StreamLink for iOS
SLConnectionListenerWrapper Class Reference

Defines a connection listener that wraps an SLConnectionListener so that the callbacks are returned on the main GUI thread. More...

Inheritance diagram for SLConnectionListenerWrapper:

Instance Methods

(id) - initWithConnectionListener:
 Creates an instance of an SLConnectionListenerWrapper that wraps the supplied SLConnectionListenerWrapper. More...

Class Methods

(SLConnectionListenerWrapper *) + wrapListener:
 Convenience static method that wraps the supplied SLConnectionListener. More...

Protected Attributes

id< SLConnectionListener > wrappedListener

Detailed Description

Defines a connection listener that wraps an SLConnectionListener so that the callbacks are returned on the main GUI thread.

You can pass an SLConnectionListenerWrapper to [SLStreamLink addconnectionListener] in place of an SLConnectionListener. This allows you to update the GUI from within the wrapped SLConnectionListener's callback methods, without having to write boiler-plate code for accessing the GUI thread.

See also

The following example shows how to create and use an SLConnectionListenerWrapper:

#import <StreamLink/StreamLink.h>
@interface ExampleUsingSLConnectionListenerWrapper : NSObject<SLConnectionListener> {
@implementation ExampleUsingSLConnectionListenerWrapper
// Create a streamlink instance that connects to the server "myliberator" with password credentials
id<SLStreamLink> streamLink = [SLStreamLinkFactory createStreamLinkWithConfiguration:@"https://myliberator" username:@"admin" password:@"admin"];
// Register ourselves as a connection listener wrapped in a SLConnectionListenerWrapper
// this will ensure that all connection callbacks will be handled on the main gui thread.
[streamLink addConnectionListener:[SLConnectionListenerWrapper wrapListener:self]];
// Connect to the server
[streamLink connect];
// This connection listener callback will be called on the main thread
// so it can directly update the gui.
-(void)connectionStatus:(id<SLConnectionStatusEvent>) connectionStatusEvent
NSLog(@"Connection status is now %@", connectionStatusEvent);

Method Documentation

- (id) initWithConnectionListener: (id< SLConnectionListener >)  listener

Creates an instance of an SLConnectionListenerWrapper that wraps the supplied SLConnectionListenerWrapper.

listenerThe SLConnectionListener to be wrapped. Once wrapped, all callbacks on this listener are on the main GUI thread.
A new SLConnectionListenerWrapper instance.
+ (SLConnectionListenerWrapper*) wrapListener: (id< SLConnectionListener >)  listener

Convenience static method that wraps the supplied SLConnectionListener.

listenerThe SLConnectionListener to be wrapped. Once wrapped, all callbacks on this listener are on the main GUI thread.
A new SLConnectionListenerWrapper instance.

Member Data Documentation

- (id< SLConnectionListener >) wrappedListener

Generated on Thu Jun 27 2024 12:17:58 for StreamLink for iOS