Latency chains configuration

These DataSource configuration items allow the latency of data updates through the system to be monitored.

For more about how to use the configuration items on this page, see How can I …​ Record latency in record updates.


latency-chain-enable turns on latency chaining when set to TRUE.

Use in: C, Java

Syntax: latency-chain-enable <boolean>

Type: boolean

Default value: FALSE (Latency chaining is not turned on)


latency-chain-init-ts-field specifies the name of the latency chain’s initial timestamp field.

Use in: C, Java

Syntax: latency-chain-init-ts-field <name-of-initial-timestamp-field>

Type: string

Default value: LTY_INIT_TS


latency-chain-list-event-field specifies the name of the latency chain’s event list field.

Use in: C, Java

Syntax: latency-chain-list-event-field <name-of-event-list-field>

Type: string

Default value: LTY_LIST_EVENT


latency-chain-list-ts-field specifies the name of the latency chain’s delta timestamp list field.

Use in: C, Java

Syntax: latency-chain-list-ts-field <name-of-delta-timestamp-list-field>

Type: string

Default value: LTY_LIST_TS


latency-chain-name specifies this DataSource application’s name for the latency chain. The name can contain the parameter %a, which is replaced at run time by the DataSource application-name.

Use in: C, Java

Syntax: latency-chain-name <name>

Type: string

Default value: %a

See also: