Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.IMessage Interface Reference

An IMessage represents a DataSource message containg an update to an existing subject or a complete image of it. More...

Inheritance diagram for Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.IMessage:
Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Container.IContainerMessage Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.JSON.IJsonMessage Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Mapping.IMappingMessage Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.News.INewsMessage Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Page.IPageMessage Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Permission.IPermissionMessage Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Record.IRecordMessage Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Story.IStoryMessage Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Wrapper.IWrapperMessage


bool Image [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether this IMessage represents an image or an update. More...
string Subject [get]
 Gets the subject of this message. More...

Detailed Description

An IMessage represents a DataSource message containg an update to an existing subject or a complete image of it.

An IMessage is the base interface for all messages generated by DataSource.NET regardless of the SubjectType. Therefore the base interface provides no functionality for altering the content of the message and the derived interfaces should be used:

Property Documentation

bool Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.IMessage.Image

Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether this IMessage represents an image or an update.

true if this message is an image of the object, false if it is an update to the existing state of the object.

By default, Image has a value of false indicating that the IMessage is an update and not an image.

The following example sends a Type 1 record image to all subscribed peers.

namespace DataSourceExamples.Messaging.Record
public class SendingARecordImage
void SendRecordImage(IPublisher publisher, string subject)
IRecordType1Message message = publisher.MessageFactory.CreateRecordType1Message(subject);
// Indicate that this is an image.
message.Image = true;
// Add an Ask field to the message.
message["Ask"] = "22.1";
// Send the message to subscribed peers.
string Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.IMessage.Subject

Gets the subject of this message.

The subject.

Generated on Fri Feb 14 2020 17:46:10 for DataSource.NET