Interface Logger

public interface Logger

Allows StreamLink log messages to be written to the destination of your choice.

You obtain an instance of caplin.streamlink.Logger by calling streamLinkInstance.getLogger() on the StreamLink instance.

StreamLinkJS only: When suitably configured (by adding ?debug=finer to your url), StreamLink's log messages are automatically written to a dedicated window (the StreamLink Console). You would normally only enable this facility for debug purposes. You can call the Logger.log() method to write your own log messages to the StreamLink Console.

You can use caplin.streamlink.Logger to write StreamLink's log messages to some other destination, such as a window that also contains log messages originating from your application. To do this, implement a LogListener that receives the StreamLink messages and logs them to the required destination. Then obtain an instance of Logger, and call addListener() to attach your Log Listener to this instance. For a code example showing this, see LogListener.

  • Method Details

    • log

      void log(LogLevel level, String message, Object... args)

      Sends a log message to all LogListener's that have been registered for this log level or above.

      The log() method allows inline replacement of arguments. The arguments to replace these placeholders are then passed in at the end.

      Example : logger.log(caplin.streamlink.LogLevel.Critical, "Error {0} has occurred with code {1}.", errorString, errorCode);

      level - The logging level that will be associated with the logged message.
      message - The message to log.
      args - Arguments included in the log message.
    • addListener

      void addListener(LogListener listener, LogLevel level)

      Adds a LogListener to this Logger. The listener is called whenever a StreamLink message with the defined LogLevel is to be logged.

      listener - The object that implements the LogListener Interface.
      level - The LogLevel of log messages for which the listener is to be called. Only messages at or above this log level will invoke this listener.
    • removeListener

      void removeListener(LogListener listener)

      Removes a LogListener that you previously added (see addListener).

      listener - The LogListener you added.