Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Container.IContainerMessage Interface Reference

An instance of IContainerMessage represents an update to a container. More...

Inheritance diagram for Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Container.IContainerMessage:

Public Member Functions

void AddElement (string subject)
 Adds an element with the given subject to the container. More...
void InsertElement (string subject, int position)
 Inserts an element with the given subject at the given position within the container. More...
void RemoveElement (string subject)
 Removes an element with the given subject from the container. More...
void RemoveElementsWithPrefix (string prefix)
 Adds an operation to remove all elements from the container that have a subject that matches the specified prefix. More...


bool DoNotAuthenticate [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether subscriptions to this IContainerMessage's constituents should be authenticated by an authentication module when the container is subscribed to. More...
IList< IContainerOperationOperations [get]
 Gets a list of container operations. More...
- Properties inherited from Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.IMessage
bool Image [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether this IMessage represents an image or an update. More...
string Subject [get]
 Gets the subject of this message. More...

Detailed Description

An instance of IContainerMessage represents an update to a container.

Member Function Documentation

void Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Container.IContainerMessage.AddElement ( string  subject)

Adds an element with the given subject to the container.

subjectThe subject of the element to add.

The element is added to the end of the container. For example, if there are three elements already in the container at positions 0, 1, and 2 respectively, adding a fourth element places it at position 3.

void Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Container.IContainerMessage.InsertElement ( string  subject,
int  position 

Inserts an element with the given subject at the given position within the container.

subjectThe subject of the element to be inserted.
positionThe position at which to insert the element. The first element in a container is at position 0.
void Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Container.IContainerMessage.RemoveElement ( string  subject)

Removes an element with the given subject from the container.

subjectThe subject of the element to be to removed.
void Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Container.IContainerMessage.RemoveElementsWithPrefix ( string  prefix)

Adds an operation to remove all elements from the container that have a subject that matches the specified prefix.

prefixThe prefix to match subjects for which elements are to be removed from the container.

Operations are processed in the order in which they are added to the container and this affects earlier operations. For example, assume that in the same message you:

  1. call AddElement() to add a container element with subject /A/1.
  2. call RemoveElementsWithPrefix with prefix /A.
  3. call AddElement() to add a container element with subject /A/2

When this sequence has been processed, the container only contains the element /A/2, because /A/1 was removed at step 2.

Property Documentation

bool Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Container.IContainerMessage.DoNotAuthenticate

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether subscriptions to this IContainerMessage's constituents should be authenticated by an authentication module when the container is subscribed to.

true if this IContainerMessage is a 'doNotAuthenticate' IContainerMessage false if it is not.

By default, a newly created IContainerMessage is set to not be a 'doNotAuthenticate' IContainerMessage.

IList<IContainerOperation> Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Container.IContainerMessage.Operations

Gets a list of container operations.

The operations.

Examples of container operations are: Add an element to the end of the container, insert an element at a given position in the container, remove an element from the container, remove elements from the container that have a subject matching a specified prefix.

The order of the operations is significant; they are processed in the order in which they were added to the container, and this affects earlier operations. For example, assume that in the same message you:

  1. call AddElement() to add a container element with subject /A/1.
  2. call RemoveElementsWithPRefix with prefix /A.
  3. call AddElement() to add a container element with subject /A/2

When this sequence has been processed, the container only contains the element /A/2, because /A/1 was removed at step 2.

Generated on Fri Feb 14 2020 17:46:10 for DataSource.NET