new module:ct-grid /rowsource /Filter Row Source()
add Row Source Listener()
- See:
- module:ct-grid/rowsource/RowSource#addRowSourceListener
all Rows Removed()
- See:
- module:ct-grid/rowsource/RowSourceListener#allRowsRemoved
data Unavailable()
- See:
- module:ct-grid/rowsource/RowSourceListener#dataUnavailable
get All Rows() → {Array}
Get the list of filtered rows.
- See:
- module:ct-grid/rowsource/RowSource#getAllRows
Filtered array of row objects.
- Type
- Array
row Added()
- See:
- module:ct-grid/rowsource/RowSourceListener#rowAdded
row Moved()
- See:
- module:ct-grid/rowsource/RowSourceListener#rowMoved
row Removed()
- See:
- module:ct-grid/rowsource/RowSourceListener#rowRemoved
row Updated()
- See:
- module:ct-grid/rowsource/RowSourceListener#rowUpdated
structure Change Completed()
- See:
- module:ct-grid/rowsource/RowSourceListener#structureChangeCompleted