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Caplin.StreamLink.Alerts.ITrigger Interface Reference

A Trigger is an object associated with a particular RTTP subject that contains a condition (on the given subjects fields) that when met will trigger a notification message. More...


string Condition [get]
 Gets the condition that must be met for this trigger to fire a notification. More...
IDictionary< string, string > Parameters [get]
 Gets a map containing the trigger parameters. More...
Caplin.StreamLink.Alerts.TriggerState State [get]
 Gets the current state of the trigger. More...
string Subject [get]
 Gets the rttp subject associated with this trigger. More...
string TriggerId [get]
 Gets the unique id of the trigger. More...

Detailed Description

A Trigger is an object associated with a particular RTTP subject that contains a condition (on the given subjects fields) that when met will trigger a notification message.

Note: Different instances of this class are not equal and will need to be checked for equality manually if the need arises. Use the trigger ID to identify a trigger.

Property Documentation

string Caplin.StreamLink.Alerts.ITrigger.Condition

Gets the condition that must be met for this trigger to fire a notification.

  • The format of the condition is the same as that for record filters.
  • For more details on the format of the condition string, please see the StreamLink Overview document.
  • the trigger condition.
IDictionary<string,string> Caplin.StreamLink.Alerts.ITrigger.Parameters

Gets a map containing the trigger parameters.

  • a map containing the trigger parameters.
Caplin.StreamLink.Alerts.TriggerState Caplin.StreamLink.Alerts.ITrigger.State

Gets the current state of the trigger.

the triggers state.

string Caplin.StreamLink.Alerts.ITrigger.Subject

Gets the rttp subject associated with this trigger.

  • the rttp subject associated with this trigger.
string Caplin.StreamLink.Alerts.ITrigger.TriggerId

Gets the unique id of the trigger.

  • the unique id of the trigger.

Generated on Fri Jan 27 2023 15:51:34 for StreamLink.NET