All Classes and Interfaces

AbstractBlotterDataProvider<T extends com.caplin.motif.UserTrade>
Notification details for successful action.
The set of enums used to denote the state of an Order in the ChangeActiveState code.
Handles requests, discards, and deal updates for the activity blotter.
Mediates a connection to the TrAPI Admin API.
The AlertType determines how the client should be alerted once the order has been filled.
Facade which combines RFS and Sales RFS sub-protocol quote validators
Supported asset classes.
Represents the file
BaseErrorResponder<T extends com.caplin.motif.UserTrade>
The base responder for the EditStrategy responders.
Parent class of OrderFieldSet and StrategyFieldSet.
Invoked when the toolkit receives a Block Quote from RET and requires an FX API Block Quote.
Validates a given (mapped) block quote.
Represents the state of an RFSTrade
A factory which creates BlockStateEvent objects.
A wrapper for a SubmitTradeEvent for use in Block Quotes.
An implementation of CustomFieldValuesFactory that creates CustomFieldValues for a BlockTrade.
Used to encapsulate additional properties of a Block trade that can then be stored in the Taker Order Custom field in RET.
Helper class used to construct a BlockTradeProperties object.
Handles requests and discards from the client, forwards them to the back end system, and creates listeners to handle back end response.
An BlotterCriteriaFactory is used to create the criteria used to request deals from LBN, which are in turn used to populate the blotter.
Provides two channels for blotter data producers to publish deals to clients.
This has been deprecated as you should not add, remove or update fields already send.
It is recommended that you use the default BlotterRecordIdFactory as the formation and parsing of trade IDs is relied on by the front end.
Entry point to the Blotter system.
Represents the properties of a blotter.
The set of enums used to denote a bulk action on orders.
An event to notify the client that the submission of the bulk order action has been received by the backend.
An event to notify the client that the request for bulk order action is being processed by the backend.
A Responder for the BulkOrderAction trade model that can respond from the Processing state.
A Responder for the BulkOrderAction trade model that can respond from the BulkActionSent state.
An instance of this object represents a request from the client to perform an action on a number of orders.
An BulkOrderActionTradeListener instance will be notified of incoming client events for activating a limit order that already exists.
A BulkOrderActionTradeListenerFactory instance is responsible for providing a BulkOrderActionTradeListener whenever a a request for bulk action is received from the client.
Used to create and customise a CalendarAdapter to provide calendar data like tenor's or settlement dates.
This is the interface used to configure a new CalendarAdapter.
This class produces a CalendarConfiguration which can be used to instantiate a CalendarAdapter.
An extension point for transforming settlement date and tenor date data.
An BlockStateEventFactory that returns an BlockStateEvent compatible with the FXMotif.
An RFSStateEventFactory that returns an BlockStateEvent compatible with the FXMotif.
An instance of this object represents a request from the client to cancel the state of an existing order.
An instance of this object represents a request from the client to change the state of an existing order.
An FxTradingAccountManager implementation which always returns the provided account.
An event to notify the client that the request to finish editing of the strategy has been acknowledged by the backend.
An ClientCloseEvent, received when the client has submitted an a request to finish editing of an order
A Responder for Edit Strategy, that can send messages from the ClientCloseSent state.
Provides the cross currencies required to retrieve the conversion rate for the instrument currency pair

The ConfigurationLoader interface is used to locate various configuration files.
ConnectionStatusListener<T extends com.caplin.ret.trapi.connection.Connection>
Contains the requisite objects for the Quote Factory.
This class is used to store additional fields in a TRAPI order.
Helper class that is used to construct a CustomFieldValues object.
Factory used for creating CustomFieldValues.
An interface for serialisation between CustomFieldValues and String.
A BlotterQuery which matches records based on the taker-name, deal date, and depending on the executed/historic_blotter_display_only_completed_deals configuration options, whether the deal is in the "Completed" state.
Creates a single blotter record for regular SPOT, FWD and SWAP trades.
Utility for creating some of the default supported criteria
The default implementation of OrderSubmissionValidator for IfDoneOCO submissions.
A LBNCustomFieldsFactory that creates record fields to be published to the blotter.
The default implementation of OrderSubmissionValidator for OCO submissions
A OrderCustomFieldsFactory that creates record fields to be published to the blotter.
Notification details for successful delete action.
Contains a collection of data for processing orders.
Handles requests for strategy 'details' which is data used to populate the 'Edit Order' feature
A Responder for Edit Strategy, that can send message from the Editable state.
An event to notify the client that the request to edit an existing order has been successfully accepted by the backend.
An event to notify the client that the request to edit the strategy has been acknowledged by the backend.
An EditOpenEvent, received when the client has submitted an a request for an Edit order
A Responder for the Edit Strategy, that can send message from the EditOpenSent state.
In normal usage this class' callbacks are executed in the following order:
A Responder for Edit Strategy, that can send messages from the EditPending state.
A EditStrategyListener instance will be notified of incoming client events for editing the strategy.
An EditStrategyListenerFactory instance is responsible for providing an EditStrategyListener whenever an Edit Strategy request has been initiated from the client.
An EditStrategyRequest is a domain object that represents a front end request to edit a previously submitted single order or multi-order strategy.
An implementation of CustomFieldValuesFactory that creates CustomFieldValues for a ESPTrade.
Responds to events for a single trade.
Used to encapsulate additional properties of an ESP trade that can then be stored in the Taker Order Custom field in RET.
A helper class used to construct an ESPTradeProperties object.
Contains rules that ensure a trade conforms to gap-time rules.
Ensures a one click (ESP) trade contains valid data.
Defines values that are valid for the ExecutionStyle field.
Represents the data of an execution; an execution is a deal which fills on the market in a single transaction.
The ExecutionType determines how order should be executed.
Notification details for any failed action.
The enum used to describe the type of failure that has occurred when the client has made a save request that has failed.
A BlotterRecordFieldsUpdater that modifies the trade type field for publication.
A UserManager which reads permissions from a file.
Notification details for successful fill action.
A Filter contains information for filtering a blotter by a column or field name on a particular value, for example L1_Status==Open.
Represents all of the possible Operators that can be used to perform a filter.
An OrderConnectionRequestRouter that routes orders to the default connection.
An InstrumentProvider for systems which only supports the instrument FX.CROSS.
FXExecutionBlotterDataProvider<T extends com.caplin.motif.UserTrade>
A CustomFieldValuesFactory that creates the default CustomFieldValues used by the FxMotif.
An OrderFieldsGenerator implementation that generates default fields for the FxMotif.
An OrderFactory which configures TrAPI FX Orders according to the FX Professional Motif Order Submission Message specification.
An OrderStatusGenerator that supplies default statuses for the FxMotif.
A StrategyDetailsGenerator that supports the default FxMotif.
An FXOrdersAdapter services trading capabilities for Limit Orders.
FXTradeLifetimeEventHandler<T extends com.caplin.motif.UserTrade>
An interface for querying the account for a RET client.
Used to create and customise a FxTradingAdapter.
This is the interface used to configure a FxTradingAdapter.
This class produces a FxTradingConfiguration which can be used to instantiate an FxTradingAdapter.
Represents the contingent order strategy If Done then One Cancels the Other.
Represents the contingent order strategy If Done then One Cancels the Other.
Represents the contingent order strategy If Timeout then execute child order.
Stores user manager data.
An interface for querying the instrument for a RET user and currency pair.
A CustomFieldValuesSerialiser that serialises between CustomFieldValues and JSON strings.
Used to create and customise a LBNAdapter for historic data.
This is the interface used to configure a LBNAdapter.
This class produces a LBNConfiguration which can be used to instantiate an LBNAdapter.
Creates record fields to be published to the blotter.
Used to create and customise an OrderAdapter.
Parses a logins XML file and stores all users in a cache.
Value object containing both an FXQuote and a TrAPIQuote
A Receiver performs an action in response to a notification from a Provider.
Base Order Strategy class.
De/encodes CustomFieldValues from/into a string that is suitable for use as an application/x-www-form-urlencoded list of parameters in an HTTP response.
Actions shown by notifications
Maps a given value to a NotificationAction string.
Initialise components which enables the system to subscribe to and send notifications.
Context to initialise the NotificationManager
Notification types representing action failures.
Represents the contingent order strategy One Cancels the Other.
Order update receiver which forwards data from LOMS to a client's blotters.
One OpenOrderListenerManager per Blotter Type
This class represents an Order.
An object representing one of the legs of a multi-order strategy.
An event to notify the client that the submission of the order or order strategy has been completed, and the order (or orders) is now active.
An event to notify the client that the submitted order is accepting.
Ensures that all the objects used by the OrderAdapterInitialiser have been initialised before the adapter starts
This class provides a builder which is used to instantiate and populate the fields of an order.
An event to notify the client that the request to cancel an existing order has been received by the backend.
An OrderCancelationListener instance will be notified of client events regarding the cancelation of already submitted Limit Orders.
An OrderCancelationListenerFactory instance is responsible for providing a OrderCancelationListener whenever a Limit Order that already exists has been canceled from the client.
An event to notify the client that the request to cancel an existing order has been successfully executed by the backend trading system.
A Responder for canceling limit orders that can send messages from the Canceling state
An event to notify the client that the request to cancel an existing order is currently pending completion in the backend trading system.
An event to notify the client the request to cancel an existing order has been rejected by the backend trading system
A Responder for canceling limit orders that can send messages from the CancelSent state.
An OrderChangeActiveStateListener instance will be notified of incoming client events for activating a limit order that already exists.
An OrderChangeActiveStateListenerFactory instance is responsible for providing a OrderChangeActiveStateListener whenever a Limit Order that already exists has been activated from the client.
An event to notify the client that the submission of the order change state has been received by the backend.
An event to notify the client that the request to change the state of an existing order has been successfully processed by the backend.
An event to notify the client that the change state request is currently being processed by the backend, and is in the pending state.
An event to notify the client that the request to change the state of the order has been rejected by the backend.
A Responder for the OrderChangeState trade model that can respond from the ChangeStateSent state.
A Responder for the OrderChangeState trade model that can respond from the ChangingState state.
This class produces a OrderConfiguration which can be used to instantiate an OrderAdapter.
This class produces a OrderConfiguration which can be used to instantiate an OrderAdapter.
The Exception to be thrown if the submitted order is invalid
Routes connection requests to the appropriate connection.
Creates record fields to be published to the blotter or notifications.
An interface for working with OrderBuilders.
A domain object representing a request for details of a previously submitted order strategy.
An OrderEditor maps data from a given Strategy and corresponding order to a TrAPI order.
The factory that will be asked to create the Order object
Sets data on a TrAPI order FXOrder from a given MotifOrderStrategy strategy and Order order.
Represents a set of fields relating to an order.
This has been deprecated as you should not modify or remove fields from the Toolkit's default field set.
Responder that can respond from the PendingAccept state.
This interface to determine if a user is has permission for an action on an FXOrder.
Factory class for creating OrderPermission.
Used to encapsulate additional properties of an Order that can then be stored in the Taker Order Custom field in RET.
Helper class used to construct an OrderProperties object.
Responder that can respond from the Queued state.
Represents a set of fields relating to an order.
An OrderStrategy instance encapsulates the order strategy that the client wants to execute.
The factory that will be asked to create the OrderStrategy for the given trade.
This exception is deprecated and due for removal in a future release.
An OrderSubmissionListener instance will be notified of client events regarding the submission of new orders.
An OrderSubmissionListenerFactory instance is responsible for providing an OrderSubmissionListener whenever a Limit Order has been initiated from the client, of that specified OrderStrategy
An interface for validating a list of orders representing an order strategy.
An event to notify the client that the order submission has been received.
Responder that can respond from the Submitted state.
A SubscriptionRequestFactory which queries the UserManager to find the username for the subscription.
Used to create and customise an PricingAdapter.
This is the interface used to configure a PricingAdapter.
This class produces a PricingAdapterConfiguration which can be used to instantiate an PricingAdapter.
PricingDataProvider<T extends com.caplin.motif.fx.rates.RateSubjectInfo>
Invoked when the toolkit receives a quote from RET and requires an FX API quote.
An interface that is used to create RatesService objects.
RatesSubscription<T extends com.caplin.motif.fx.rates.RateSubjectInfo>
An event to notify the client that the request to refresh an existing order has been accepted successfully by the backend.
RETSubscriptionListener<T extends com.caplin.motif.fx.rates.RateSubjectInfo>
An implementation of CustomFieldValuesFactory that creates CustomFieldValues for a RFSTrade.
Receives events throughout the lifetime of an RFS trade.
RFSQuote<T extends com.caplin.motif.datasource.Message>
Value object containing both an FXQuote and a TrAPIQuote
Represents the state of an RFSTrade
A factory which creates RFSStateEvent objects.
Used to encapsulate additional properties of an RFS trade that can then be stored in the Taker Order Custom field in RET.
Entry point to the Blotter system.
Invoked when the toolkit receives a Sales Quote from RET and requires an FX API quote.
Utility methods for calculating rates for Sales quotes.
Invoked when the toolkit receives a Sales Swap Quote from RET and requires an FX API quote.
An event to notify the client that the request to save the modifications on an existing strategy has been completed successfully by the backend.
An event to notify the client that the edit order request has been saved, and that the session is closed.
An event to notify the backend that a save has been requested by the client.
A Responder for Edit Strategy, that can send messages from the Saving state.
Represents the Settlement Account as known to TrAPI
Represents a single order with no other related orders.
This class represents a Strategy which will consist of one or more orders.
This class provides a builder which is used to construct a strategy which consists or one or more orders and may be populated with fields.
Callback used for sending the details of a strategy back to the client in response to an strategy details request.
An interface for working with StrategyBuilders.
A StrategyDetailsRequestListener instance will be notified of incoming client requests for the details of previously submitted order strategies.
A StrategyDetailsRequestListenerFactory instance is responsible for providing a StrategyDetailsRequestListener whenever details of a previously submitted strategy are requested by a client.
StrategyEvent<T extends com.caplin.motif.UserTrade>
Creates the individual order components which make up a strategy.
Represents a set of fields relating to an order strategy.
The StrategyLockManager maintains a record of the locks held for strategies.
The strategy type representing the strategy of a limit order
An interface for mapping subjects.
Added to a mapped subject prefix
An interface that is used to create SubscriptionRequest objects.
Invoked when the toolkit receives a Swap Quote from RET and requires an FX API Swap Quote.
This has been deprecated in favor of DefaultBlotterCriteria which is able to support more complex LBN queries and the Historic Trade Search blotter
This has been deprecated in favor of the DefaultBlotterCriteriaFactory which is able to produce more complex LBN queries and supports the Historic Trade Search blotter
An OrderPermissionFactory that creates TakerNameOrderPermission.
An interface for updating order/trade fields for publication to a blotter.
A TradeBlotterItemFieldsUpdater that updates the trade status message for the blotter.
TradeTypeHandler<T extends com.caplin.motif.UserTrade>
Retrieved the connection pool key for a given trade.
An enumeration of the supported trade types in the API.
Initialises notification components.
An interface for querying user attributes.
Validates that the Strategy is in the list of valid clients.
An event to notify the client that the request to modify an existing order has been rejected on validation by the backend.