All Classes and Interfaces

A single event acting on a SalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a BulkOrderSubmissionTrade.
A single event acting on a OrderSubmissionTrade.
A single event acting on a BulkOrderSubmissionTrade.
A single event acting on a OrderSubmissionTrade.
A single event acting on a SalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a AllocateTrade.
A single event acting on a AmendTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a MMPostTradeTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a AllocateTrade.
A single event acting on a AmendTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a MMPostTradeTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSCoreTrade.
An account the entity or user can trade against.
An instance of Account is instantiated with a single string containing the description and account name delimited by the | character.
The ActivationType determines how order should be activated.
The AlertType determines how the client should be alerted once the order has been filled.
A single event acting on a AllocateTrade.
A single AllocateTrade active in the system.
Used to receive TradeEvents from the system for Allocate trades.
Internal generated class.
Interface that you must implement to return a listener for trades of type Allocate.
Wrapper utility class for the Allocate model.
A single event acting on a PostTradeAllocationTrade.
Represents a settlement date option for a post-trade allocation.
Constants that may be used in the AllowedActions field.
A single AmendTrade active in the system.
A single event acting on a ValidateTrade.
Used to receive TradeEvents from the system for Amend trades.
Internal generated class.
Interface that you must implement to return a listener for trades of type Amend.
Wrapper utility class for the Amend model.
Application level configuration
The base responder for the EditStrategy responders.
The exception thrown when there is an error instantiating a BlockQuote
An enum that distinguishes between SPOT/FWD Swaps and FWD/FWD Swaps.
A BlockTrade is a domain object that represents a block trade.
An event to notify the client that the request to close the trade has been received by the backend.
The Responder for block trades that can send messages from the ClientCloseSent state.
An event to notify the client that the trade has been executed using the values on the the event.
A Responder for block trades that is able to send messages from the Executable state.
An event sent to the client to acknowledge that the submission to execute the trade has been received by the backend.
A Responder for block trades that can to send messages from the Submitted state.
An event received when the client has submitted a BlockTrade to be executed
A Responder for block trades that can to respond from the ExecuteSent
Base class for block trade objects within the FX Integration API.
An event to notify the client that the trade has expired
Base class for Responders that send the Expired message
An event to notify the client that a trade has been held by an auto trade or manual dealer.
Represents a trade within an Block Trade
Contains the details of a successfully executed leg in a Block Trade
A BlockTradeListener instance will be notified of incoming client events for Block Trading.
A BlockTradeListenerFactory instance is responsible for providing a BlockTradeListener whenever a Block Trade is initiated by the client.
The netinfo for a Block Trade containing the dealt amount and contra amount.
A Responder for block trades that can to send messages from the PickedUp state.
An event to notify the client that the trade is being processed by the backend.
Represents a Block Quote which is generally comprised of many legs.
A Responder for block trades that can send messages from the Queued state.
Base class for responding to quotes from block trade states that send quotes
An event to notify the client's request to initiate a block trade has been received by the backend.
An event received when the client initiates a block trade
The Responder for block trades that can send messages from the Submitted state.
An event to notify the client that the trade has been withdrawn.
BuilderMessage provide additional boolean flags to a field which must be set when setting the field, e.g.
A single event acting on a BulkOrderActionTrade.
A single event acting on a BulkOrderActionTrade.
A single event acting on a BulkOrderActionTrade.
A single BulkOrderActionTrade active in the system.
Used to receive TradeEvents from the system for BulkOrderAction trades.
Internal generated class.
Interface that you must implement to return a listener for trades of type BulkOrderAction.
Wrapper utility class for the BulkOrderAction model.
A single BulkOrderSubmissionTrade active in the system.
Used to receive TradeEvents from the system for BulkOrderSubmission trades.
Internal generated class.
Interface that you must implement to return a listener for trades of type BulkOrderSubmission.
Wrapper utility class for the BulkOrderSubmission model.
Represents either a BUY or SELL side of a trade.
Provides a Single-Request, Single-Discard DataSource API for a DataProvider and simplifies the Publisher API.
A DataProvider which receives a single CachedDataProvider.onRequest(SubjectInfo) and a single CachedDataProvider.onDiscard(SubjectInfo), even if requests are made from multiple peers.
Used for creating asynchronous calls that respond to calendar requests.
Modes for the CanAllocate field
A single event acting on a OrderCancelTrade.
A single event acting on a OrderCancelTrade.
A TenorDateRequestListener provides an interface to a calendar service which can provide tenor dates for the frontend.
A single event acting on a OrderCancelTrade.
A single event acting on a OrderCancelTrade.
A single CancelTrade active in the system.
A single event acting on a OrderCancelTrade.
Used to receive TradeEvents from the system for Cancel trades.
Internal generated class.
Interface that you must implement to return a listener for trades of type Cancel.
Wrapper utility class for the Cancel model.
A single event acting on a BulkOrderActionTrade.
A single event acting on a OrderChangeStateTrade.
Gets or Sets CautionMessageType
A single event acting on a OrderChangeStateTrade.
A single event acting on a OrderChangeStateTrade.
A single event acting on a OrderChangeStateTrade.
A single event acting on a OrderChangeStateTrade.
A single event acting on a OrderChangeStateTrade.
The ChildRelationshipType determines how order should be linked.
A single event acting on a CancelTrade.
An event to notify the client that the request to finish editing of the strategy has been acknowledged by the backend.
A single event acting on a EditStrategyTrade.
A single event acting on a PostTradeAllocationTrade.
A single event acting on a AllocateTrade.
A single event acting on a AmendTrade.
A single event acting on a DrawdownTrade.
A single event acting on a ESPTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a ValidateTrade.
A single event acting on a MMCapitalIncreaseTrade.
A single event acting on a MMPostTradeTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSCoreTrade.
An ClientCloseEvent, received when the client has submitted an a request to finish editing of an order
A Responder for Edit Strategy, that can send messages from the ClientCloseSent state.
A single event acting on a EditStrategyTrade.
A single event acting on a PostTradeAllocationTrade.
A single event acting on a AllocateTrade.
A single event acting on a AmendTrade.
A single event acting on a CancelTrade.
A single event acting on a DrawdownTrade.
A single event acting on a ESPTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a ValidateTrade.
A single event acting on a MMCapitalIncreaseTrade.
A single event acting on a MMPostTradeTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a CancelTrade.
A single event acting on a SalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a MMSalesInterventionTrade.
Commodities functionality configuration
Describes any feature config related to commodities.
Commodities features that are available to the user
A single CommoditiesSettlementTrade active in the system.
Used to receive TradeEvents from the system for CommoditiesSettlement trades.
Internal generated class.
Interface that you must implement to return a listener for trades of type CommoditiesSettlement.
Wrapper utility class for the CommoditiesSettlement model.
Represents the execution type of a Commodities trade.
A single event acting on a CommoditiesSettlementTrade.
A single event acting on a DrawdownTrade.
A single event acting on a SettlementTrade.
A single event acting on a SettlementInstructionTrade.
A single event acting on a MMSettlementTrade.
A single event acting on a CancelTrade.
Static builder methods to build standard DisplayField items
Static builder methods to build standard DisplayField items
Static builder methods to build standard Tables
Static builder methods to build standard Tables
Static builder methods to build standard Tables
Static builder methods to build a standard Tag item
A single event acting on a OrderDeletionTrade.
A single event acting on a OrderDeletionTrade.
A single event acting on a OrderDeletionTrade.
A single event acting on a OrderDeletionTrade.
The default deliverable type selected when launching a new ticket or tile.
A single event acting on a AllocateTrade.
A single event acting on a AmendTrade.
A single event acting on a DrawdownTrade.
A single event acting on a MMCapitalIncreaseTrade.
A single event acting on a MMPostTradeTrade.
A single event acting on a CancelTrade.
A single event acting on a AllocateTrade.
A single event acting on a AmendTrade.
A single event acting on a DrawdownTrade.
A single event acting on a MMCapitalIncreaseTrade.
A single event acting on a MMPostTradeTrade.
Type of the value.
A single DrawdownTrade active in the system.
Used to receive TradeEvents from the system for Drawdown trades.
Internal generated class.
Interface that you must implement to return a listener for trades of type Drawdown.
Wrapper utility class for the Drawdown model.
A Responder for Edit Strategy, that can send message from the Editable state.
An event to notify the client that the request to edit an existing order has been successfully accepted by the backend.
A single event acting on a EditStrategyTrade.
An event to notify the client that the request to edit the strategy has been acknowledged by the backend.
A single event acting on a EditStrategyTrade.
An EditOpenEvent, received when the client has submitted an a request for an Edit order
A Responder for the Edit Strategy, that can send message from the EditOpenSent state.
A single event acting on a EditStrategyTrade.
A Responder for Edit Strategy, that can send messages from the EditPending state.
A EditStrategyListener instance will be notified of incoming client events for editing the strategy.
An EditStrategyListenerFactory instance is responsible for providing an EditStrategyListener whenever an Edit Strategy request has been initiated from the client.
An EditStrategyRequest is a domain object that represents a front end request to edit a previously submitted single order or multi-order strategy.
A single EditStrategyTrade active in the system.
Used to receive TradeEvents from the system for EditStrategy trades.
Internal generated class.
Interface that you must implement to return a listener for trades of type EditStrategy.
Wrapper utility class for the EditStrategy model.
An event that is sent once an error has occurred; which the frontend should be notified about.
A single event acting on a BulkOrderActionTrade.
A single event acting on a BulkOrderSubmissionTrade.
A single event acting on a EditStrategyTrade.
A single event acting on a OrderCancelTrade.
A single event acting on a OrderChangeStateTrade.
A single event acting on a OrderDeletionTrade.
A single event acting on a OrderSubmissionTrade.
A single event acting on a PostTradeAllocationTrade.
A single event acting on a AllocateTrade.
A single event acting on a AmendTrade.
A single event acting on a CancelTrade.
A single event acting on a CommoditiesSettlementTrade.
A single event acting on a DrawdownTrade.
A single event acting on a ESPTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a SalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a SettlementTrade.
A single event acting on a SettlementInstructionTrade.
A single event acting on a ValidateTrade.
A single event acting on a MMCapitalIncreaseTrade.
A single event acting on a MMPostTradeTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a MMSalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a MMSettlementTrade.
An ESPQuote contains all values required for sending Streaming Prices.
A single ESPTrade active in the system.
Used to receive TradeEvents from the system for ESP trades.
Internal generated class.
Interface that you must implement to return a listener for trades of type ESP.
Wrapper utility class for the ESP model.
Gets or Sets ESPTradeTypes
A single event acting on a AllocateTrade.
A single event acting on a AmendTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a MMPostTradeTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a AllocateTrade.
A single event acting on a AmendTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a MMPostTradeTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSCoreTrade.
The ExecutionType determines how order should be executed.
The ExpirationType determines how order should be expired.
A single event acting on a AllocateTrade.
A single event acting on a AmendTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a MMPostTradeTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSCoreTrade.
The enum used to describe the type of failure that has occurred when the client has made a save request that has failed.
Gets or Sets FieldType
FX functionality configuration
FX functionality configuration
An adapter that will provide calendar information to the frontend via your implementations of SettlementDateRequestListener and TenorDateRequestListener.
This object may be requested directly by Pro for the logged in user, or by Sales when a Sales User selects a User to trade on behalf of.
These overrides will take precedence over the feature configuration for the specified currency.
These overrides will take precedence over the feature configuration for the specified currency pair.
Defines configuration for allowed actions on the ESP Trading protocol
Gets or Sets submitActions
Foreign exchange features that are available to the user
Features that are available to the sales user
Defines all configurations required for charts.
Defines all configurations required for coverTrade.
Defines all configuration required for trader intervention.
Defines all configuration required for order strategies.
Defines all configurations required for post-trade allocation.
Sales level post-trade allocation.
Defines all configurations required for settlement instructions.
Defines all configurations required for watch lists.
Prefer to use FXOrderAdapter
Constants representing the type of order trades available in the Motif.
An FXRatesAdapter services rate streaming for ESP, SPOT, FORWARD and SWAP rates.
Base class for FX Related responders that wish to send error and reject events
Defines the configuration for allowed actions on RFS Trading procotols.
This object may only be requested by Sales for the logged in user.
An FXTradeAdapter services trading capabilities for the Executable Streaming Price (ESP), Request For Stream (RFS) and Block Trade (BLOCK) protocols.
Constants representing the type of trades available in the Motif.
Represents the execution type of a trade.
Each of the notification types.
SNAPSHOT: Every search will request a new Container.
A single event acting on a SalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a MMSalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a PostTradeAllocationTrade.
A single event acting on a AllocateTrade.
A single event acting on a AmendTrade.
A single event acting on a ESPTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a SalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a MMPostTradeTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a MMSalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a MMCapitalIncreaseTrade.
Constants for the valid values for InterventionTradingType field.
The LegType denotes the set of enums that represent the type of leg types available in the Motif.
Class representation of the fields parsed from a Maturity Dates Subject.
Class representation of the fields parsed from a Maturity Tenor Dates Subject.
Money Markets functionality configuration
Money markets functionality configuration
Register Dates Providers with this adapter to publish the dates they provide to the clients that request them.
A single MMCapitalIncreaseTrade active in the system.
Used to receive TradeEvents from the system for MMCapitalIncrease trades.
Internal generated class.
Interface that you must implement to return a listener for trades of type MMCapitalIncrease.
Wrapper utility class for the MMCapitalIncrease model.
This object may be requested directly by Pro for the logged in user, or by Sales when a Sales User selects a User to trade on behalf of.
Static builder methods to build standard Tables
Money markets features that are available to the user
Features that are available to the sales user
Defines all configuration required for trader intervention.
Defines all configurations required for settlement instructions.
A single MMPostTradeTrade active in the system.
Used to receive TradeEvents from the system for MMPostTrade trades.
Internal generated class.
Interface that you must implement to return a listener for trades of type MMPostTrade.
Wrapper utility class for the MMPostTrade model.
Represents the type of MM post trade.
An MMRatesAdapter services rate streaming for ESP rates.
A single MMRFSCoreTrade active in the system.
A single MMRFSTrade active in the system.
Used to receive TradeEvents from the system for MMRFS trades.
Internal generated class.
Interface that you must implement to return a listener for trades of type MMRFS.
Wrapper utility class for the MMRFS model.
This object may only be requested by Sales for the logged in user.
A single MMSalesInterventionTrade active in the system.
Used to receive TradeEvents from the system for MMSalesIntervention trades.
Internal generated class.
Interface that you must implement to return a listener for trades of type MMSalesIntervention.
Wrapper utility class for the MMSalesIntervention model.
A single MMSettlementTrade active in the system.
Used to receive TradeEvents from the system for MMSettlement trades.
Internal generated class.
Interface that you must implement to return a listener for trades of type MMSettlement.
Wrapper utility class for the MMSettlement model.
Represents the execution type of a MM trade.
Gets or Sets MoneyMarketFrequencyType
Gets or Sets MoneyMarketType
The State determines how the state the order should be in.
Notification token representing a header or a message.
Type of the value.
These are translation tokens that will be used in the Front End for internationalisation
Publishes objects by serialising before sending on the wire.
Gets or Sets oneWayDirectionLimitType
A single OrderCancelTrade active in the system.
Used to receive TradeEvents from the system for OrderCancel trades.
Internal generated class.
Interface that you must implement to return a listener for trades of type OrderCancel.
Wrapper utility class for the OrderCancel model.
A single OrderChangeStateTrade active in the system.
Used to receive TradeEvents from the system for OrderChangeState trades.
Internal generated class.
Interface that you must implement to return a listener for trades of type OrderChangeState.
Wrapper utility class for the OrderChangeState model.
A single OrderDeletionTrade active in the system.
Used to receive TradeEvents from the system for OrderDeletion trades.
Internal generated class.
Interface that you must implement to return a listener for trades of type OrderDeletion.
Wrapper utility class for the OrderDeletion model.
A single OrderSubmissionTrade active in the system.
Used to receive TradeEvents from the system for OrderSubmission trades.
Internal generated class.
Interface that you must implement to return a listener for trades of type OrderSubmission.
Wrapper utility class for the OrderSubmission model.
Gets or Sets OrderType
The PartnerRelationshipType determines how order should be linked.
A single event acting on a SalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a MMSalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a SalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a MMSalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a PostTradeAllocationTrade.
A single event acting on a AllocateTrade.
A single event acting on a AmendTrade.
A single event acting on a ESPTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a SalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a MMPostTradeTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a MMSalesInterventionTrade.
A single PostTradeAllocationTrade active in the system.
Used to receive TradeEvents from the system for PostTradeAllocation trades.
Internal generated class.
Interface that you must implement to return a listener for trades of type PostTradeAllocation.
Wrapper utility class for the PostTradeAllocation model.
Use PostTradeType instead.
Represents the post-trade action that created a trade.
A single event acting on a SalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a MMSalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a AllocateTrade.
A single event acting on a AmendTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a SalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a MMPostTradeTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a MMSalesInterventionTrade.
The pricing side as requested by the frontend.
FX Professional
A single event acting on a CancelTrade.
A single event acting on a SalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a MMSalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a SalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a MMSalesInterventionTrade.
An event to notify the client that the request to refresh an existing order has been accepted successfully by the backend.
A single event acting on a EditStrategyTrade.
A single event acting on a SalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a MMSalesInterventionTrade.
An event that denotes that the trade has been rejected.
A single event acting on a PostTradeAllocationTrade.
A single event acting on a AllocateTrade.
A single event acting on a AmendTrade.
A single event acting on a CancelTrade.
A single event acting on a DrawdownTrade.
A single event acting on a ESPTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a SalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a MMCapitalIncreaseTrade.
A single event acting on a MMPostTradeTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a MMSalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a AllocateTrade.
A single event acting on a AmendTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a MMPostTradeTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a CancelTrade.
A single event acting on a CommoditiesSettlementTrade.
A single event acting on a SettlementTrade.
A single event acting on a SettlementInstructionTrade.
A single event acting on a MMSettlementTrade.
A Responder allows for messages to be sent to the frontend.
An event that will be sent from a particular Responder.
A single event acting on a AllocateTrade.
A single event acting on a AmendTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a MMPostTradeTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSCoreTrade.
A single RFSCoreTrade active in the system.
A single RFSTrade active in the system.
Used to receive TradeEvents from the system for RFS trades.
Internal generated class.
Interface that you must implement to return a listener for trades of type RFS.
Wrapper utility class for the RFS model.
Gets or Sets RFSTradeTypes
A single event acting on a AmendTrade.
This object may only be requested by Sales for the logged in user.
Sales level user search
A single SalesInterventionTrade active in the system.
Used to receive TradeEvents from the system for SalesIntervention trades.
Internal generated class.
Interface that you must implement to return a listener for trades of type SalesIntervention.
Wrapper utility class for the SalesIntervention model.
An event to notify the client that the request to save the modifications on an existing strategy has been completed successfully by the backend.
A single event acting on a EditStrategyTrade.
An event to notify the client that the edit order request has been saved, and that the session is closed.
A single event acting on a EditStrategyTrade.
An event to notify the backend that a save has been requested by the client.
A single event acting on a EditStrategyTrade.
A Responder for Edit Strategy, that can send messages from the Saving state.
This class provides an empty implementation of SearchCriteriaListener, which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
This class provides an empty implementation of SearchCriteriaVisitor, which can be extended to create a visitor which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by SearchCriteriaParser.
This interface defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced by SearchCriteriaParser.
An action to be applied to a trade.
A post trade action to be applied to a Money Markets trade.
A SettlementDateRequestListener provides an interface to a calendar service which can provide settlement dates for the frontend.
A class representing the fields parsed from a settlement date subject.
The status of an actual settlement instructions.
A single SettlementInstructionTrade active in the system.
Used to receive TradeEvents from the system for SettlementInstruction trades.
Internal generated class.
Interface that you must implement to return a listener for trades of type SettlementInstruction.
Wrapper utility class for the SettlementInstruction model.
Different types of settlement instruction.
The settlement status of a trade.
A single SettlementTrade active in the system.
Used to receive TradeEvents from the system for Settlement trades.
Internal generated class.
Interface that you must implement to return a listener for trades of type Settlement.
Wrapper utility class for the Settlement model.
Different types of settlement.
Publishes single value messages of a given type.
Class representation of the fields parsed from an Start Dates Subject.
Class representation of the fields parsed from an Start Dates Subject.
Supported values for the Status field on Execution/Historic blotters
Determines whether streamed rates or manually determined rates are used.
Provides an object representation of a subject request.
A SubjectParser validates and parses subject requests into Domain objects; these objects provide methods which return the information contained in the request.
An exception that is thrown when a SubjectParser encounters a format issue with a subject.
A single event acting on a BulkOrderSubmissionTrade.
A single event acting on a OrderSubmissionTrade.
A single event acting on a PostTradeAllocationTrade.
A single event acting on a AllocateTrade.
A single event acting on a AmendTrade.
A single event acting on a CancelTrade.
A single event acting on a ESPTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a MMPostTradeTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a BulkOrderSubmissionTrade.
A single event acting on a OrderSubmissionTrade.
A single event acting on a PostTradeAllocationTrade.
A single event acting on a AllocateTrade.
A single event acting on a AmendTrade.
A single event acting on a CancelTrade.
A single event acting on a DrawdownTrade.
A single event acting on a ESPTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSTrade.
A single event acting on a ValidateTrade.
A single event acting on a MMCapitalIncreaseTrade.
A single event acting on a MMPostTradeTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSTrade.
A class representing tenors, such as SPOT, 1D (one day after SPOT), 1M (one month after SPOT) etc.
A TenorDateRequestListener provides an interface to a calendar service which can provide tenor dates for the frontend.
A class representing the fields parsed from a tenor date subject.
Interface for a thread mode.
Will provide each trade a unique executor.
Will provide each trade an executor which will be shared by many trades.
Constructs a TOBOEntityAdapter to handle requests for the TOBO Entity subjects.
Determines the method by which available entities are requested
Util to retrieve values from a given subject defined by the namespace and tokens that the namespace.
A Trade adapter allows for listeners to listen and receive events when a trade has been initiated for a particular trade protocol.
A Trade adapter allows for listeners to listen and receive events when a trade has been initiated for a particular trade protocol.
A single event acting on a AllocateTrade.
A single event acting on a AmendTrade.
A single event acting on a ESPTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a MMPostTradeTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a SalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a MMSalesInterventionTrade.
An interface for validating a trade submission
Additional information about the user that is for display only and does not directly impact feature availability.
This enum defines the default setting for a user's classification.
Class representation of the fields parsed from a User Maturity Dates Subject.
Class representation of the fields parsed from a User Maturity Tenor Dates Subject.
Implementers of UserSessionListener will be notified when a user has created a trade channel with a particular TradeAdapter.
Class representation of the fields parsed from a User Start Dates Subject.
Class representation of the fields parsed from a User Start Tenor Dates Subject.
A single UserTrade active in the system.
A single ValidateTrade active in the system.
Used to receive TradeEvents from the system for Validate trades.
Internal generated class.
Interface that you must implement to return a listener for trades of type Validate.
Wrapper utility class for the Validate model.
An event to notify the client that the request to modify an existing order has been rejected on validation by the backend.
A single event acting on a EditStrategyTrade.
The Exception to be thrown if the submitted trade is invalid
A single event acting on a ValidateTrade.
A single event acting on a AllocateTrade.
A single event acting on a AmendTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a MMPostTradeTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSCoreTrade.
The WarningType determines the type of warning to be shown by the client.
A single event acting on a SalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a MMSalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a AllocateTrade.
A single event acting on a AmendTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSTrade.
A single event acting on a RFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a SalesInterventionTrade.
A single event acting on a MMPostTradeTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSTrade.
A single event acting on a MMRFSCoreTrade.
A single event acting on a MMSalesInterventionTrade.