
Sets a value indicating whether the user can contribute to (publish to) subjects matching IPermission.getSubjectPattern().
setWriteAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.Permission
SHA1 - Enum constant in enum class com.caplin.keymaster.KeyMasterHashingAlgorithm
Defines the SHA1 hash algorithm.
SHA256 - Enum constant in enum class com.caplin.keymaster.KeyMasterHashingAlgorithm
Defines the SHA256 hash algorithm.
SHA384 - Enum constant in enum class com.caplin.keymaster.KeyMasterHashingAlgorithm
Defines the SHA384 hash algorithm.
SHA512 - Enum constant in enum class com.caplin.keymaster.KeyMasterHashingAlgorithm
Specifies the use of the SHA512 hash algorithm.
StandardFormatter - Class in com.caplin.keymaster
Formats a token for use by StreamLink.
StandardFormatter() - Constructor for class com.caplin.keymaster.StandardFormatter
SubjectMapping - Class in com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning
An implementation of the ISubjectMapping interface.
SubjectMapping(String, String) - Constructor for class com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.SubjectMapping
Initializes a new instance of the SubjectMapping class.


toPermissionString() - Method in interface com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.IUserPermissions
Returns a string representation of the user's permissions.
toPermissionString() - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.UserPermissions
toString() - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.AuthenticationParameters
toString() - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.HardwareKeyStoreKeyMasterConfiguration
toString() - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.PEMPKCS8KeyMasterConfiguration
toString() - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.Permission
Returns a String that represents this instance.
toString() - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.SubjectMapping
Returns a String that represents this instance.
toString() - Method in class com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.UserPermissions
Returns a String that represents this instance.


UserPermissions - Class in com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning
Implementation of the IUserPermissions interface.
UserPermissions() - Constructor for class com.caplin.keymaster.permissioning.UserPermissions
Initializes a new instance of the UserPermissions class.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.caplin.keymaster.KeyMasterHashingAlgorithm
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.caplin.keymaster.KeyMasterHashingAlgorithm
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
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