Transformer Pipeline Module API Reference
DataSource Field Querying


 dsfield.numbyname (var fieldname)
 Return the field number of this field. More...
 dsfield.namebynum (var fieldnumber)
 Return the field name of this field number. More...

Detailed Description

The field management API gives programmatic access to configured fields. A field can be referenced in a number of ways, these functions provide ways to access and map between them.

A field contains:

Function Documentation

dsfield.namebynum ( var  fieldnumber)

Return the field name of this field number.

fieldnumber- The field number
Return values
nil- if there is no mapping for this fieldnumber
dsfield.numbyname ( var  fieldname)

Return the field number of this field.

fieldname- The fieldname
Field number
Return values
nil- if the fieldname is not known

Generated on Sat Feb 25 2017 10:51:24 for Transformer Pipeline Module API Reference