StreamLink for iOS
SLChannelListenerWrapper Class Reference

Defines a channel listener that wraps an SLChannelListener so that the callbacks are returned on the main GUI thread. More...

Inheritance diagram for SLChannelListenerWrapper:

Instance Methods

(id) - initWithSubscriptionListener:
 Creates an instance of SLChannelListenerWrapper that wraps the supplied SLChannelListener. More...

Class Methods

(SLChannelListenerWrapper *) + wrapListener:
 Convenience static method that wraps the supplied SLChannelListener. More...

Protected Attributes

id< SLChannelListener > wrappedListener

Detailed Description

Defines a channel listener that wraps an SLChannelListener so that the callbacks are returned on the main GUI thread.

You can pass an SLChannelListenerWrapper to [SLStreamLink createChannel] in place of an SLChannelListener. This allows you to update the GUI from within the wrapped SLChannelListener callback methods, without having to write boiler-plate code for accessing the GUI thread.

Method Documentation

- (id) initWithSubscriptionListener: (id< SLChannelListener >)  listener

Creates an instance of SLChannelListenerWrapper that wraps the supplied SLChannelListener.

listenerThe SLChannelListener to be wrapped. Once wrapped, all callbacks on this listener are on the main GUI thread.
+ (SLChannelListenerWrapper*) wrapListener: (id< SLChannelListener >)  listener

Convenience static method that wraps the supplied SLChannelListener.

listenerThe SLChannelListener to be wrapped. Once wrapped, all callbacks on this listener are on the main GUI thread.
A new SLChannelListenerWrapper instance.

Member Data Documentation

- (id< SLChannelListener >) wrappedListener

Generated on Thu Jun 27 2024 12:17:58 for StreamLink for iOS