StreamLink for iOS
<SLJsonHandler> Protocol Reference

Handler for parsing and patching JSON objects. More...

Instance Methods

(NSObject *) - parse:
 Parses a JSON string into a platform specific representation. More...
(NSObject *) - patch:with:
 Patches a platform specific JSON representation with an RFC 6902 JSON patch string. More...

Detailed Description

Handler for parsing and patching JSON objects.

Method Documentation

- (NSObject *) parse: (NSString *)  jsonString

Parses a JSON string into a platform specific representation.

jsonStringthe string to parse
a platform specific representation of the JSON object
- (NSObject *) patch: (NSObject *)  existingObject
with: (NSString *)  jsonPatchString 

Patches a platform specific JSON representation with an RFC 6902 JSON patch string.

existingObjectthe platform specific JSON representation
jsonPatchStringthe json patch string in RFC 6902 format
a platform specific representation of the patched JSON object

Generated on Thu Jun 27 2024 12:17:58 for StreamLink for iOS